Authors Notes: It's Rai-Chan! 3 This is my first story, so it might be a little bad.. D: Please, Review an' shizz! 3 ;

Disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist. Hiromu Arakawa does. I don't own any of the characters, either. Well, I own one Character. Kelly is my own original character. :3

Summary: A new Girl, Kelly, is accepted into the military as a State Alchemist because of her odd alchemic abilities. She is then partnered up with Edward, and they soon become fond of each other. O: EdxOC A little bit of RoyxRiza but don't expect too much. The story's focused on Ed and the OC.

Warnings: Some swearing, blonde midgets..

Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist, and his younger brother, Alphonse walked down the streets earning glares and questioned looks from citizens in their town. Not to mention, being stared at.. But who wouldn't stare? There was a tall metallic suit of armor with a rather short blonde boy walking beside him. They were headed towards the central military headquarters, because 'Colonel Dipshit' had to discuss an important case with Ed. They soon arrived and stood in front of the large gates, waiting for them to be opened. Once they did open, they walked inside and trudged down the halls toward the Colonel's office.

Edward stopped in his tracks and looked up at a large door, sighing. "I might as well get this over with.." Ed suggested softly to himself. "Al, wait out here until I come back okay?" Edward finished as he raised his right arm and knocked on the hard door. It sent an echo through the halls. "Come in" mumbled a voice from behind the doors. Ed trusted the doors open and walked in, taking a seat in front of a large desk, avoiding eye contact with the man behind it. "Greetings, Fullmetal" said Roy, rather happily with a large grin on his face. Ed looked up at him abnormally, wondering what the sudden 'happy moment' was all about. "Get to the point, Mustang. I'd like to get out of here." Ed stated, rather crankily.

"I have some news, but I'm not sure if you'll like it.." continued Roy as he looked through the papers on his desk. "Ah, here we are." Roy said as he picked up a file and walked around his desk, handing it to Ed. "What's this?" Ed questioned, looking at the tan envelope.

"Why don't you open it up and see?" Roy stated with a smug tone in his voice, making Ed look rather stupid. Ed then just rolled his eyes and fiddled with the envelope and soon managed to open it. He reached inside and took out a couple pieces of paper. On the front sheet, there was a picture of a girl. She had Black hair a little above her shoulders, and violet eyes. She wore 3 clips on the side of her bangs. Ed just stared at the picture for a while. "The information, Fullmetal. Read it" Roy said chuckling as Ed looked away from the picture grumpily and scanned the information. Her name was Kelly David, and the military officers wanted her because she had some sort of abnormal alchemical abilities. It didn't say what the ability might be.. She was 15 and she had no parents, so she lived with her aunt. Her house was actually fairly close to Central. After Ed finished scanning all the information, he looked back up at Roy. "So, Mustang, why'd I have to read this?"

"Be patient, Fullmetal, she'll be here in a moment."

"You mean she's actually coming?" Ed questioned. "But if she's wanted by the military, doesn't that mean she hasn't been found yet?"

Roy just sighed and sat down on his desk looking at the door. "Don't be a smart ass, Fullmetal Shrimp" He added with a grin on his face.

"DON'T CALL ME A SHRIMP! I'M NOT SHORT!" Ed screamed rising out of his seat throwing his fists everywhere. This time, Al wasn't there to hold him back. He lunged forward, Roy just rolled his eyes and pushed him back into his chair. "Please, Fullmetal, Restrain yourself." Added Roy, annoyingly.

Kelly seated herself on a park bench, sighing and pulling her sweater closer around her. She then looked down at a book she had in her hands. It was titled 'All you need to know about Alchemy'. She smiled and opened up the book and scanned thorough the pages studying all the information. Just a few moment's after, a hand tapped her on the shoulder. Startled, she stood up quickly and spun around. Behind the park bench were two military officers. One rather large man who literally towered over the other man beside him; had a small curly lock of hair on the top of his head. The other man was much shorter, with dark hair, glasses, and a smile on his face. Kelly just stared at them awkwardly and pocketed her alchemy book. "Um.. Hey?" Kelly said as she raised her arm and waved, forcing a small smile.

"Hey!" greeted the dark haired man, rather loudly. "I'm Lieutenant Colonel Maes Hughes, and this is Major Alex Louis Armstrong" Stated Hughes, outstretching his hand. Kelly smiled now, more comfortably, and also reached out her arm and shook hands with Hughes. She then looked over to Armstrong and held out her hand. Instead of him shaking her hand, he ran towards her and hugged her tightly; tears of joy pouring from his eyes.

"It's so nice to meet you Ms. David!" Armstrong declared.

"Call me Kelly.." she suggested as she took a step back from Armstrong, a little dumbstruck. "Wait.. How do you know my name?" Questioned Kelly, uneasily as she looked at Hughes.

"Kelly, could you please come with us? Colonel Mustang would like to speak with you." Hughes added as he stepped out from behind the bench. Kelly then just nodded with a baffled look. Hughes just smiled and began walking down the road, with Armstrong not far behind him. Kelly then sighed and began to walk towards them.

Kelly then caught up to Hughes and continued walking with them down the road. "So.. Why does the Colonel want to talk to me? And; how did you guys know my name?" she asked looking up at Hughes.

"You'll find out once we get to HQ." He answered digging around in his pockets. "But in the meantime, would you like to see some pictures of my daughter! She just turned three this year! Isn't she adorable? I have some pictures of her at her birthday party! She's wearing a little party hat, it looks so adorable!" he stated as he excitedly took out oodles of pictures of himself, his daughter, and a lady who would probably have to be his wife.

"Ah, no, I'm good.. Thanks anyways?" Kelly chuckled nervously scratching the back of her head. Hughes just frowned and tucked the pictures beck into his pockets, making sure not to bend or damage any of them. Kelly then just placed her hands in the pockets on her sweater and looked up at the sky.

Once they had finally arrived at HQ, they made their way down the halls and they stopped in front of two large double doors. Hughes knocked on the door and stepped in smiling. "Here she is Mustang" Hughes gestured towards Kelly. She just smiled nervously and stepped forwards. Armstrong then came to the door saluted the Colonel and Hughes, and made his way down the hall. Hughes then walked in the door and waited for Kelly to follow. Once they had both entered, he shut the door behind him. Kelly looked forwards and saw two guys in the office along with her and Hughes. Kelly then stepped forwards and began walking up to the desk.

When she walked past Ed, she couldn't help but to stare.. She felt a small blush fall upon her cheeks but she just hung her head down slightly; trying to hide it. "I'm Colonel Roy Mustang" Mustang reached out his hand to Kelly. She took it and smiled and returned the greeting. She then turned to the side to look at Ed.

"Who's this kid?" Kelly gestured towards him.

"I'M NOT A KID, AND I'M NOT SMALL!" Cried Ed, folding his arms over his chest, quite annoyed.

"Oh, okay.. Sorry? Anyways.. I'm Kelly David"

"Edward Elric.. You can call me Ed." Ed pouted. He then sighed and slumped into a chair in front of Mustang's desk. Kelly did the same and looked around the room. "So.. why did you guys want to see me?" Kelly looked back at Mustang questionably.

"Well, we've heard a lot about you... In the past, you've encountered some alchemical abilities, am I right?"

"…yeah" Kelly nodded slightly.

"Wait-Alchemical abilities? Like what?" Ed asked looking back and forth at Kelly and Mustang.

"I'm getting there, Fullmetal.. So, it's true that you're also able to perform alchemy without a transmutation circle? Also.. I've heard rumors that you're able to change into anything-except for humans- when you make eye contact, am I right? " Roy questioned, sitting down on his desk.

"Y-yes.. But how did you know?" Kelly looked at Mustang astonished. Ed just sat in his chair listening to everything being said.

"We've figured out these abilities are a big help, and you'll need them to find the Philosopher's Stone." Roy looked at Edward after that remark. "So.. I've decided that Both Edward and Kelly will work together to find the Philosopher's stone. So, you're now partners." Roy said with a rather large smirk on his face.

"What!" Ed shouted rising out of his seat. Kelly just sunk down into her chair, wishing she wasn't here right now.

"Yes Fullmetal, you heard me. I've booked a hotel for you two in Xenotime. I'll call you two every so often and make sure you're behaving." Mustang added a small snicker at the end. Edward just glared at him and sat down looking out the window avoiding eye contact with everyone in the room.

"Come on Ed, I'm sure that was a joke.." Kelly added as she sat up a bit more. "So, when do we leave then..?"

Ed then turned to face Mustang to hear his reply.

"Tonight.. I don't care which train you board. It's a two hour ride and you'll be staying in the hotel for a while.. You guys might want to get packing." Roy rose from his desk and looked out the window. "That's all.. If you need me, just call."

Author's Notes: Well, that's it. O: I hope it was okay.. I've already started planning what's happening next so the second chapter should be coming out pretty soon. Also, the second chapter will be more humorous.. So, I hope you liked it. If so, please review 3 Thank you : D