DISCLAIMER: Do I really need to do this? Meg Cabot owns...nuff said, methinks!

SUMMARY: When Jen receives a letter from Luke, asking for her help in his relationship with Geri Lynn, Scott gets the wrong end of the stick and gets jealous. Can their relationship survive the odds?

RATING: K plus for the minute, may go up in later chapters.

A/N: So, I thought I'd try my hand at writing a Teen Idol fic, as it is a new category...and I got bitten by the plot bunnies! So, without further ado, here is Happily Ever After- I Think for your very own reading pleasure. Don't forget to review!


Ask Annie your most complex interpersonal relationship questions. Go on, we dare you! All letters to Annie are subject to publication in the Clayton High School Register. Names and e-mail address of correspondents are guaranteed confidential.

Dear Annie,

Over the Spring Break my boyfriend dumped me. I was upset at the time, but now I have gotten over it. I met a cute guy around, and we have become friends...and maybe more than that in the near future. When I met Fred (not his real name) on the first day back, he asked me if I would go out with him again. I haven't answered him yet...but am torn him and the cute guy I met over the Spring Break. He seems to have changed. Who do I choose?

Trapped between two guys

Dear Trapped,

Well, duh! Fred dumps you then wants you back. How do you know he's changed? He told you? I'd say get to know this 'cute guy you met on Spring Break' a little better...and think about it. If you'd dumped Fred and then asked him back out, what do you think he'd be feeling?


I checked my hair in the mirror as the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" I called, running down the stairs.

My boyfriend, Scott Bennett- I loved that sentence. I'll write it again, just to be, you know, me. My boyfriend, Scott Bennett, was coming to dinner at my house, to meet my parents so that they could reassure themselves that I wasn't going out with, like, a mass murderer, or something.

Although since the Luke Striker incident, my parents have been way more relaxed in what they let me do...or not do. And so, they hadn't asked too many questions about Scott, you know, just let us have our space, until a few days ago when my Mum asked me if I wanted to ask him to come over to dinner after one of the Register meetings.

So, here I was, the first Friday back after Spring Break, about to introduce my boyfriend to my parents.

I was more nervous than the time when I was meant to be doing Jazz Hands with the Troubadours.

I opened the door, and there stood Scott. "Hey," I said.

"Hey," he replied.

"Hey." That was me again. Yup, IQ 500! "Umm...come in!"

He came inside and, of course, there were my parents, milling around in the background, trying to look like they were actually doing something, instead of, you know, just waiting to be introduced. Scott was cool about it though, so it was good.

"Mom, Dad, this is Scott. Scott, these are my parents," I said.

"Hello, Mr and Mrs Greenly. How are you?" Scott said turning to them.

"Fine, thank you," my Mom replied, with a smile. So far, so good I thought. "Jen, show your friend into the dining room." As I lead Scott into the dining room, I heard Mom whisper "He seems nice enough," to Dad. Things were looking good.

The meal went fine- Mom had cooked one of her special Spaghetti Bolognaises, and she and Scott spent a good ten minutes discussing how best to make pasta. Afterwards, we (Scott and I, I mean) went to see Luke's latest film. It wasn't that good, but we enjoyed it because we knew him.

When I got home, I logged onto my e-mail to tell Trina what our date had been like. I was distracted, though, at an e-mail sitting in my inbox from...Luke Striker! What did he want?

TO: Jenny Greenly

FROM: Lucas Smith


Dear Annie,

I thought that seeing as you're that agony aunt person for your school newspaper, you could help me. I have a problem: Geri Lynn thinks I am 'seeing' my co-star Lindsay Lohan behind her back, because of some piece a tabloid ran. Can I come and talk it over with you? (In my Lucas Smith disguise, of course ;-) I don't want to be doing that again!) Will Saturday at 2:00pm be OK? At the café we went to last time? E-mail me and let me know.

Thanks so much,


I replied at once.

TO: Lucas Smith

FROM: Jenny Greenly


Dear L

Sure. See you then!


PS: Don't you dare call me that at the café. My identity must be protected! ;-)

This could be interesting. I wonder what on Earth he wants me to do? I must look and see if I can find a copy of that tabloid and try and work out why Geri Lynn is so upset.

Once an Agony Aunt, always an Agony Aunt. Such is life.

A/N: Please, please, please review. I know that this chapter is fairly short, but I'm hoping the next one will be longer! Thank you!
