"Huh…huh…who is it?" a sleepy raimundo questioned.

Kimiko grabbed a pale of ice-cold water and poured it directly over raimundo's head.

"What's that for!" sputtered a wet rai.

"I said wake up!" she has her mysterious grin that made rai go crazy.

"Ok ok ok now can u get outa my room so I can change, or would u like a strip tease?

Rai said with a wicked grin.


"Come on you know u want it!"

"Ew no way!"

"Awww…you just ruined our moment!"

"What moment?"

He shrugged and started taking off his wet shirt and grabbed for a new one.

Kimiko couldn't help but realize how sexy he looked bare chest.

Every singe muscle was shown on his chest.

"OH MY GOSH! Rai you never told me you had such sexy abs! He he"

"Get out of my room! Freak!"

Kimiko shrugged and strode out of his tiny pathetic space he called a room.

Making sure she shook her ass every other step to get his attention.


Was all he could say.

Kimiko ran to the meditation temple where the monks were supposed to meet.

"Good morning young ones today's lesson is canceled. It is such a beautiful day that I think you should enjoy it. You have been working so hard I'm very proud.

"Oh but master Fung I think you must reconsider we have never had such a day where we never practiced we would be confused on what to do?" omi said.

"Master Fung im sorry that im late I had a rude awakening." Raimundo ran into the room glaring at kimiko.

"No need to say sorry young monk I was just informing the others that we have a free day so you may be off." Master Fung announced.

The four monks stalked out of the meditation room toward their next adventure.

"Hey Kim you want to play soccer?"

"No me and Kim were going to go and meditate!"

"No I thought me and her were going to go to my home town in Texas and ride some horses."

Kimiko was confused…she never made any plans with any of them to do anything. She was thinking on calling Keiko or searching the web.

"Uhhh…kimiko you forgot something in my room…come on" raimundo yelled from his room.

She turned around and started walking toward raimundo's room.

She opened the door and stepped inside.

"Rai?" she looked around the empty room

"Whatever…"she started walking out of his room.

But all of a sudden two warm rough hands grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up closed.

"HEY!" she tried to yell but was muffled by the hands.

She turned around and found raimundo staring at her.

Oh my gosh he is so cute what am I saying he is so damn fine!

What the hell. This is raimundo im talking about! Oh my gosh he doesn't have a shirt on.

Raimundo grabbed kimiko's head and pulled it forward. There lips connected immediately. Wow he is a good kisser! Kimiko broke away and took a deep breath.


He leaned in for another kiss. "Rai" kimiko breathed.

"Shhhh…"he leaned in for one last kiss. Kimiko opened her mouth slightly letting raimundo's tongue slip into her mouth. There tongues played for a while until Rai broke apart. Kimiko opened her eyes but raimundo was nowhere found. She closed her eyes once more imagining that one perfect moment.

All of a sudden her eyes jerked open by a knocking on the door.

"Kimi wake up!" huh she thought for a moment looking around the room.

She was in her room and on her bed. Her bedroom door creaked open a raimundo's head popped inside. "Kim are you alright you look like you've seen a ghost." Raimundo commented.

"Yeah I'm fine." She looked at here alarm clock."5 am…"she whispered…

"What was that?"

"N-n-nothing" kimiko yawned and shoved raimundo out of her room.

"Whoa that was weird…"

She got dressed and headed toward the meditation room.

"Kimiko why may I ask why are you late, this is the third time in a row you have been late in the past week may I ask if there is anything bothering you?" master fung questioned.

"No master I am just sl-sl-sleepy" she yawned out, collapsing on the ground snoring.

"Raimundo if you would kindly bring kimiko to her room and report back.

"Yes master." Raimundo grabbed kimiko and picked her up bridal style apparently trying not to hurt her.

She looks so peaceful. And beautiful. Gosh if she only knew how I felt.

He arrived at her room in ten minutes flat. He kicked open the door and set her on her mat. He walked around her room inspecting every little molecule.

Wow what a neat freak everything is perfect.

He continued his inspection for another minute or two and then proceeded for the door when something pink and vibrant caught his eye. In permanent marker was KIMIKO'S DIARY KEEP OUT FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!

Rai couldn't help himself he tiptoed to the notebook and skipped a few pages.

Nothing unusual until he found his name neatly printed on one of the pages, well not his name but his last name. This particular page was kimiko's favorite. It read out.

Mrs. Kimiko Pedrosa kimiko pedrosa k.p K.P…

Raimundo couldn't believe his eyes No way…no way did kimiko share the same feelings for him. He skipped a few pages until he found his name again.

In this page it had an actual bulletin…

Dear diary,

It's my first day here at the temple. Clay just arrived. Clay came all the way from Texas he uses some strange metaphors. Apparently Omi has lived here all his life. He is really bald I don't want to sound mean but like wow. I hope a girl comes I don't want to be the only one here…but oh well not like I can change that. Oh wait someone is at the door probably the last one of us. Wait im going to go check be back in like a minute or two.

Back! OH MY GOSH! The new person here is sadly a guy so there's three guys and only one girl, me. Tear he he. Yeah but I answered the door to the temple for the last guy and OH MY GOSH he is like so HOTT, he has brown hair and green eyes there so mystic and he has a really smooth stomach I could tell by just looking at it…hmmm wonder how it feels? … Drool he he. And his voice oh my gosh don't get me started on his voice he is so charming I almost fainted when he talked to me and get this he only said two words and he had that affect…"sup sweetie" and I know im only 16 and well so is he but I feel like im in love. Well I have to go. Master fung this really weird old guy that likes to teach us lessons and has like one million to teach us (omg no way) well anyways he wants us to meet him in this meditation room so yeah gunna go.

Love Always,

No way. Kimiko sounded in love with me. Was all raimundo could think. All of a sudden a yawn and shuffle was heard on the mat where Kim slept. He crept out of her room and checks the time on the nearby wall. 5:59 am…he put kimiko in bed like twenty minutes ago. He panicked and started to run back to the meditation temple. Arriving there in ten minutes he stared his apology.

"Sorrymasterfungiwassidetrackedandlostthetimeipromiseitwonthappenagain!" Raimundo took a deep breath. But he and master fung were the only ones in the room.

"Raimundo please sit down." Master fung announced pointing at the mat beside him.

"Okay…im sorry master"

"Quite alright young monk it happens all the time."

They talked for a good half hour, before Master fung finished there little discussion with one last comment that lifted his spirits.

"Raimundo I told the others that you guys have the rest of the day off. You are free to go out or stay in your choice."

Raimundo turned around and walked toward his bedroom. He check his watch and noticed that it was only seven in the morning so he crept back into kimiko's room and grabbed her laptop. He brought it back to his room and went on the Internet. Nothing really interesting at the movies so he closed the laptop and got up. He stretched his legs for about five minutes and grabbed the laptop. He slightly nudged the door and stepped inside.

"RAIMUNDO!" kimiko was naked changing into her robes. Apparently wide-awake now.

"Sorry Kim…uhhh I was just bringing back your laptop. I wanted to check for any movies." His eyes were closed as he backed out of the room. Suddenly two soft hands grabbed his shoulders and brought him inside. His eyes still closed, he felt something brush against his lips. Suddenly pair of lips was connected to his. He opened his eyes and saw kimiko kissing him.

Oh god she's kissing me…why im nothing to her. Oh god she's going to think I don't like her if I just stand here kiss her back you fool!

He noticed she opened her mouth and he took that chance to respond by sticking his tongue into her mouth. She giggled and stepped back. His eyes closed again.


"Ummm rai you can open you eyes now."

He shook his head violently.


He slowly opened his eyes to find an angel standing right in front of him.

"What was t-t-that for?" he asked breathless.

"Fun." Was her only explanation.

"I like fun…really I do…"

"…" Giggles

He was pulled into another breath-taking kiss and was let go.

"Come on were already late for practice!"

"Oh Kim practice is canceled…"

"So that means we have time to do anything?"

"Mmmhhhmmm" raimundo said while he was kissing kimiko's neck, which made her giggle.

"So uh what does this mean?" raimundo questioned.

"This means your taking me to a movie and dinner tonight!" kimiko said as a matter oh factly.