Lady Alanna and the Prince

Chapter 1

16-year-old Lady Alanna of Trebond stepped out of her carriage and smiled. The palace was every bit as beautiful as her twin, Thom, had told her it would be. The stone was grand and strong, and the flag that fluttered from the highest tower snapped in the breeze in a beautiful way. She smiled. The royal palace in Corus was to be her home until a suitor whisked her away to be his bride.

Alanna was barely 5'1''. She had copper hair brushing her shoulders and violet eyes that she was often complimented on. She curved smoothly at the bust and hips, and wore dresses that flattered her classic shape. She had a sharp tongue, to the chagrin of the Convent. Her temper was fiery, but she could also channel it into flirting, a trick she had learned from her friends, Lady Cythera of Elden and Lady Fiona of Millsbrook.

Her tongue wasn't the only thing that embarrassed the Convent in the City of the Gods. While healing wasn't looked down upon, ladies were not encouraged to practice magic. But, Alanna had talked the Mithran priests into teaching her to use her strong magic- both to heal and… less practical things. She also wanted to learn how to ride on horseback. The Daughters of the Convent were scandalized when Alanna got herself breeches and learned to ride. She also had decided that, when she reached Corus, she was going to go into the City and practice her flirting in an inn. She was also going to trick her twin into teaching her the use of a sword. In exchange for teaching him magic, of course.

Ever since she was a little girl, Coram Smythesson, one of Alanna and Thom's caretakers, had praised Alanna on her skills as an archer and tracker. For a short time, Alanna had even entertained the idea of becoming a lady knight. Once she had learned that lady knights weren't exactly permitted in Tortall, she quickly dropped the idea. Needless to say, Thom wasn't extremely thrilled with that choice. He had wanted to become a great mage, but if Alanna wouldn't go to Corus, he would.

"Lady Alanna?" a servant asked with a bow. "I am to show you to your chambers." Alanna curtsied.

"Thank you," she replied. "Do you know where my brother, Squire Thom is?"

"I believe he is with his knight-master, your ladyship," the servant replied. Alanna nodded.

"Can you have my things brought to my room? I would much like to see him," she said. The servant nodded.

"Of course, your ladyship." He bowed and Alanna followed him to the practice courts.

There was Thom, talking with a man whose back was to Alanna. Thom noticed his twin and broke into a huge grin.

"Alanna!" he cried. Thom ran toward her. The twins embraced, getting lost in the red hair and violet eyes. The only differences between Alanna and Thom were the lengths of their hair, Alanna's simple brown dress, and Thom's 5'10'' height. Alanna smiled.

"I've missed you, Thom," she told him.

"Hullo, Thom, who might this be?" a big man asked. Alanna looked at him. He had tightly curled black hair and eyes to match. He was huge, probably around 6'5'', and all muscle. Alanna curtsied.

"Raoul, this is my twin, Lady Alanna of Trebond. Alanna, this is Sir Raoul of Goldenlake, a good friend of mine," Thom replied. Raoul kissed Alanna's hand.

"A pleasure, Lady Alanna," he said. Alanna smiled flirtatiously.

"The pleasure is all mine, Sir Raoul," she replied. A man a few inches shorter than Raoul and slightly smaller came up. His hair and eyes were both chestnut colored.

"And I am Sir Gareth the Younger of Naxen. My father is the queen's brother and the training master," he told Alanna, kissing her hand. Alanna gave Gareth the same smile and curtsied.

"An honor, Sir Gareth," she said.

"Please, just Gary," he corrected. She smiled.

"Gary, then." Finally, the man who Thom had been talking to came over. Alanna swooned inwardly. He was easily the most handsome man she had ever seen, with coal-black hair and sapphire eyes. He was a foot taller than she, and looked to be about a year younger than Raoul and Gary, but 3 years older than herself. He was muscular, but his build was slighter than that of the two large men. He wore a royal blue shirt that brought out his eyes and breeches that hugged the muscles of his legs.

"Jon, this is my twin, Lady Alanna of Trebond. Alanna, this is my knight-master, his royal highness Prince Jonathan of Conté." Alanna raised her eyebrows and curtsied.

"Your highness, I am honored," she said, looking up at him with lowered lashes. She saw Gary and Raoul bristle. Jonathan kissed her hand.

"The honor is mine, my lady," he replied. Alanna smiled and easily tossed her hair over her shoulder.

"I see swords," she noted. "Could I possibly be taught the use of one?"

"Alanna…" Thom warned. She looked at him.

"Thom, remember how you wanted to learn magic so much?" she asked.

"Duke Roger taught us," Thom cut in. Alanna frowned. There went that plan.

"Thom, if your sister wants to learn to use a sword, why stop her?" Raoul wanted to know. He smiled at her. "I like an adventurous woman."

"Raoul, stop flirting," Thom scolded. "That's my sister and I'm right here." Alanna chuckled.

"Oh, Thom," she said. "Don't get overprotective. If you gentlemen will excuse me, I will go change into something more suitable for learning the use of a sword. Perhaps I could get some pointers on my archery as well?" Raoul, Gary, and Jon nodded.

"Like you need pointers," Thom scoffed. "You're the best archer in Trebond!"

"I'm rather out of practice," Alanna told him, giving her twin an icy glare. He wasn't going to interfere this time!

As Alanna walked away, Thom looked at his friends. Raoul and Gary were practically salivating and Jon had a dopey smile on his face. Thom sighed.

"What?" Gary asked.

"You 3 are going to try to Court my sister, aren't you?" Thom wanted to know. "I should've known this would've happened."

"I'm sure she's changed," Raoul said. "She's not the same girl you knew 6 years ago, is she?"

"No, she's exactly the same. She's just learned new tricks of getting what she wants," Thom replied.

"I wonder who she wants," Raoul mused. Gary and Thom gave him a quizzical look.

"Raoul, who else did she just meet?" Gary inquired. The 3 boys looked at Jonathan, who was watching the direction Alanna had left in. Two of them sighed longingly.

"Cheer up, guys," Thom said, trying to be cheerful. "I'm sure Alanna won't just pick Jonathan because he's the prince."

"Don't count on it," Raoul said.

"Jon always gets the first pick of the ladies," Gary grumbled.

"I can't help it," Jonathan remarked, with an impish smile and a shrug. "But none of the ladies have every caught my eye." He indicated the direction Alanna had left in. "That one has."

Author's Note- please review.