Another slap across the face slammed a teenage Neko-jin across the room into the wall. This was usual for one of his beatings. His grandfather would do this before he went back with the Blade Breakers. He felt it was a sure way to make sure that Rei would behave himself while away with his friends and also that he wouldn't do anything to bring shame to his village. Of course his friends didn't know about his beatings. Especially his team captain, Rei had a feeling that he would flip that one of his bladers were being beaten.
"You may leave now Rei, this is just a mere shadow of what I will do if you do anything to shame our village. Understand?" Rei nodded as best he could while still backed into the wall.
"Good." He spat and left the room.
When he opened the door, the blinding light from the out doors caused Rei to cover his eyes. The door shut and the room returned to the next to pitch black it had been.
"I better go clean up. I have a plane to catch tomorrow."
He tried to get up, but failed horribly due to a piercing pain in his left arm. He hissed in his attempt to not catch the attention of anyone outside, when the door opened again and a bright light filled the room. It shut again and shuffling was heard.
"Rei-Rei?" the voice called out quietly.
"Help me up Mao." She came over and went to grab his left arm when he grabbed her.
"I think that arm is broken Mao,"
She nodded and began to help him up with his other arm.
"Damn, how am I going to explain this to the guys?" He asked once they had gotten back to the White Tigers house.
"We'll think of something Rei-Rei, we always do." Rei nodded.
The Next Day in Japan
"Hey ya buddy!"
Rei turned his attention to the 5 teens running to him.
"Hey Takao, Max, Tala, Bryan, Kai!" 'I hope they don't ask questions…'
"Wow! Hey buddy, what happened to your arm?"
'What god hates me?'
"Training injury, I fell off a cliff." Takao and Max recoiled.
"Ow… Yo dude how did you do that?"
He looked between the blonde and Bluenette to the three Russians in the back whom didn't seem to believe him.
"We were fooling around in our training and I fell off a low cliff."
The two in front seemed happy with the answer. The Russians however…
The three Russians turned to each other and exchanged unbelieving looks.
They all headed to the exit of the Airport.
Rei was falling behind hugging his arm with the Russians right behind. After a look from Yuriy, Kai ran up to the boy and put a strong hand on his shoulder.
"Huh? Oh! Kai, what did you…?"
"You're lying Rei. What happened?" Rei frowned.
"I told you Kai. I fell off a cliff."
"You fell off a cliff my -ass- Rei. I've fallen off a cliff and I've -never- broken my arm from it, besides that, why is it your right leg that's limping if you -fell- on your left side."
"He's right you know Rei." Yuriy stated
Rei bit his lip.
"I fell off a cliff Kai, now come on, the others are leaving us behind."
Rei nudged out of his grip and ran up to the others.
Kai growled. "Why the hell must he be so stubborn!"
"He's hiding something Kai. Maybe he's protecting someone…"
The other two Russians looked to the source of the voice before they started walking again.
"What do you mean Boris?" Yuriy asked.
"The way he's safe guarding himself. It seems almost like he's hiding, like we used to do…"
"Maybe… But who would it?" Yuriy asked in thought.
"Hurry up you guys! I'm hungry!" The Russians growled at Takao before quickening their pace slightly.
/If we asked, would he answer us/ Yuriy asked in Russian before getting into the car.
/He'd answer, just not the answer we want./
Yuriy sighed before stealing a glance at Rei, who luckily didn't see him.
/Why must he be so stubborn? We're on to him so why doesn't he give in/ Boris asked. The others who understood him shrugged.
Later After Supper
Rei sighed and picked up some dishes before heading back to the kitchen. "Stupid Takao eating so much… Ditzy air head breaking so many damn dishes…" Rei muttered to himself much to the three Russians (that he didn't know were there) amusement.
Yuriy walked over and began helping Rei with the dishes.
"Want some help kitten?"
He sighed
"If you're offering…"
The other Russians also began helping with the dishes.
/Do we ask him now… or Kai ask him later…/ Boris asked.
Yuriy looked to Kai.
Rei raised his eyebrows. : They're talking about me… I know it…