trapped inside of her new prison, yet another powerful puzzle box created by her one and only true enemy, the great grand master dashi.

this time however katnappe, was not the one to come along and free her instead, she spent the next year and a half, trapped, inclosed, and cutoff from everthing except her own thoughts. in this time she reflected on her so-called freinds those that had joined her only to; in the end betray her like dashi had done 1500 years ago.

however, once again like the other puzzle boxes that dashi had created, this one could only be opened by the one who must truly open it.

this is the story of that person, and the greatest adventure that he will ever have in his entire life.


our story begins, on a stormy night in june, we see a man walking down the street of a near deserted town. arriving at his destonation, the beach, suddenly for some unknown reason the man, stops walking before breaking into a sprint, he jumps over the small cement divider which blocked the oceans waves from reaching the street during a storm. he landed on the sand but, did not stop moving, he wouldn't stop until he had the item of his focus in his hands. that object was a half buried puzzle box. the thoughts that ran through his head were that he had to reach the box before his followers did. for you see. this man had been drawn to the puzzle box for some time. his whole life infact. and unbewknownst to him in some way the ocupent of the box had been looking for him aswell.

however just as the man had gotten the box into his hands he was tackled by one of the men that had been chasing him. he was knocked to the ground the box just out of his reach. he fought with the small group of men, they were in their late 30's and very capable of dealing with the other 17 year old that they had been chasing.

the other man, the one who was after the puzzle box to begin with. broke free and by some chance of luck, got the box opened. just as the group of men decened upon him.

as the box left the boys hand, it fell to the ground waking wuya from her slumber, or that was what we were ment to think. infact, wuya was very aware of her surronding. of both the boy that had set her free and of the group of men that were now beating upon the helpless boy. realising that her only ally in this situation was being beaten to a pulp. she took action. as she flew from the box and towards the group of men, she let out a ghoslty wail, that not only got the groups attention, but, also made them scatter and flee like the cowards that they were. once the last one had left, wuya finally got her first look at the boy who had released her from her prison. "he's..a child" she thought outloud.

hearing the voice of a woman, the boy opened his eyes. once they focused in on wuya, he became fully awake and nearly screamed. "who..what..are you?"

hearing the boy's reply, wuya responded "MY name is wuya, and it seems that i am in your debt." the boy blinked "wuya huh. i'm kyle. " kyle stod up, examined the puzzle box. "so, you were in this thing?" he said as he gestured to the box." yes. but, you set me free" kyle raised an eyebrow "so.. what do like get three wishes or somthing?" wuya blinked not, expecting his reaction to her, normally people just screamed and shrank away in fear, enev the evil geiuses. " do get a friend" kyle smiled at this "really! alright, well, come one, i should be geeting home you can stay with me if you want." wuya floated over to his side "i think i might like that".

as the two walked back to kyle's home. they didn't talk much, until kyle decided to break the ice. "so, wuya, are you like a lost soul or something or are you, like the ghostly form of the devil, no offense." wuya turned to him slightly, "no, and no, i'm...wuya thought about telling him the truth, but thought it might be a bad idea to tell him that she was evil. so, she did what she does best, she lied. "kyle, i'm actually, a witch" kyle stopped walking "really. huh, thats cool" he started walking again , but spaced out just enough to forget that wuya was right infront of him, he passed right through her. "whoa. " kyle suddenly felt dissy, wuya picked up on this." sorry, i should have said somthing, are you ok? " kyle shook his head before relying "yeah, i'm cool, just give me a second, that was really weird. " wuya looked at him confused, what is with this kid, he's not scared of me, and he's not the least bit freaked out that i just passed through his body! wuy thought to herself. in the meantime kyle had been waiting for her to start walking or rather floating again, when he noticed that she wasn't moving. "hey, wuya are you ok? " wuya blinked brought back to reality by kyle's concerned tone. "i'm fine, lets go" kyle smirked"right, your O...K" wuya noticed his sarcasm "what was that" kyle started moving a little faster, "oh...nothing, i was just noticing how you look so, much like casper, when you turn your brain off." at this wuya started to chase after him "I DO NOT LOOK LIKE THAT GHOSTY FREAK," kyle laughed "whatever you say, CASPER!" wuya was closing in on kyle. though in mid flight she realised that this was the real first ounce of fun that she had had, in her life since she was with RAI. "you! get back here kyle!" for the next few blocks kyle and wuya traded, freindly banter back and fourth. but when they reached kyle's house. he ducked inside, losing wuya in the rush. she flew around the house for a few moments before becoming woried"kyle...kyle are you ok." suddenly wuya turned around and was then face to face with kyle. she screamed "ow. loud much" kyle said rubbing his ears. "sorry, you shocked me...don't do it again." the truth was that wuya was actually worried about kyle, and was scared when he popped up in front of her like that. but after realising that he had planned it from the beging. well lets just say that she was glad that he couldn't see her blush with her mask on. "sorry about scaring you there" "its ok." good, look, i'm going to get some sleep, i don't mean to be rude but, i haven't slept in days. " ok," as kyle walked off to his room. he signaled wuya to follow him. "heres the guest room, you can sleep in here if you want. i mean if you sleep at all that is." "thanks" .kyle walked off to his room, but before closing the door. he said "good night wuya." and she replied for the first time in her life. "sweet dreams kid." that night kyle layed in bed and hoped that he would wake up to a great day tomorrow. unfortunatly he was wrong.



It was somewhat frightening how these new feelings were stiring inside wuya. she had never felt like this before. watching kyle sleep. even begin around him made her feel...wanted, even needed. sometime during the night she even gave thought to the possiblility of telling kyle the truth and letting him decide if he wanted to help her or not. but she quickly threw that idea away. with the thought of what she would do if he said no, or worse if he left her, alone like rai and jack did. it was somthing that she did not want to think about, luckily though she wouldn't have to. she was stirred from her thoughts when she heard kyle calling her name. when she floated into his room she was shocked a what she saw. kyle was tossing and turning in his sleep. mostlikely from a nightmare. after a moment she couldn't take anymore of seeing her new freind like that. so she tried to wake him. he must have been i light sleeper because, the moment she even whispered his name his eyes shot open.

kyle took in a hard breath as he woke from his dream..or rather nightmare. he looked over and saw wuya hovering there beside his bed. he then turned away from her. i didn't want her to see me like this. scared and in tears. he thought. wuya saw kyle's face though only for a second, but, in that second she was able to see that he was very scared. and that he looked as if he had been crying. she couldn't take it anymore "kyle...kyle..please tell me whats wrong" as she said this she was surprised that she could even be so, caring, she tought that she had lost that ability, long ago. kyle didn't turn towards her but he still replied."it...nightmare," "do you want to talk?" wuya asked, "not really. thanks though" "alright, "wuya said as she turned to go back to her room. suddenly though she was stopped, by a very weakm and frightened shout/ "WAIT!...clearing his thoat he tried again...please, wuya...could you" "yes." "could you stay...just until i fall asleep...?" wuya hesitated. so kyle continued "i.. i just.. i don't want to be alone." seeing the fear in his face and hearing it in his voice made wuya want to shed tears, but, saddly she could not. instead she did what she could "of course" she floated closer to him. "thank you" kyle said as he wiped his face. "really thankyou" kyle said as he went back to sleep. "sweet dreams" wuya whispered to him. sometime later he fell asleep. but she didn't leave at first, she jus watched him. thinking about what had just happened. though her face didn't show it inside she was a mess. feelings that she had never experienced were flowing over her. even though she didn't have a body anymore she felt...alive..truly alive. and warm. she couldn't figure out what was happening to her but, she did know that it had somthing to do with kyle. the way he treated her. as a true freind. maybe...even more? she didn't know. and at that moment wuya's plan fell apart. her plan to simply use kyle to obtain the shengogwu and then rule the world went out the window. at that very moment she felt at peace. and for the first time since she had become a ghost. she descended into sleep.

the next morning she awoke, to find that kyle wasn't in bed. he floated around before, finding kyle, in his study on his computer, probably surfing the web. she decided not to disturb him. her curiosity getting the better of her she floated off and into a room that she had not been into yet. and what she saw inside made her gasp.

it was a xaiolin robe. somplete with an apprentice sash. when she turned around she almost phased right through kyle. who had been startled by her gasp. "oh. i see you've found my throphy room." wuya was confused "throphy room?" kyle nodded"yep, this is where i keep my throphies. you may have noticed that the only thing in here is that gi and thats because its that last trophy that i ever really won. " wuya looked back at the robe/gi "kyle?...if you have that robe. that means. " kyle cut her off"yeah, it means that i was at the xaiolin temple, and that i trained there with master fung and the other wudai warriors...and..before you ask, yes. i did know that you were in that puzzle box the entire time. and i've known who you are aswell." at this wuya floated face to face with kyle "you knew?..then.. why did you let me out. i'm evil or did fung skip that part of the history lesson? " No, he didn't skip it, but...from what i've seen you not evil at all. " "what?" kyle held back a laugh at her outburst "look, wuya, since i opened your little prison all you've done is help me even didn't have to. you saved my life, and you helped me through a tough, time. in fact i don't see you as evil, i guess thats the reason why i left the temple to begin with. " wuya was stunned, "you...don't see me as evil?" "nope. you may be evilish. but, your not evil. sure you tried to take over the world. so, hace a lot of people. the way i see it. you deserve a second chance. and that the reason why i left the temple and have spent the past two years tracking you down...look i know this is a lot to take in at one time. so, i'm going to give you some time to think. heres the deal, you can either stay with me, and have a reall freind/compaion, or i can give you directions back to jack's house and you can continue this little fight with the xaiolin warriors all over again. right now i need to make a phone call. take as much time as you need, just come and find me when you come to a decision." kyle got up to walk back to his study but wuya stopped him "kyle, if i chose to stay..with you. you would just, let me in. just like that? " kyle smiled "if you haven't noticed your already IN." kyle left wuya to her thoughts. and went back to his study. hoping and praying that wuya would decide to stay with him.