Hey! Thanks for all the feedback/support! You guys are wonderful J really! Anyway, here's the last chapter. I hope you all have enjoyed this fic as much as I have enjoyed writing it. I hope to come up with some new ideas for another story soon! Thanks again for all the feedback.
Chapter 15
Derek looked forward to returning home after a fairly easy day at work. He was in a decent mood, which was likely because the previous night had been quite 'enjoyable' to say the least. He also gained a sense of closure with Meredith and finally felt as if he could truly be with his wife. Although he still had feelings for the intern, he no longer desired her. He would be her friend, but nothing more.
"It's nice not having to come home to an empty trailer." Derek sat down on the edge of the bed, looking over at Addison.
"I hope you realize that you just offended Doc." She looked down at the dog laying next to her.
"I think he'll get over it."
"I don't know about that, he looks pretty upset. You should apologize." She teased.
"I'm not talking to the dog."
"Ouch, I think he heard that." She patted Doc's head. "Did that mean doctor offend you? Don't listen to him. He's just bitter because he has to work and I don't." She spoke to the dog as if he were a young child.
"How bored are you?"
"Don't start with me, Derek."
"Well, you look better."
"Do I?" She was paying more attention to Doc than to her husband.
"I think last night helped quite a bit." His words made Addison looked away from the dog. "If only I had known it was so simple…" He kidded.
"Because you are just that desirable." She rolled her eyes.
Derek smiled. "I like this."
"This." Once again, he decided not to be very specific. "You're getting back to yourself."
"I'm trying."
"I know." He bent over to take off his shoes. "You know what else?"
"You like the trailer." His words were playful.
"I do not!" She snapped.
"Yes you do. Don't even deny it, Addison. You like it. You like the trailer and you like living in the woods."
"You know, if I were to bring another trout inside right now, I bet you would like that too… keep it as a pet even." He joked.
"Well aren't you just the comedian. I don't remember you being trying to be so funny in New York."
"So you like Seattle?"
"You're a terrible person, you know that?" Addison echoed Derek's exact words from only a couple of weeks earlier.
"I've heard rumors." He smirked, responding just as she had. "But come on, there must be some truth to what I'm saying."
"Okay, fine. Maybe I don't hate the trailer as much as I used to."
"I never said I liked it, Derek." Her tone was a bit defensive. "But it can be kind of nice at times. Our lives are so chaotic at work. It can be comforting to live somewhere so…"
"Sure." She agreed, half-heartedly. "But-"
"You still miss New York." Derek finished her sentence for her.
"Everyday." She added sadly. "But there are a few reasons why I would never go back now."
Derek's eyes lit up. "And why is that?"
"One. I can't think of in New York who's even half as promising as Dr. Stevens." she paused, "Two…well, you're in Seattle." She could have gone on, saying how much she needed him, but those three words seemed to cover everything. "And three, I think you'd miss me if I left."
Derek moved closer to his wife, pushing the dog aside. "You think so?"
"No use denying it now." She smiled.
Derek took a moment to look at Addison. Fresh out of the hospital without a stitch of makeup and she was still absolutely beautiful. "I'm so sorry I hurt you." He spoke softly.
Addison shook her head. "It's okay, Derek. It's okay. I deserved some of it. Not all, but some." she hesitated, "I just wish I hadn't hurt you first." She was strong enough to take responsibility for her actions.
"Can we start over?"
She smiled, grateful that her husband would say such a thing, but aware that it was unrealistic. "No, but we can move on."
"Okay." He brushed a few stray hairs out of her face. "It's getting late. You should get to bed."
Derek could still sense a bit of anxiety in her voice. Just because she slept for one night didn't mean that she was healed. He laid down next to her, tracing small circles on her back. "Just relax." He told her. "I'm not going anywhere."
…and he didn't. In fact, he realized that he never wanted to be apart from her again. Sure he had been angry that Addison cheated on him. Who wouldn't be? But if he had just given her the chance to explain he may have discovered that everything she did was for him in one way or another. All she wanted was a bit of attention and love from her husband. Is that too much to ask for? Of course not. She never loved Mark, and Derek realized this now. He was finally able to accept that there are two sides to every story. Every tragedy, every comedy, every drama…and most importantly, every romance.