Disclaimer: Hey, I'm really getting good at remembering these! Awesome! No, I don't own Arty…or Holly…or the books…or Holly's bliss…or…or…(cries)…Wait! I own the poem! YAAAAAAYYY!

Anywho…on to the poem! BANZAI!

Bliss At Last

We sit here


Just talking

Like old friends

Which we are

But inside I wonder

If there is something more

And so I watch your face

Listen to your voice





Always looking for a sign

Anxiously watching

For something to show

That you care for me

As I do you


If you feel as I do


This is true

And I watch your face

Listen to your voice




And then I see a flicker

And hope sparks deep within me

And again I see it

In your eyes

Do you love me?

I see that feeling

That I feel

That must be in my eyes

Reflected in yours

And I know you care

And you stop talking

And just look at me

Smile at me

And I smile back

And sink deep into

Bliss at last.

A/N: A little longer this time…

Again, if you click the beautiful blue button to your left, I'll give you a virtual Snickers bar! Yum yum! Please? (If you don't like Snickers, I have virtual marshmallows as well…)