What Hurts the Most
Hey! This fanfic takes place it their 6th year, but it's not like how the book was. I changed it up a lot. And yes, the title is also the name of a Rascal Flatts song. (You'll see that coming into the story later) This is my first Harry fanfic, so be nice! PLEASE REVIEW! Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter…I do own this story.
Ch 1: The First Snow
Harry, Ron, and Hermione ran to meet each other in the Gryffindor Common Room one late afternoon during Christmas Vacation.
"It's the first snow of the year!" Hermione sighed happily. She couldn't believe how beautiful it was. All of the trees came together under the sun, which was layering the snow with what looked like glistening diamonds. It seemed almost perfect to her.
In her 6th year, she was sure that she would have no problem with her schoolwork. Hogwarts, her home for the last 5 years, wouldn't be a part of her life after only 2 more years. She decided her friends were what was most important to her during her last years here, and so far it was going fine.
Her cheeks flushed red when she felt two hands come around her back. One big warm hand was placed her waist protectively, yet slightly awkwardly. Another different cold, yet scrawny hand flopped casually, yet carelessly around her bare neck.
Hermione swallowed hard. 'Harry's been acting really weird lately. Well, actually he's been acting weird since Sirius died. But now he's randomly… over-affectionate towards me. And towards a lot of other girls.' Hermione sighed and looked at Ron. 'He actually cares about me. But things haven't been ok between us since… since that time.'
"Yeah. It'll be getting colder." Ron stammered. 'Oh! Nice job, Ron. What a way to state the obvious. I can only imagine what Hermione could think of me. Well, I'm sure of one thing: Hermione will never care for me like I care for her.' He shut his eyes hard. 'And what is Harry's problem? He's never like this.' Ron glared at Harry.
"Yep. People sure will have to get cozy by the fire" Harry grinned, leaning in closer to Hermione. 'What is Ron's problem? What is everyone's problem? I'm sick of being "The Boy Who Lived". Even my best friends are treating me weird. Ever since Sirius…'
"Well, I have to get to…um, the library. I'll see you guys later." She said quickly while making her escape. 'Why does Harry have to act like that? He's acting like that one time… like what happened meant something. And it's been ages since then. She hurried out of the big portrait. 'I sure hope he stops. I don't know how long I could last. Well, at least there's Ron.' She felt herself cheer up just thinking about him.
Thoughts immediately rushed in her mind about her 3rd year. She impulsively grabbed his hand when she first saw Buckbeak. And she remembered how nervous she felt when he was in the Hospital Wing. And then Victor Krum came and Ron didn't seem to exist anymore. Then earlier this year… But now…
"No Hermione! He's just a friend now!" she scolded herself out loud.
"You bet he's just a friend, Granger. No one would want a Mudblood!" Malfoy scoffed as he appeared out of nowhere and was now towering over her.
'Look at her.' Malfoy thought as a hurt look quickly flickered across her face. It disappeared and was replaced with anger. 'Well, she sure has a temper. And a body.' He thought. 'What?' Suddenly, before he knew it, he leaned close to her, their lips only inches apart. He was about to lean in closer but out of the corner of his eye, he saw her hand coming fast at his cheek and he quickly blocked it.
"No. That's not very nice." He said. He could tell she was outraged.
'Who does he think he is? I'm tired of all of his tricks. It's hard enough worrying about Harry doing things like that… Why would Malfoy try to kiss me anyway? Oh that's just disgusting!' Hermione thought.
Malfoy leaned in and she felt his icy lips against hers. It was the same coldness that was in Harry's hand. She closed her lips tight, trying to pull away from him, but he was holding her too tightly.
Ron was still staring at the door where Hermione had left when he noticed Harry had gone too. 'How come I feel like the lowest person in the world? Especially when Harry is being a huge jerk to Hermione. I mean, what could be causing him to be such a pervert!'
Ron shuffled up the stairs to the boys' bedrooms when he saw Harry knocking on one of the girls' bedroom doors. When it finally opened, Ginny was there to greet him. Ron quickly ran up to the boys room to stay out of their sight, but he kept an eye on them.
'God, why does everyone have to run off and leave me here alone? Doesn't "The Chosen One" deserve friends? At least I know there's always Ginny.' Harry stood waiting by Ginny's room.
"Knock, knock, knock."
"Harry!" Ginny nearly squealed, after opening the door. Immediately, her cheeks got bright red. 'Why would Harry come to see me?' She thought.
"Um, Harry, what are you doing here?" Ginny asked. "Oh." Of course. "Hermione's not here."
"No, Gin, I wanted to see you! It's gettin kind of lonely out here and I was wondering if you wanted to sit by the fire or something. You know it's the first snow of the season." Harry asked.
"Sure!" Ginny said, clearly surprised. Harry held out his hand. She took it and followed him to the couch in front of the fireplace. He sat down and patted the place next to him. She sat down, put her head on his shoulder, and curled her legs up on the couch.
"Ginny, do you ever feel that everyone's expecting something out of you? And if you can't be who they want, they're disappointed in you?" he asked.
"Sometimes." Ginny said. "But most the time, I'm the one expecting too much of myself." She blurted out, blushing fiercely.
"You shouldn't be." He said.
"I guess you're tired of being… well, being the hero all the time." Ginny said quietly.
Harry nodded, kind of surprised. He leaned towards her so they were inches apart and breathed slightly against her lips. She looked into his eyes, still in shock, when his lips came crashing down on hers. The kiss deepened and Harry put his hands on her waist and she laid down on the couch with him on top of her. By the time the two disappeared behind the head of the couch Ron knew it was time to do something.
As he started down the flight of stairs and saw Ginny unbuttoning Harry's flannel green plaid t-shirt, he realized how mad Ginny would be if he did something. 'But she's my little sister!' his mind was screaming. But something else was telling him that he should find. 'I'll have to trust that Harry won't hurt her. It'll shouldn't take long.' He quietly crept down the stairs and out of the portrait door.
Across the school, Malfoy deepened the kiss, holding Hermione tight in his arms, and pushed her against the painting of Mirabella Plunkett. Hermione tried to push him away, but he only kissed her harder.
Ron hurried down the corridors not knowing where she could be. It was obvious as she left that she wasn't going to the library. But where could she have gone? After searching the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff halls, he searched the Ravenclaw halls, near where they had their DA meetings, but there was no sight of her.
'But why would she be in the Slytherin Halls?' he thought to himself turning down the same hall she and Malfoy were in.
Hermione tried to look at Ron, tears now rolling down her cheeks, but Malfoy had her pinned to the wall.
"Can I help you Weasel? You know, we're kind of in the middle of something." Malfoy barked.
"Ron!" Hermione yelled, her voice strained. Ron started over to Hermione, already reaching for his wand. Before he could pull it out, Malfoy punched him.
"Weasley, stay out of my way!" Malfoy warned him. "Now you," he turned to Hermione, "You come here." He leaned in again. Ron aimed his wand at Malfoy.
"I wouldn't do that Weasley."
"And why not?" Ron asked.
"Because my father doesn't like it when other people spoil my fun." Malfoy turned towards Hermione again.
Hermione tried pushing him away, but he pinned her arms against his body.
She hated this. She hated being there; knowing Ron had to see her with Malfoy. She hated Christmas. She hated being so powerless to Malfoy. They boy who called her "Mudblood" every time they passed in the halls, was now groping her in front of Ron. There was nothing she could do. As Malfoy put his hand up her shirt, she shut her eyes, wondering if she should just give in.
Then she got an idea.
She looked at Ron, who standing there numb, horrified, and defeated, and tried to mouth the words, 'do something'. When he pulled out his wand again, she grabbed Malfoy's face and kissed him to distract him, tears still pouring down her face continuously.
"Riddikulus!" Ron shouted at Malfoy. Malfoy went into a fit of chuckles and backed away holding himself, laughing hysterically.
"What is this, Mr. Weasley? That's not a very nice way to get into the Christmas spirit, now is it?" Snape spat.
"He was hurting 'ermione!" Ron defended himself.
"Oh, well I'm sure she'll get over it." He said, glancing briefly at a disheveled and shaken Hermione. "You, however, now owe me a list of every spell ever noted in alphabetical order from Z to A. 15 points deducted from Gryffindor." Snape turned and led a hysterical Malfoy back to his office.
"Ron." Hermione choked out.
"How could you go through these halls? You were setting yourself up!" Ron shouted.
"Oh Ron, how was I supposed to know he was going to be here? I certainly didn't expect him to do that!" Hermione sobbed.
"So you're defending him?" Ron exclaimed.
"No! Malfoy hates me! I never thought--"
"You? Not thinking? Wow, that's a surprise!"
"I needed to take a walk! I wasn't paying attention. I was mad! What is your problem?" she screamed.
"Hermione, you were practically RAPED!" Ron yelled.
"Yes! Well, if I was almost raped, why are you yelling at me, Ron?" She said between sobs. "Why aren't you... holding me? Why are you... doing this? I thought you cared about me!" she screamed back at him. He was silenced.
"I do care for you, 'ermione." Ron whispered.
"No." She turned to leave.
"Hermione!" Ron tried grabbing her arm. She pulled away.
"I've had enough of people trying to grab at me for one day. You can at least let me get some rest."
"Right." He said quietly, as they walked back to the Gryffindor Common room. "I'll see you in the morning."
They entered the Gryffindor Common Room through the portrait hole. Harry and Ginny were gone already, so they bid each other 'good night' and walked upstairs to their rooms.
A/N: I hoped you enjoyed it! It was a little more dramatic then expected. I'll try and post tomorrow. REVIEW!