Authors Notes: Ugh… I've been so busy lately. I've been on vacation and not to mention a hell of a lot of schoolwork. But now, school's finally out:DD So… That explains the long period of non-updated-ness. Oo Also, if any of you read Yumi-Chan's SasuNaru/NaruSasu story, she hasn't been able to update yet because her computer crashed and she's only able to get on one every so often. She's been on vacation too. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Remember to review!

Disclaimer: I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist. Hiromu Arakawa does. I own Kelly, because I made her up. :3

Warnings: Same as always… Some violent conflict and swears.

Chapter Four

Kelly finished off he last bit of her breakfast and sighed, her belly was now satisfied. She rose from the seat she was sitting in, and picked up her tray. She walked towards the door and picked up Ed's on her way there. She then opened the door, leaned out and held it open with her foot as she placed both trays beside their door in the hallway for the maids to come by a pick them up. She then walked back into the hotel room and sat down on a couch, looking out the window.

"So, what time do you think we should head down to the library?" Ed asked from inside the kitchen.

"Hm.. I don't know." Kelly shrugged "But, I'm gonna go for a walk right now. So we can discuss it when I get back, okay?" she pulled on some black converse shoes and walked into the bedroom, picking up a sweater on the ground and pulling it on as well. She walked to the door and waved as she exited the hotel room. Ed just shrugged and walked over to the couch and picked up a random book he had found in one of the drawers and began to read.

Kelly stepped out of the hotel and took a deep breath of fresh air. She had always enjoyed taking walks… She traveled down the road and she saw a man in the distance. He looked rather old, and he was bent over picking something up. Kelly began to walk over to him. She soon noticed there was a large pile of books on the ground and the old man was trying to pick them all up. Clearly he had recently dropped them.

Kelly jogged over to him and began to help picking up the books. He looked at her and smiled, nodding as if to say thanks. Once all the books were picked up, he put them into a bag he had hanging over his shoulder.

"Thank you very much" he smiled as he took the books from Kelly's hands and placed them into the bag along with the other one's.

"No problem" she smiled. "Oh, by the way, my name's Kelly" she stuck out her hand for a greeting. The old man grabbed onto hers and smirked. Just then a flash of bright light was on the man. Once it had all cleared, there was a different man there. He was way younger… He had long spiky dark green hair. He looked as if he was some sort of cross dresser.

"And I'm Envy" He still held onto Kelly's hand and he began to run, dragging her along with him.

"Let go of me!" She pleaded, trying to pull her hand out of his grasp. She soon succeeded and began to run as fast as she could away from this creature. Envy began to chase after her, but he stopped a while back. As if to catch his breath. He kept a solid smirk on his face, not letting it fade no matter what.

She finally got a long distance between her and the man called 'Envy'. In her opinion, it was a weird name. She stopped running and began to catch her breath in case the freak came after again, she'd have more stamina. She was closer to the hotel now, but it was still a ways away. Her heart finally stopped pounding and her breath balanced. Kelly glanced behind her and noticed that the man, Envy, wasn't there…at least, she thought it was a man.

She shrugged and looked forwards again and stopped. If she had taken one more step forward, she would have run into the tall lady standing in front of her.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going" Kelly explained as the looked up at the Lady's face. She had long black hair and purple eyes. She was wearing a long black dress. She also had some sort of weird tattoo on her Chest. Standing beside her, was a short fat man. He was bald with big eyes.

The lady simply nodded, showing she understood. Kelly began to walk around her, but the lady's arm shot up in front of her and her fingernail extended so Kelly had no way to pass. The fingernail was more like some sort of sharp thin black blade.

"What the HELL is going on!" Kelly whined as she tried to pass the Lady.

"Lust…Can I eat her?" The short fat man was eyeing Kelly, licking his lips. A chill ran down Kelly's spine. Clearly, she was creped out.

"Not yet, Gluttony. We have to wait for Envy" Lust answered.

Gluttony frowned and stuck out his tongue. Kelly looked at his rather LARGE tongue. It had the same tattoo as the lady named Lust. Kelly backed up from Lust and Gluttony and spun around so she could run away in the other direction. She stood there, looking at Envy. He had come out of nowhere!

"Leave me alone!" Kelly shouted nervously, running to her right. The only direction that the freaks weren't covering.

"I don't think we can do that" Lust chuckled and extended her fingernail once more so it was pressing against Kelly's neck.

"One more sudden movement and blood will be spilled" she added with a sadistic smirk.

Kelly snarled "Fine." She walked back towards the three people. If you could call them people… Kelly noticed there was no more fingernail beside her neck. She took in a deep breath and yelled as loud as she could "EDWARD!"

"You brat!" Envy snarled, making his way towards Kelly. He put his hand on her shoulder and spun her around harshly, backhanding her in the face with the other hand. She winced but continued standing up straight, looking into his eyes furiously.

Lust walked towards Kelly slowly. She moved her face right next to Kelly's and whispered in her ear "Now now, if I were you I would have shut up a long time ago. But, it looks like you're a feisty little one. So…" Lust placed her hand on Kelly's waist and extended one of her fingernails a little bit. "a punishment will be in order, you little wench" Lust placed the nail against Kelly's flesh and pulled her hand towards her quickly, cutting into Kelly's side while doing so.

Kelly moaned and clutched her bleeding side. The cut wasn't that deep, but it was bleeding pretty badly. Her hands were already covered in the dark wed liquid as it oozed out from her side.

"Don't touch me!" Kelly spun around and punched Lust Square in the jaw. As she did so, she felt the jaw shift in her hand. Clearly, she had broken it. She rubbed her knuckles and looked up at lust's face. It was twisted, and she was still smirking as her jaw was misplaced with blood coming out through the sides of her mouth.

"I'm sorry dear, but that won't do. You'll have to try a little harder than that" Lust grinned as she placed her hands on her face and snapped her jaw back into place. The crack from the bone's moving was a horrible sound.

Kelly looked at her, horrified. She clutched her side and swayed a bit. The blood loss was making her somewhat dizzy. She fell backwards and Envy caught her in his arms.

"Well, hello there" He brought up one of his hands and caressed her cheek. Kelly slapped it away harshly. He growled and moved his hands, causing her to drop down on the ground.

"Shit…" she mumbled to herself.

"Now, now, now… You've got to learn to respect you're elders, child." Envy ducked down so he was now leveled with Kelly's face.

"Like hell I will!" she spit right onto his cheek. He simply laughed and grabbed the collar of her sweater, lifting her up above him one handed.

"Well, I'm going to have to teach you a lesson then." He moved his arm backwards and balled his hand into a fist, aiming right for her stomach. "Here we go" he continued smiling widely as he edged his fist closer to her stomach.

"Put her down, NOW."

Kelly spun around her head and saw Edward, standing behind Lust looking furious.

"Ah.. I see the Fullmetal Shrimp has come to see the rest of the show." Envy practically dangled Kelly by the collar of her shirt. She lifted up her hands and held onto his wrist, trying to pull it away. "It's no use, love" Envy added.

"I said… Put.Her.DOWN." Ed raised his voice, his eye's locked on Envy.

Envy sighed "As you wish" He smirked and let go of her collar, making Kelly fall from however high up she was. She winced and sat on the ground, putting pressure on the cut along her waist.

Ed walked forwards toward Envy, taking off his gloves once at a time.

"Ooh, now it's getting serious" Lust joked from behind Ed. He just simply ignored her and continued making his way towards him. Edward stopped a couple feet in front of Envy and clapped his hands together and placed it on his right arm, causing a blade to come from his arm.

Kelly looked at him in awe. "His arm…it's-metal?" she whispered to herself. "So…that's why…" she trailed off, remembering this morning how heavy his arm was. Ed ran towards Envy, swinging his arm all over the place, trying to hit Envy. Envy just simply moved from side to side, easily avoiding his attacks.

As soon as Envy was a long way's away from Kelly and the rest of the group, Ed spun around and ran towards Kelly, picking her up and placing her over his shoulders and continued running away from the group. Kelly was somewhat startled by this, but at the moment, she didn't mind. She wanted to get away from these freaks. Fast.

"Hey! Get back here!" Envy yelled. Lust just shook her head.

"Leave them, Envy. We'll get them soon enough. I've got a better plan."

Ed and Kelly arrived at the hotel room after what seemed forever. He placed her down on the couch and ran to go get a hot towel and placed it overtop of the wound. The bleeding had stopped, but the cut was still pretty bad.

"We've gotta get you to a hospital" Ed announced, looking at the cut once more. Kelly simply nodded and shut her eyes. Ed picked her up once more and ran out of the hotel, looking for the nearest hospital.

Authors Notes: Well, I'm ending it there. I hope you enjoyed this chapter nn I hope it wasn't too much just for the 4th chapter. But, anyways… don't forget to review! And this time, I'll FORSURE update quick. And if I don't… you can slap me. :D