Chapter 2: The Letter

David Saunders walked outside of a country style house. He was seventeen, with light brown hair, dark blue eyes, and tanned skin. He wore a dark blue sweater, khaki pants, and black and blue shoes. He walked gingerly down a thin dirt path, the same path he had trodden on every day for two years, always for the same purpose; to get the mail. It was a cool evening, the sun was setting over the horizon, the clear plains never-ending, and several stars were peaking out from under the graying sky. He reached the old wooden mail box, and opened it with a creak. There were only three letters, electric bill, magazine subscription, and…he froze when he read the last one. It was from his baby sister, Rosie. He opened it hurriedly, eager to see how she was doing. What he read shocked him.

Dear David:

Please, I need your help desperately right now. I don't have much time, so I'll be brief. The Huntsclan is trying to either imprison me-or worse. I need you to find the American Dragon. Give him this. He'll help me; at least I hope he will. He should be practicing on the top of Canale Street Electronics between 8:00-9:00. Please, I'm really scared. Help me. I have to go now.



David stared at the letter in disbelief. It took him a few moments to realize what this letter said. When he finally comprehended the danger his little sister was in, he ran into the house as fast as possible. He scribbled a note to his parents, grabbed his keys and his wallet, and rushed into his black pickup truck. He put the keys into the ignition, heard the engine grumble to life, and tore out of the driveway.

A/N: Okay, that was really short, but the next one is going to be about four pages long, maybe five, so I'll make up for it. You just met Rose's over-protective brother, David. How will David feel about Jake? REVIEW, FOR THE GOOD OF ALL, REVIEW!