"You know this is for the best, Gabi." My boyfriend of 2 years tried to reason with me.

"But why can't we try to work through these four years." I answered him back. He turned his head so I wouldn't see the tears falling from his eyes.

"I'll come back in four years. But I want you to have this." He said, handing me a CD and a letter.

"What this?" I questioned as he shook his head.

"Read it when you first feel sad and listen to this when you're missing me. I'll call, I promise." He told me as we heard a horn honking from the driveway.

"That's my dad. Remember all the good times and I'll call." He told me as he kissed my lips.

I leaned against the door and watched him walk away. My fingers were on my lips still thinking about the first time we ever kissed. I waved bye to him and his dad and then closed the door.

About 30 minutes after he left, I opened the letter and placed the CD in my CD player. The first song was "My Wish" by Rascal Flatts. I started to cry as I opened the letter.


I know you're missing me obliviously because you are reading this letter. You're going off to Brown while I'm going to USC. We are on two different coasts and I don't want to keep you tied down. Know that I love you and will always remember the good times we had together. The first song on the CD contains all my wishes for you. I hope one day when we are both older, we can get together and lives those wishes together. I love you always. You were my first and only love.



I couldn't keep it in any longer. I laid on my bed and just cried. He was gone my first and only love.