a/n: Alright this is the ending. Caput! No more! Yeah, well...please review and don't miss me too much. Enjoy! O.o

Ellie's POV:

Wow. I don't think I have ever had that much fun in my life! Danny is so wonderful! I can barely keep from screaming right now, but I won't. Otherwise I would wake him up. After the party had died down a little, him and I went to one of the back walls and sat down, me in his lap. We had both fallen asleep, but I woke up after someone spilled punch on my shoulder. And now here I was...starring at the most wonderful person I had ever known.

I smiled happily to my self thinking 'We are going to be together forever.' And I was pretty sure I was right. Just then, he stirred and opened his eyes to meet mine gazing right back into his.

"Hey there." he said groggily.

"Hi..." I whispered.

He lifted a heavy hand and placed it gently on the side ofmy head, entwining his fingers into my hair. I closed my eyes and sighed, leaning my head into his hand ready to fall asleep again.

"Come on...let's go to bed." he said heeving me up into his arms. He carried me to our cabin, set me down on my bed, and just as he was about to go off to his own I made a strangled noise deep in my throat.

He turned flashing me his smile and I mumbled, "I don't want you to leave."

"I'll never leave you." he said pulling the covers back over both of us as he settled down next to me.

"Good." I whispered, feeling safe, warm, and content I finally drifted into sleep.

The next morning, sun was streaming into my face, and when I opened my eyes to mere slits, I noticed that Danny wasn't in the bed with me anymore. I immediatly sat up and looked around frantically, not carring that I got dizzy from sitting up too fast. And just as I swung my foot down to jump out of bed, it was met by a squishy, warm object that groaned when I pushed down. Danny was lying on the floor with the blanket over him.

I smiled and swung my legs back under the sheets. I then lay down on my belly placing my head on my forearms to rest. I watched as I saw Danny push away the blanket from his head. He then blinked up at me in annoyance. But as soon as he saw that it was me, his frustration immediatly dissapeared.

He sat up, grabbed my arm and pulled it so I came tumbling down on top of him. I thought that I was going to plummet down and feel pain shoot up from my tush, but he grabbed me just in time. I landed softly, and I starred hard up into his gleaming face, trying to act angry with him, but I failed miserably. I was done for when he starred right back, laughter in his eyes, giving me a crooked boyish smile.

I sighed, pretending to be in defeat, and then I pounced. But, even before I could do anything else, I found myself pinned with my arms above my head. I looked up and saw immediatly that Danny had a strange look in his eyes. He then planted his lips forcibly on mine. I had no objections. Instead I slipped my arms around the back of his neck and pulled him closer to me.

He pulled away. He was mere inches from me, but it felt like miles, so I pulled him back to me. We were like that until we heard someone comming up the steps of the cabin. We immediatly jumped up and sat on my bed.

Dash came in. Shit. I thought as he came right at us fury alive behind his dark eyes.

"I am no longer going out with you! So you can just forget about it!" and then he just stormed out.

I was left stunned. Then I burst into uncontrollable raucous laughter. Danny just starred at me as I rolled back and clutched at my stomach, crying and gasping. He had to join in. I wasn't stopping anytime soon. And after we were done we collapsed, me on top of him.

"I love you." I said filling my nostrills with his scent.

"I love you too..."

"No matter what, you won't leave me will you?"

"No...no I never will."

I smiled and we lay there taking in each other until we finally had to go home.


a/n: Well, not sure it was one of my stronger endings, but if anyone has any thoughts on how I could change it...be my guest. R&R! O.o