Guessing Games
Summary: What would have happened if it were Sora being sealed into the Darkness instead of King Mickey and Riku. What would happen if it were Riku searching for Sora instead of Sora searching for Riku? How would the story change?
Prologue: Trapped in Darkness
Darkness. A sliver of light was peaking through an open door. He had to close it.
"Sora!" Riku cried out, running to the gap between the two parted doors. His friend was trapped alone on the other side. He reached desperately through the open gap.
"Are you crazy?" Sora retorted. "We need a keyblade on this side of the door to help seal it. That's what King Mickey said! I'm on this side! So hurry up and close the door!"
King Mickey bowed his head before raising in once more, determination shining in his eyes. "Switch places with me, Sora."
Sora grinned, raising his keyblade and fending off a stubborn Heartless. "You've bee away longer than I have. Queen Minnie is waiting for you. I'll just have to find another door. That's all."
"What about you? What about Kairi and me? We've been waiting too!" Riku yelled out.
"You'll just have to wait a little longer. That's all." Sora's grin brightened. "Wait for me, 'kay? Now you gotta close that door!"
King Mickey pulled Riku back from the door. Sadness clouding his eyes; he knew what he had to do. "C'mon. We need to close it before the Heartless comes back out."
Donald and Goofy, silent up 'till now, nodded their heads. They ran up to help push the door closed.
"Ahyuk. We'll come find you," Goofy said, struggling with the heavy weight of the door.
"So don't go getting' yourself killed!" Donald agreed, joining his friend as they pushed the door closed. Inch by painful inch; locking their dear friend inside.
Sora laughed. "I haven't yet, have I?"
"Come back to us," Riku called out, using his shoulder to close the door. "Don't make us wait too long!"
"Remember, Sora," King Mickey held up his keyblade, pointing it at the door as it almost fully closed. He saw through the gap that Sora was doing the same. "There's always a door to the light."
"Got it," Sora felt the familiar warmth flow through him as he called on the Keyblade's power.
The door closed and the two Keyblade Masters got to work, a blinding light shining from each keyblade and striking the door. An audible click was heard as the door locked, sealing Sora inside, trapping him in the darkness.
Okay. This is only the prologue so it's a little short. Expect Chapter One within a day or two, maybe less. Enjoy!