Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball Z or any of its original characters; I am simply a humble facfiction author.


Chapter 1 - So much pain

Gohan was pushing his entire energy reserve into the kamehameha blast wave just so he would be able to defeat Cell. Cell didn't seem to be resisting very much against Gohan´s onslaught. After Gohan heard his father in his head telling him not to give up, but instead to give it his all in this one final attack, concentrating his rage on Cell only, Gohan´s energy level had risen significantly, enabling him to overpower the now Super Perfect Cell.

"How can this brat be so strong? I had him there, I was more powerful than he, and yet all of a sudden, he bursts with new power. I am the perfect warrior! I should be invincible," thought Cell.

Gohan on the other hand had very different thoughts running about his head. He desperately wanted to defeat Cell, to end his killing spree and be able to wish his father back to life, as soon as the battle was over.

"I must defeat him; it is the only way to once again have peace on Earth. I didn't want to kill him, but unfortunately it is the only way to stop Cell," thought Gohan.

Gohan pushed the last of his power into the beam and finally it engulfed Cell. Bit by bit it disintegrated his being. Cell by cell, the monster was disappearing.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" yelled Cell as he was dying.

A giant explosion took place and Cell's every particle was obliterated, after this, his ki signature ceased to exist. Gohan fell to the ground panting.

"I did it father, I defeated him for good," said Gohan between gasps for air.

"I am very proud of you my son," said Goku´s voice in the air.

Krillin and the rest of the Z-fighters surrounded Gohan. Krillin helped Gohan up to his feet. Gohan stood with one of his arms useless at his side.

"You did it Gohan, you defeated Cell. His ki signature is gone for good. He will no longer terrorize this planet, or the rest of the galaxy for that matter. You are the hero kid," said Krillin.

"You did good Gohan! I am proud that I was once your mentor," said Piccolo.

"Thanks everyone for your help, you distracted Cell long enough for me to use my full power. That also includes you, Vegeta," said Gohan.

"Humph!" grunted the saiyan Prince.

We should hurry to the lookout, Dende Has the dragonballs ready for us. We will wish Goku and Trunks along with everyone else back to life.

"Hold on a moment guys, I think it would be best if you did not wish me back at all. I have been thinking, almost every single villain that attacked the Earth was coming after me. I think I am bad luck. So don't wish me back." Said Goku´s voice.

"But father, we need you. What if some other unknown enemy attacks the planet, what will we do without you?" asked a perplexed Gohan.

"I think you guys are strong enough to defend the planet. Look at you Gohan, you much stronger than I, and Vegeta, that was some blast. No wonder Cell had problems with it," said Goku.

"Father," whimpered Gohan.

"Be strong Gohan, you are now the man of the house. You have to take care of your mother. Tell her I am very sorry Gohan, and that I love her very much. Goodbye Gohan, everybody, you too Vegeta. " said Goku.

"Goodbye father. Until we next meet," said Gohan bravely.

Everyone was silent for a while. Then Vegeta turned to the horizon. Gohan looked at him and saw disappointment in Vegeta's face.

In fact it had been the saiyan prince's attack that had the most impact on Cell. Since Goku was now dead, he was the second strongest saiyan in the universe. Vegeta however, was looking off into the distance. He had a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Why did you die Kakarot? What is my purpose now that you are dead? I always wanted to prove that I was stronger than you. To prove myself the mightiest saiyan, but that is all over now," thought the saiyan prince.

Vegeta looked at his dead son, Trunks, and remembered his reckless attack on Cell; Cell had easily swatted him away and nearly killed him. But he knew that very soon his son would be brought back to life and smiled.

"We shall meet again, Kakarot. But until then I will enjoy my new life with my family. But make no mistake, I will train and someday prove that I am the mightiest saiyan," he thought.

Goku´s voice was once again heard in the air.

"I will look forward to that day Vegeta."

Gohan and the rest of the Z-fighters took off into the distance and soon were nothing more than specks in the sky and soon were beyond the naked eyesight. Right then Hercule woke up and stood among the rubble.

"What happened to Cell? That kid must have defeated him, man, what power. How did that kid acquire that kind of power?" asked a puzzled Hercule to no one.

A few moments later the members of the press were awake. They saw no one but Hercule standing, and evidently they thought the obvious.

"Mr. Hercule, did you do it. Did you defeat Cell?" asked one of them.

Hercule´s head swam with visions of glory. He stretched his arm upwards and symbolised the victory sign with his hands and laughed out loud.

"Hahahahahahaha! Fear not my fellow humans. I have rid our planet of the hideous monster, Cell. And I did not use any of the light tricks those other puny fighters were using, to try and defeat him," he told them.

The members of the press cheered and took many photos of the champ striking all sorts of goofy poses once their cameras were fixed.

"Oh yeah. By tomorrow I'll be the most famous man in the world. I will be known as the man that defeated Cell," thought the champ.

Meanwhile at Kami´s Lookout, the Z-fighters had gathered all of the dragonballs and were ready to make a wish. Everyone was anxious by the wait; Dende walked forward and spoke out loud.

"Oh great Shenron, I summon you. Hear my call and grant our wishes," he said.

The dragonballs glowed brightly and a beam shot up from them. The beam extended into the heavens and formed a dragon. Once it was fully formed, it spoke.

"You who have summoned me, speak your wishes and I will do my very best to grant them. And do it quickly for I want to return to my slumber," it said.

"We wish that everyone that was not evil and was killed by Cell is revived except for Son Goku," Dende told the dragon.

The dragon's eyes glowed and it stated, "It is done, what is your final wish?"

Krillin intercepted Dende and said, "I wish that Androids 17 and 18 are turned human but keep all their power."

The same happened as before and the dragon said, "It is done, you have used all your wishes. I bid you all farewell."

The dragonballs rose to the sky and dispersed and so did the dragon. The dragonballs then shot off in seven directions and were stored again for later use to whoever found them.

The Z-fighters looked stunned at Krillin's wish. He waved them off with a hand expression that meant 'don't even bother to ask'. He took off and two very curious androids hidden in the bushes wondered why he bothered to do that.

Gohan looked up brightly and said, "Let's go guys, today is the day of the beginning of the rest of our lives." And the Z-fighters all took off in the direction of their homes.


What do you think? Read and Review and don't flame me too bad. Its my first fic in a long while.