smack, the sound of flesh hitting hard leather rang out as the rest of the gym's patrons glaced over to a small corner of the gym where a lone man was sparring with a punching bag, "look man, its been a week you should just let it go, technically what she did, does count as a breakup." "kyle hit the bag again his knuckles red and pulsing with pain his breaths coming hard "look john, nothing personally but you know what she's cappable of, and even if i love her i can't let her do what i know she's going to do. kyle took anotherswing but john moved the bag out of the way making kyle slip and catch himself. "what was that for!" "look, i know, that you know, what she's going to do, and, i know how you know, but even so, without your powers how can you beat her in a fair one on one fight? you've never been able to do it before what makes this time any different?" kyle closed his eyes and sighed "because my freind, this time i'm not going to hold back." "now, lets run through this again shall we?"

a few hours after training kyle was walking home, he passed a news stand and stopped when he saw the headline of the enquierer it read "EVIL WITCH THREATENS WORLD, MYSTERIOUS CITIDEL BUILT IN CHINA's MOUNTAIN REIGON" kyle smiled at the title of the artical "at least she hasn't lost her touch " he thought to himself as he bought one of the papers "i think i'll put this one on my wall of great histrical moments" the man behind the stall chuckled "i thought you said you only put articals from the NY. times on that wall" "well, thers a first time for everything, thanks tom" kyle called back as he tossed tom a fifty. and before tom could refuse the money kyle was gone.

kyle arrived at the citidel sometime later, he wasted no time in getting himself to the throne room and racing up the steps to where wuya sat, he faced her "so, kyle you've finally come to fight me?" "wuya, i came here for one reason, i came to ask you why you left-" wuya cut him off snarling at him "how dare you! i left you beacuse you were to pathetic to solve your own problems, instead of telling me the truth and admitting your mistake for lying to me, you instead envelped yourself into the biggest farce in the universe! " "what? your not making anysense? " kyle's hands went to his neck as wuya sudden;y appeared infront of him with her hands at his throath "wuya-" kyle tried to speak but he coulden't wuya leaned forward and wispered in his ear " you see kyle, it is all because of you" wuya turned kyles head to face the other end of the citidel and kyle's mouth gaped in shock on the floor were the bodies of the xiaolin dragons, including masterfung, daishi, and guan all dead "no,it can't be" kyle thought as wuya continued to speak "you see now kyle your lies caused this, it was all because...of YOU!"wuya shouted as she began to squezee kyle's neck, suddenly the wounds on kyles face opened and he screamed as he was enveloped in a hail of fire.

"AHHHHHH! " kyle sreamed as he thrashed about, he stopped when he heard wuya's voice again "kyle, KYLE! " kyle's eyes snapped open as he realised that it was all just a dream, "kyle?" hearing wuya kyle turned to face her "kyle, are you alright?" kyle looked at her for a moment taking in the situation for a second before launching himself into her arms, and for the longest time he cried. after a few moments he finally stopped and dried his tears, has asked wuya for some privacy, and he got dressed. after getting breakfast wuya finally decided to ask kyle what happened. "kyle?" "yes, " "whats wrong?" kyle lokked at her i have no idea what your talking about." wuya gave him a look "yes you do, kyle i want to know why your so nervous around me all of the sudden." kyle stood up and walked over to the couch, wuya followed him."wuya, when i told you that there would be changes with me giving up my powers, there was somthing that i didn't tell you. " wuya looked slightly fearful "what is it? " kyle took a second to calm himself. " wuya, i...need" yes" "promise me that no matter what i say, that you'll listen to my explanation as to why i didn't tell you to begin with?" wuya looked at him strangely "ok, you have my word." kyle nodded "ok, here it is, " "wuya, since i have given up my abilities i'm going to be changing back into my trueself, what i mean is that my powers allowed me to change the way that i look, amoung other things. my point is. that, i'm not really twenty-five years old...wuya, i'm seventeen. " kyle held his breath, praying to god that he wouldn't have to relive his dream. "seventeen?" "thats right" "well, it could be worse" kyle nearly had a heart attack "what, you mean your not upset!" "why would i be? " kyle looked at her dumbfounded " because! i just told you that your in love with a teenager, i don't even have a drivers llicense for christs sake!" wuya was starting to get tired of his outburst, she grabbed his shoulders, and silenced him with a kiss " kyle, i'm not upset, in fact this explanes a lot about you" "what do you mean-" she placed a finger to his lips "let me finish, i'm evil kyle nothing is going to change that fact, i understnad why you would want to keep somthing like this a secret and why you would want to tell me aswell. it dosen't upset me , however." kyle looked a little scared "however what?" "however, this does mean that you owe me dinner." "why dinner?" "because, its the one thing that i know you can afford, plus, this is the billionth time in which you've had me sit down to tell me somthing that turned out to be nothing but your own paranoid obsession, with one of your nightmares. and besides its high time that you be punished" kyle took a step back "what do you mean punished?" wuya walked forward bridging the gap between them "what i mean, is, that you've been revealing these so called secrets to me for a long time, when in all actuality you've been lying to me, now i'm evil so lying doesn't bother me that much but. " but?" kyle said hesitantly "but, your the good guy, and the good guys don't lie to tere girlfriends on a daily basis." kyle finally realised her meaning behind his punishment "so, my taking you out to dinner equals.." "equals, me forgiving you and not kicking you out to live with jack." "yeah, live with jack..hey! i'm the owner of this house you know, if anything i'd be the kicking you out." wuya smirked "really, well i am the stronger, and besides i don't think you'd risk hurting yourself." "hurting myself?" wuya's hands started to glow "hurting yourself." "ohhh, hurting myself"

after quickly agreeing to take wuya out to dinner on friday, kyle headed back to sleep he was just about to slip into a dream when he heard wuya call from the kitchen "kyle? i think your out of pudding cups! "oh, boy"


i hope everyone liked it. i'm going to be going away for a couple of days on tuesday, so i'm going to put a lot of effort into getting the next chapter of gargoyles up and running, if you need to see the order in which the stories will be completed check out my profile. if you have any questions PM me as always and remember reviews are what keep me going!.