To Be Someone Without No One

By Fantasy-chan

Disclaimer: I bet you smart readers know that I don't own any character in this.

Summary: Axel and Roxas go on an adventure, while Riku and Sora decide one for themselves.

Pairings: Riku x Sora, Axel x Roxas, Leon x Cloud.

Author's Notes: I'm so impressed with the number of reviews this received. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and don't forget to review and join my group YaoiBishies! (link in profile).

Roxas coughed into his hand as chill bumps overcame his skin. Scowling at a smirking Axel, Roxas continued onward, not ready to admit that perhaps this journey was too much for him, and that maybe it would be wise to turn back. But Roxas would not give in to cowardice like that—after all, wasn't it MLK that called those who ask the question 'Is it safe?' cowards? No, Roxas would not go out like that.

Instead, he'd do what he did best: whine.

"Are we there yet?" asked Roxas for the billionth time. Axel, unbothered and gleeful, merely shook his head eagerly, an odd light in his eyes.

"Nope!" he chirped, tugging his black trench around him. After seeing it in a shop, Axel had the undeniable urge to purchase it—and a matching one for Roxas. This was not to mention the matching kickass boots and the harmonizing smooth black leather gloves. Grinning, strutted down the deserted pathway as if he were a model on runway. Damn, did he have good fashion sense or what?

Roxas rolled his eyes. Oh no. Axel was going into one of his moods again, and that meant he was going to start acting flamboyant…as if he wasn't flamboyant enough with that long unruly red hair of his.

"When will we get there then?" Roxas demanded, his own leather black boots kicking up dirt. "This is so dumb—we've been walking since I woke to your crazy ass this morning!" Which had been at 5 o'clock in the morning. Now it nearly noon, and the only time they had stopped was to get some grub at some random coffee shop.

Roxas was still upset over that. They hadn't had pecan swirls—Roxas loved pecan swirls. If there was any food Roxas could eat all day and night, it would be those sweet pecan swirls with cinnamon. Mmm, cinnamon.

Roxas shot a glare at Axel, who didn't seem to notice. If they hadn't left so early in the morning, they would have gotten to eat some pecan swirls at orphanage's breakfast.

Well, at least he'd probably get to eat some if they got back in time for dinner.

"Here we are!" cheered Axel, running a gloved hand with his bright red hair. "What a walk. Next time, we're taking a bus."

"We could've taken a bus?" Roxas snapped. Axel ignored him in favor of the beauteous sight in front of them.

It was a large school—pristine white. Outside teenagers lounged on extravagant statues and fountains around, lazily chewing gum in their elite uniforms. Everything around was so celestial—from the clean pond to the crystal roof—and Roxas imagined if God had a school, this would be it.

Axel, unlike Roxas, remained unimpressed. The sight was gorgeous, but he knew the ugliness that lied on the inside. After all, he had gone there for some years before meeting Roxas when he was younger—and he still remembered how many children he had to fight in order to gain any type of respect.

Walking forward, Axel grabbed an awed Roxas by the arm and dragged him towards the first group of boys they came upon to. He then took the initiative by tapping the first boy on the shoulder. The boy turned, scowling, his uniform sloppily yet sexily draping on him. The bottom half of his collared shirt was done so that his stomach showed. When the boy realized who Axel was, his eyebrows soared up.

"You're…you left!" the boy stammered.

"Yeah, yeah, I did," said Axel, smirking. "But I came back just for you…Seifer."

The boy quickly came his senses and regained his composure. Behind him, his other friends—all of who weren't boys, Roxas realized—straightened up as well, tensing up as if they were about to fight. Roxas couldn't say he blamed them—Axel not only looked like a troublemaker, he was a troublemaker. Axel was well known for being a pest and irritating a person to their breaking point—and he did it for fun.

Luckily, Axel knew better than to test Roxas' limits. Although they were best friends, Roxas had a fiery temper that once ignited, wouldn't go out until weeks later. Of course, that didn't stop Axel for teasing Roxas every minute of the day, but Roxas didn't mind. They were friends, and that didn't mean changing another person to suit your needs.

"—the hell do you want, Axel? You left a long time ago," snapped Seifer, bringing Roxas back the scenario playing out before him. Seifer smirked at Axel. "You want to get your ass whipped in The Struggle? It's next weekend, you know. And this time we're inviting the best of the best…which I'd like to include you, so that I can show you for the wimp you are."

"Seifer's the best, y'know?" said Raijin, one of Seifer's dedicated flunkies.

"Victory," commented Fujin, her arms crossed. She was just as Axel remembered her—an impassive bitch.

"Then of course I'll attend, being that 'the best of the best' will be there," said Axel, crossing his arms. "But I'm wondering how you'll be able to show me up, when you won't be even there. After all, you did say the best of the best."

Seifer eyed Axel contemptuously. "Whatever, orphan. I'll see you there, and may the best man win…which, undoubtedly, will be me." He made to turn away from Axel, but Axel grabbed him by the shoulder to stop him. Seifer glared at him. "What is it now, loser?"

"I need to ask some questions about a student that attends here," replied Axel, a hard glint in his eyes that made Seifer think twice about brushing off Axel's hand. "I need you to tell me who Sora Kitizawa is."

"Sora Kitizawa?" laughed Seifer, and the rest of his friends laughed too. "He's even lamer than you, Axel! What the hell do you want with him?"

Axel rolled his eyes. "Does it really matter? I do believe I asked for you to tell me who Sora Kitizawa is, not what I'm going to do with him."

Seifer gave him a look, as if to say 'I don't need to ask what you're going to do with him, since I already know you're a complete poof.' Instead of saying what was on his mind, however, he took notice of the bored-looking Roxas. "Who's this?" he asked, taking a closer look at Roxas before jumping back. "Woah, what are you playing at, Axel? Sora's right behind you!"

"What?" said Axel, looking behind him to make sure. All he saw was…

Axel nearly smacked himself. Oh, right, he thought belatedly. They're twins…everyone would think they're the same person.

"Nah, not Sora," corrected Axel, with another run through his hair. "This is Roxas…he's the reason I'm looking for Sora."

"What are you talking about? That is Kitizawa…just because he has a blonde job done doesn't mean anything. I could smell a mudblood, anywhere." He gave a nasty look to Roxas, who only gave him a cool look back.

"That's funny," said Roxas, crossing his arms. "I have a talent just like that—except I can smell someone with bad B.O. And for someone that's as rich as you are, I'd expect you to at least buy deodorant."

There was stillness and for a moment, Axel swore he could cut the air with his hand. Seifer was shocked, and Roxas' gaze was chilling. After a while, Seifer shook his head.

"Wow, you really aren't Kitizawa," said Seifer, rubbing the back of his head. "He wouldn't have had the nerve to say something like that. Then again…that boyfriend of his would've just spoken up for him. Impressive, sort of." His eyes trailed from Axel to Roxas, as if comparing their relationship to Sora's.

"Well, anyway," said Roxas, feeling uncomfortable at the stare. "Where is this Sora kid, anyway?"

Seifer only shrugged his shoulders. "Sora ran away with his boyfriend, yesterday," he informed them. "Maleficent chased them off."

"Hey Sora…" said Riku, wiping the sweat off his brow. He had long removed his shirt, allowing the blazing sun to tan his muscular chest. He had needed it—being cramped up in school for so long had made his skin nastily pale.

"Yeah?" responded Sora, taking his own shirt and wiping his face with it.

"Do…do you ever think about, you know…what's out there?"

Sora looked at Riku and then at the ocean in front of him. "Water?"

Riku smacked him in the back of his head, sand going down Sora's neck from Riku's palm. "No, stupid! I mean the world."

Sora scowled, rubbing the sand out of his hair. "Well, duh! It's hard not to, right? With Maleficent and 'The Privileged' around, one has to wonder if there are good people out there."

Riku nodded, suddenly feeling bad for Sora. Sora grew up without a real family—the only reason why he was going to School of the Palatial and Regal was because Riku's family had given him financial support. They had found Sora as a young boy in a dirty alley, and feeling a great deal of compassion Riku's aunt was the one to take him in. He hadn't known who he was, so she had told him that she was his mother. She couldn't have any children of her own, and since Riku and Sora had connected almost immediately, it only made the deal sweeter. After all, sooner or later, Riku would've needed some sort of companion.

For a long time now, Sora had been picked on and teased by the other kids because of his situation. He wasn't naturally 'Blue Blooded', and the kids were bound to find out, considering they had money to find out these things. At age 15, Sora found out that he was really adopted—and that had been a real horrid mess. But he got over it with time, and Riku was glad they had finally decided to run away from it all—he was due for an adventure, anyway. His parents had been expecting it of him ever since he was a lot younger—Riku had always been a daring, adventurous child, much unlike his eldest graceful sibling, Sephiroth. As long as they had their perfect heir, they could give less than two thousand about their youngest son.

Now Aunt Melinda…well, she'd be a bit of a problem. She was rather attached to Sora and had always sheltered him while they were growing up. Because of Riku's audacious behavior, she was always weary with trusting her adopted son in his hands. But no matter, it wasn't as if she had a real hold on Sora, after the entire 'I'm not your biological mother' scene. Sora had never trusted her as much, after that.

"How do you feel about going to England, Sora?" asked Riku, brushing his damp hair out of his face. Sora scrunched his nose up.

"Too stinky."


Sora rolled his eyes at him. "Too whorish."


Sora merely glared at him. Riku put his hands up in surrender.

"All right…all right." Riku thought hard. He wanted to go where people wouldn't recognize them—or rather, wouldn't care who he was and would just leave them alone. Now where could he find people like that?

Riku snapped his fingers, a light bulb going off over his head as his smile glowed brilliantly. Standing up, he dragged Sora to his feet. Sora rolled his eyes. "What is it now, Riku?"

"C'mon, Sora!" Riku cried. "We're going to New York City!"

End Chapter 2

Fun Author's Notes: I'm betting you readers were expecting nsight to the next chapter…I decided to be evil with this story, so that you will never see what's coming next. Don't forget to review and join my group YaoiBishies! (link in profile).

Sunshine in a Bag: It's my fave too…Thanks so much for your review!

DemonSurfer: Ah…OK. No more sugar for you! LOL, thanks for reviewing!

SKF: Thanks so much. I really try to keep everyone in character.

Hikari: Thanks so much for your review…yep, yep they're twins, but unfort. I can't say anything else.

Rockr RizuTamaara: Eat me? Not unless you eat my computer too…Lol, thanks for the review.

Rockr4Life: Riku x Sora is my fave too! They fit so perfectly together and Kairi needs to totally shove off.

Hi-chan: Here it is! Hope you enjoyed it!

Skitzoheartless: You know, I didn't think about it til you mentioned it. LOL. Jackson…well, there are some coincidences there. Thanks for reviewing!

Mooncat011: Thanks so much…I'm so happy your responsive. Thanks for your review!

Al-Bhed Theif: It's supposed to be interesting…it gets even more interesting in later chapters! Thanks for reviewing.

varda101: I'm sure glad she's not my teacher… Even though with some of the personalities at my school, she's easily beaten out xD.

Bonnie Mizuhara: Oh, you'll know more in later chapters, promise…thanks for reviewing!