( A/N: This has to be the third time that I have gone back through this story, because it still doesn't feel right to me. It has never felt complete, and I long to make it feel as though it is. It has been over four years since I have even logged onto this site, and this story that I have created in my has stayed with me, and dear to my heart since I first started writing it in high school. My goal is to make the first 10 chapters readable. It was soul crushing to look back on my own tale and be disgusted at myself for the awful grammar and spelling I had put everyone through.

I can't guarantee fast updates because my life has changed so much. My father died, I had my daughter, and I run and manage a corporate salon, I grew up, but I still find my self in this fantasy I have created. So without further ado, the newly re edited chapters, and if any old time fans are out there, I might even add some stories and try and tie in some loose ends… Enjoy!)

"Inuyasha I'm going to kill your damn brother one of these days." Rin yelled angrily as she wiped the dust off her knees, and her school uniform. It was a short green pleated skirt and showed off a lot of leg, it made one wonder how the school could promote such a strong abstinence plan while donning such revealing uniforms "How can you live with him without going clinically insane?"

"Ya, I know. You just need to learn to stay out of his way. Maybe he will ignore you after a while? But it is you Rin, so I highly doubt it will happen." Inuyasha said as he smoothly walked past her and sat on a bench. the bell rang signaling to people that it was time for the last block of the day. "So, what did your buddy, Sesshomaru do to you this time?"

"I walked past him the wind witch after class let out and he tripped me! All those jerks just stood there and laughed." Rin was trembling with anger as she kicked a tree. It was large and very old and Inuyasha's favorite one to nap in while he was skipping classes. Inuyasha treated that tree better than a lover. It was awkward to see some of the time.

Inuyasha immediately came to the old trees rescue. He picked up Rin and set her on the bench. "Okay Rin, I know your pissed at Sesshomaru, but honestly you don't need to take it out on Charlie, okay? He has feelings too..." Inuyasha yelled arrogantly getting in her face. He gently rubbed the bark where Rin had lashed out in anger.

"Okay you named a tree? You are Awkward! I was nearly going to say Sesshomaru is more arrogant that you are, but I guess you showed me how wrong I was about you again…" Inuyasha Hated being compared to his brother, they might have shared similar features, and even shared some personality traits, but the two couldn't stand each other. It had been that way since they were all children, even before she had to hide herself away. "Any ways Jaken Takashi is first on my death list, even before your jerk of a brother." she started to calm down as Inuyasha sat next to her.

He snapped her bra and she slapped him across the face. Rin and Inuyasha were close, the whole gang were very close, but Rin and Inuyasha were the closest in the group. So, something as trivial as snapping her bra strap wasn't a flirt or an advance. It was more the way siblings teased each other. Rin would never have a friend who she felt as close to as she felt with Inuyasha, he was so much like a brother to her. "What did he do? Did he say you were sleeping with someone gross or worse?" Inuyasha Found something edible in his back pack to start gnawing on as he reclined onto 'Charlie'.

"I'm sad to say worse," She said bending her head down smirking if anyone other than Inuyasha had seen this they would have thought that she was crying or in some serious pain. She had begun to laugh apparently what the toad did was incredibly funny, or she was so pissed she was laughing. Although Inuyasha didn't really care he only wanted to beat the crap out of that rich piece of junk that his brother called a friend. Jaken's family wasn't as rich as Inuyasha's was. Inuyasha's father ran the Tensaiga's business they make and sell computers and cameras to anyone, InuTaisho also dabbled in the art of firewalls. Rin had no idea where Jaken's money came from, but she couldn't have cared less.

Being as famous and as extremely good looking as Sesshomaru and Inuyasha were, they both were considered the most eligible bachelors in Japan, at 17 and 18 years old. Hell, they were multi billionaires a couple slots down from Bill Gates, thanks to their father. Not that Inuyasha ever let the money his family had go to his head, he didn't even like to drive. Inuyasha would just run if he was in a hurry or he would skateboard at his leisure.

"Wow, tell me? I'll kick his ass for you" Inuyasha had always wanted to kick his ass since the third grade. Jaken being an upperclassman pushed Inuyasha into the girl's bathroom. It was the first time that Rin had spoken to Inuyasha, she knew right then that they were going to be fast friends… Not that Inuyasha would remember it. It was quite funny. Rin beat up Jaken that afternoon on the playground causing quite the scene. He could give the abuse, but he couldn't take it. That was the day Rin said her first curse word it was one of the worst 'fuck'. Her father was called and the next day she came into school all beat up and wouldn't talk to Inuyasha. It was another year before she skipped a grade and it had been over a year since she saw Inuyasha, or any of her current friends. They didn't remember who she used to be… and she was alright with that.

"Okay... After that Douche bag tripped me Jaken, lifted my skirt over my ass gave it a smack and said, 'Damn she doesn't wear thongs isn't that a shame?' now don't tell me that's not seriously rude?" Rin tugged her skirt down as far as it would go. She was uncomfortable showing off as much body as her uniform did. She gave off the very essence of confidence, and seemed to have unshakable wit, but she was always ultimately terrified. She had to appear strong, just so she could cower in her fear.

"You don't wear thongs? Isn't that a shame?" Inuyasha teased getting slapped in the face once more. He only laughed hard. She was only human after all and couldn't do much damage to the Hanyou.

"Why I ought to slice you open and sign you up to be a male cheerleader you... You..." Rin stood up and started bashing Inuyasha with her Over stuffed purse. At this rate she wasn't going to make it to her last class of the day, and she wouldn't even think twice about it.

"Am I interrupting something guys?" Kagome interrupted Rin's beating session on Inuyasha's head. She laughed when she heard the explanation as to why. Kagome pushed a pouting Inuyasha off the bench and sat next to Rin. "Nice ... But c'mon were already late for class" She knew the answer they would give before they even gave it, but it was worth trying.

"I'm not going" Rin plainly stated. She slid to the ground under Charlie and crossed her legs.

"I'm not either... it's not like I need to take Japanese, it is my own language." Inuyasha Joined Rin under his tree.

"So, umm... Inuyasha is that why your failing it?" Kagome said. She was accusingly looking at Inuyasha. He only stuck his tongue out and jumped into Charlie... Rin still couldn't believe he named his tree… "Dogs huh? What are you going to do with them?" she asked Rin. Both started to laugh.

"Right, they only complain all day... although I bet they make nice throw rugs." Rin said. Kagome was laughing her ass off and Inuyasha only whined at the joke.

"Hey" was all he said as he jumped out of the tree and sat close to Kagome. Rin could only smile at her friends. The romantic tension between them had been palpable since they group had entered Jr. High school. The more they fought, the clearer it was that they were falling for each other. Well, clearer for the rest of the world. They were so perfect for each other and neither of them could see it.