Role Play

by aishuu

If asked, Uchiha Sasuke would have agreed with Hyuuga Neji about destiny. It was a bitch, but it was inexorable.

Ever since his brother had killed their family, Sasuke had known he was trapped in a role, with no idea how to break out. Sometimes he'd catch fleeting glances of the life he could have led, whenever Naruto teased him or Sakura blushed, but thoughts of embracing that dream quickly dashed when he remembered who he was. He was an avenger, sworn to bring justice for his clan.

It was just another thing to hate Itachi for.

Sometimes he wondered if the Sharingan granted the user the gift of prophecy. He knew more about his fate than he cared to, and it was tied closely to Naruto. He was stronger than Naruto, easily defeating him each time they sparred, but he knew it wouldn't last forever. There could only be one "best" ninja in the village, and that was going to be Naruto.

He could see it, right from the beginning. Naruto had more heart and hope than Sasuke ever imagined possible. They were alike in all the wrong ways - understanding obsession and fighting loneliness. Sasuke knew Naruto wouldn't let anything stop him on the way to his goals. When you had nothing to lose, the only way was up. Sasuke still had his friends and the respect of the community. He needed to throw those away before he could finish.

These were the things Sasuke knew: he was going to die young and Naruto would indeed become Hokage. In the end, Sasuke knew, he would be insignificant, a mere stepping stone on Naruto's way. If he was lucky, he'd take his brother out with him. If not, Naruto would finish the job.

With that in mind, he checked his weapons, and set off toward the Hidden Village of Sound.