Wiping my forehead free of the sweat that had already begun to drench my dress even at midmorning, I shielded my eyes to look up at the shadowed the execution plank that stood above all of Central City by several stories. The military had succeeded in capturing an alchemist, God's destroyers, and the entire town bustled with the excitement of blood. I myself was just passing, having no interest in watching a man die at the hands of another. It was senseless, even if it was in the name of God.

But that didn't stop me from catching a glimpse of the damned man through the tall spectators (I was unusually short for my age) as he passed by. He was of normal height and dressed in normal clothes and glasses shielded his eyes from the burning sun that baked the rest of the bloodthirsty crowd. He was bowing his head.

"Praying to God? The bastard!" these words were rushed through the multitude of people also struggling to get a better look, forcing me to crouch down and weave my way towards the prisoner through there leagues.

He was passing as I made it to the military's barricaded path, and maybe it was because I was below him that I saw something no one else could or would not see. He was smiling. It wasn't a madman smile, or a bitter one. No. More like one that knew something everyone else didn't…

What happened next happened so fast that years from now people would still wonder the magic behind it. But it wasn't magic, just science, as I myself would soon find out.

First the man's eyes met mine and I stiffened, unsure to insult him or smile at him, but he winked nevertheless, and collapsed… and the earth swallowed him. Angered and confused by the man's escape and death before they had seen it, the throng of people over powered the military guards and charged the scene.

No one noticed me, the unusually tiny daughter of General Soldato, being kidnapped by a stranger, nor did they see us get swallowed by the earth as well…


The author speaks…

Later you would find out that several carefully placed alchemists around the square, who knew exactly what time to act from a subtle signal, had manipulated the earth to empty out then fill back up. The earth would give way to already dug tunnels that began far below any digging ability and lead to the edge of the forest. In another fifty years or so, these tunnels would be found and be claimed to be a burial ritual ground were Indians buried their chiefs.


I awoke with my head and heart pounding, threatening to break their bone barriers. Unknown voices came off from only meters away, as well as a faint light through the dark collage of plants and leaves. Taking in my surroundings I resolved I was in the forest bordering Central City to its north, and doing a quick medical check, I only found that a headache was the closest thing to an injury I had.

I was lying on a wooden mat with a blanket draped over my bony, shivering frame. Though it was summer, the nights were unbearably cold.

Unable run away in a direction at random, I was forced to think up a plan of action, when a dark figure clunked into my little tent of leaves. In the dim lighting, I saw the outline of a fierce looking body of armor.

"Good, you are awake," the voice of a child reached my ears, "Follow me, please."

Unable to comprehend anything besides the childlike plea, I followed, having no intention of disobeying. Outlining the dark figure, I had no doubt he could snap my limbs like twigs.

Gaining a dignified face, I gathered as much pride as I could, trying not to shake with fear or the bitter cold. The forest was silent apart from the clinking sound the stranger made in front of me.

We entered a cave with better lighting and welcoming warmth, however my small frame did not stop shivering as every eye of a pack of men and a few women turned toward me. My own guide dressed in an entire suit of armor, they were dressed just as strange, in blue coats of the military that were altered in different ways. The man closest to me away from the fire wore his with the collar cut off and several medals graced bellow the front pocket. 'Colonel?' I thought quizzically, recognizing the ranking patches on the sleeves.

The woman next to him wore the same kind of fashion of a coat without the arms and cut it short at the waist, a tattoo on her neck resembling a hawk's eye.

It was these two that ruled over the pack of bandits, and I shivered when their equally judging eyes frisked my body. Nodding to my guard, they seemed to say continue, and the man in armor lead me deeper into the cave, the others turning to dark and threatening shadows.

After adjusting my eyes to the dimmer light, I noticed a shadowed figure lying next to the cave wall and a small moan escaped the figure that I recognized as a man. He was injured!

Forgetting the bandits dressed as rogue military soldiers, I was quickly by the one in the sickbed's side, fumbling in my pockets for herbs. (Luckily they were still there.) My medical mind now focused, I did the regular check up and found his shoulder had a deep cut, close to the bone that had been infected. A fever had set in and was making his entire body hotter than flame; his breathing was ragged. Placing a poultice already made for scrapes on his wound, I also soaked a rag and dabbed his head, almost feeling the steam, and dunking it again, I placed it inside of his dry mouth.

"Are you positive of this, Al? Fullmetal won't be happy about this," a voice sounded behind me as my hands worked diligently to concoct a better solution for the wound. I froze. The hairs on the back of my neck pricked up.

Fullmetal! my thoughts screamed, As in Edward Elric, Fullmetal Alchemist! Then… that would mean…

Forcing my immobile neck to turn to stare at the group watching me with the same intensity only without horror, the realization struck me with a devastating blow: All of them are alchemists!

Like being doused in ice water, I realized I had been kidnapped to a camp of heathens. And had I no compassion for the ill, I would've ran as far as my tiny legs would carry me.

"If it makes you feel any better, I'll take the blame for this one," the one they called Al assured them. "We haven't lost a man yet, and I am not starting with Hughes! This girl is said to be the best. I had no other choice."

Whether it was the childlike innocence in his determined voice or the fact that someone was offering to act as a shield to me, I felt my mind settle, but only a little. Edward would come and find me here, and I would probably die either by his hands or her alchemists'.

But what could I do but stay? As long as the man they called Hughes was sick, I felt a new responsibility. Someone needed me, and it felt good.

A grim smile spread over my features, I went back to work with little knowledge of what the God had planned for me. Touching my Prayer Amulet, I whispered a blessing of protection for my patient and myself, feeling a strange calm over my body and mind.

Fate and God were working in mysterious ways, and I was apart of their strange weavings, and whether it will lead me to my death or salvation, I await willingly.


Two and a half days went by, myself having nothing to complain about as I kept a diligent watch over my patient called Hughes. Alphonse (who I had learned was the name of the man in the armor) and the rest saw to it that I had everything I asked for. I was slowly learning everyone's names (the one that dressed with the rank of colonel was Roy Mustang and his assistant who I assumed was more than just an assistant was Riza Hawkeye) and for the most part it felt like I just had to smile and they would treat me like any other person who was doing them a great favor.

They do not know my real name, my origin, I would think sadly, knowing if they did they would kill me. Central City is known for its laws against alchemists—I shuddered as I thought of the gruesome punishments for becoming a human against God—and my grandfather led those acts. My father upholds them. If they knew my name, they would kill me.

Mostly, however, I would push these thoughts out of my head. Never once did they give me a reason to fear them or I for them to hate me. But every time the sun sunk behind the trees of the dense forest, and the entire camp settled into a restless night, I could not help think of the danger I was in, and how much I was risking for a man I did not know. And yet I look at all of them and feel as if I finally have found a safe niche.

"Like a family," I murmured under my breath as I glanced back at the alchemists behind me. Moving in and out of camp, they all reported to Roy and Riza (like children to their parents), some caring supplies, some leaving mysteriously, but I don't ask why. I need not know their lives just as they do not know mine.

"Yeah, I guess we are," Al said quietly next to me. I smiled. Over the past few days he had been my most loyal—what would I call him? A friend, maybe—and has kept me company. We have discussed fleeting topics, none of real quality, but I knew this one would be different. "We protect each other, I suppose I need not tell you that most of us are alchemists."

"Yes, I did guess," I said quietly. "But why do you trust me so much to know?"

"You won't tell, you are not like that," his child voice answered simply.

"And what do you mean most? I had thought that all of you would be—"

"Oh no"—Al shook his head, causing the metal to scrape a little—"Riza is not an alchemist but a skilled gunwoman, and that man who is looking through those papers is Jean Havoc, Maria Ross, and even the man you are watching over is not an alchemist."

"But… why?" I asked, desperately trying to understand. If they were just human then they could repent their sins easily, why would they choose a life to be damned for all eternity? But I didn't say anything, knowing I would just offend them. They may be nice, but they are the enemies of God and my family, I cannot become close.

"That is not for me to say." And our conversation ended. I wasn't angry; they all often ended that way. Al was careful to what he said to me, it was obvious I wasn't meant to know much, and I him. Still, they were all nice and pleasant to me. Riza was like an older sister when Alphonse wasn't around. Often grumbling about another person to baby-sit, I could tell she enjoyed my company and I hers.

When I told Al on how I viewed Riza, he sat for a while and then asked a question he deemed not too private, "You are an only child?"

It was a simple question and could be answered vaguely. Choosing my words carefully, I answered, "No. I have an older sister, but she is not much of one. She casts a long shadow, and as the younger, plainer sister I am often overlooked."

Lynelle was always called beautiful; her long honeydew hair in wavy curls circling her heart shaped face and her brown eyes could draw any man's attention towards her. She was gifted in the art of sewing (while I never got past stitching a wound) and she carried herself like a queen. I am not ashamed to say I was jealous of my sister, but I did not envy her now, married to a man old enough to be her father.

"I also have a younger brother by two minutes," I said quietly, unsure if that was safe to say. But Al just nodded and did not push for any more information. It was ten days to midsummer and the sun beat through the leaves onto the camp and even in the cool shade of the cave I was sweating through my only clothes. Glancing to my companion, a thought occurred to me. "Al?"


"Are you not hot in all of that armor?"

As soon as an uncomfortable silence stretched over our corner I knew I had touched a tender nerve. Focusing back to my patient and trying to get him to swallow something other than water, I tried to take it back but Al waved it off.

"I have to go, take care, I'll be back before nightfall."

One by one the members of the misfit camp left, and I felt in the pit of my stomach I had done something wrong, and that something was going to happen…

That afternoon was the afternoon I personally met Edward Elric, Fullmetal Alchemist.


The author speaks…

As you grew up in your older sister's shadow, Lynelle thrived as Central City's beauty. Receiving gifts and proposals from many admirers, all loved her, and although you resented it, you also fell under her spell. But then there came the day a group of circus performers put a private show for you and your family.

Among the entertainers was a young acrobat with a mop of crimson curls and piercing black eyes. Lynelle was enchanted by him and was often missing from certain events. No one suspected anything save for yourself who had been unfortunate enough to stumble upon the two in a most uncompromising position.

Unintentionally you let it slip to your twin brother who in turn had told your father. Lynelle was then sent away for marriage to a Shou Tucker in a neighboring city, and that was the last you or anyone else had heard from her.


Showing no mercy, the afternoon sun beat down onto the back of my neck as I stewed some herbs while my patient slept fitfully back in the cave. It was murder to sit next to the hot flames, but the herbs needed to be watched in order to make sure they weren't overcooked.

When they were done I spilt them into a bowl and carried them over to my patient, and while wiping his soaked brow (then afterward mine) I tried to make him swallow the concoction. After his fitful sleep fell into a dreamless one, I leaned back, enjoying the shade, however little it helped.

Watching Hughes intently, as he was known to start coughing blood in his sleep, I did not sense a newcomer into the camp, thinking it was one of the others. I was soon proved wrong when I was roughly grabbed by the back of my dress and flung away from my patient.

Before I had time to focus my eyes and thoughts, I felt my back pressed against the rock wall of the cave and being held up by a strong, gloved hand around my neck, threatening to squeeze my air pipe shut. My feet barely touching the ground as I looked into the steely eyes of the one and only Edward Elric, Fullmetal Alchemist.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't end your time on this earth right now," he snarled menacingly.

A few seconds passed as I registered what was happening, but when I tried to speak by opening my mouth Edward's inhumanly strong hand squeezed my neck, but only hard enough so that air had trouble reaching my lungs. Gasping for air took the place of my words as I began to kick and bring my hands around his wrist in small attempts to make him release his grip. He smirked as relaxed it, allowing precious air to rush into my lungs as I gulped it greedily.

"Feh, just as I thought," he sneered, "a weak wench."

I tried to speak again, but he responded in the same way: strangling my air pipe just enough to make it difficult to breath. He's training me, I thought. He wants me to learn obedience. If I don't comply, he'll kill me.

Thoughts on how it wouldn't matter if he did or not flashed through my mind, but then it turned to Hughes at the other wall. I couldn't leave him, I just couldn't. Fine, I thought bitterly. I'll play his game, but only until Hughes is on the way to recovery.

"Stubborn thing, aren't you, you bitch?" I was sick of that smile and longed to wipe it off his smug face, but I stayed quiet. "But you learn quick."

Again I didn't give him the satisfaction of a reply. It would be giving him what he wanted, and somehow that keeping it from him gave me a grim satisfaction.

"Brother!" came a desperate cry from the entrance of the cave. (It was Alphonse.)

"What is the meaning of this!" Ed raised his voice to match his rising temper. Now it was my turn to smirk. But he just answered with another choking grip. "What is… is this… wench doing in my camp!"

Offended, I suppressed the urge to lash out my tongue. Unfortunately I must've made a face of disgust instead.

"And a disrespectful one at that," spat the alchemist as his hold tightened once again around my neck.

"Stop it, brother!" cried Al. "I brought her here! This was my doing!"

Brother? The thought was vaguely questioned in my mind as oxygen quickly made its way to my brain once again. (At Al's cry, I was released from Ed's grasp.) Collapsing on the cave floor, I was exhausted from nerves and dizzy from the lack of air. Looking at the pair of alchemists… brothers… I was frightened by Edward's expression: anger.

Does my presence affect their living that much?

They were fighting now, but I can't say I was paying attention, even though it was of my fate they were arguing about. Instead I inched my way to my patient in hopes that his fever had gone down and that he was not begin disturbed with the noise that now echoes in the cave. Unfortunately from me, Edward spotted my movement and pulled me back. Grabbing the front of my dress, he brought me up so I was level with him. (Despite the fact that he was short for his age, I was still centimeters below him.)

"And what are you doing?" was the icy tone, his gold eyes daring me to speak.

"Ch-checking on my p-patient," I tried to steady my wavering voice and look him in the eye, but my fears shook my nerves. So many stories of this infamous bandit-alchemist have passed through Central City. I heard he was capable of summoning weapons without a transmutation circle. (I supposed this was some great feat as everyone else was amazed by it.)

And I had no doubt in my mind that I would be joining his long list of victims.

But he didn't pull a smirk; he just kept those icy amber eyes on me. "Al, pray tell: why did you bring her here?"

"To help Hughes."

"I thought I told you what to do about him."

"Brother, you know I couldn't do that."

"It's pointless Al, and you don't want a repeat of her do you…?"

At this, the man in armor hung his head in silence and then mumbled a small "No." I could tell my companion was in pain and wished I could comfort him, but I did not know what any of it meant.

"Besides Al, you would be doing a favor."

"I still couldn't do it," Al said bluntly.

"Then why didn't you get someone else?"

"No one else would either."

"Pathetic," sneered Ed. "What kind of band do I have? One that can't even put a guy out his misery!"

I felt my entire body go numb of shock. He would actually kill one of his men! My stunned thoughts must have leaked into my expression as he turned his icy glare into a grim smirk. I swallowed spit from my dry mouth. What have I done!


The author speaks…

Ta Da! You've met the love of your life! So cute… (sigh).

Next chapter: you get kidnapped again! Oh, the suspense. And please people, review. (sniff) I need to feel loved!