Disclaimer: Well I am a poor teen living with his mother. I own nothing.

Chapter 1


There was one room in the tower, most of the titans never dared enter. No, not the laundry room on Beast boys laundry day. But rather, the territory of the Raven. The room that once entered, could get you a free ticket to an alternate reality or shrink you to the miniature size of an imp. Well not really, only if ones curiosity gets the best of them, will harm be bestowed on them. The soul blinded by the good and light in the world could possibly lose their mind in the room of the Raven.

BUT WAIT! Who dares tread on the Ravens ground.

Oh, it is her. The Raven in presence.

After so many years, flying back to the nest that is now basically foreign ground.

She is timid , slowly walking step by step for she knows some one had trespassed on her grounds.


"Hmmm." Raven mumbled to herself as she slowly inspected everything in her room.

'Nothing seems to of been moved an inch, yet there's not one speck of dust to be found on anything.'

Letting her guard down, she went over to her bed and flopped down.

'Who would dare come into my room or better yet who would actually clean it.'

"I don't deserve this, I'm worse off then Terra. I completely abandoned my team." Raven told herself in voice below a whisper.

'They must clean it every week, expecting me to return the next day. Who would continue to do that for three years?'

She felt her sheets with her fingers then sighed.

"I have grown a lot I'm going to need a new bed." She mumbled, sleep clearly on her mind.

'What if they don't want me back?'

She answered her question faster then she had asked it.

'They would of left my room to dust and sold my books for a small fortune if they didn't want me back.'

Feeling at ease again she laid down and enjoyed the comfort of her room. It felt so peaceful she found herself drifting off quite fast.

The sound of loud footstep had her fully awake.

"It's 2:00 in the morning who could possibly be up and about at this hour." She asked herself as she stood up and crept over to put her ear to her door to listen to the heavy footsteps.

'Maybe they will just pass right by!' Raven thought trying to be optimistic.

But the foot steps came to a halt at her door. Then whoever was there knocked on it.

'Hmp! Like I'm home.' Raven thought as she summoned dark magic, becoming but a shadow in the corner.

Whoever it was knocked again then the door slid open and in walked a tall black man wearing some black sweats, a white tee shirt, and umm some pink bunny slippers.

He lingered for a second at the door then slowly entered the room, door closing behind him.

'Who is this, did they get a replacement for me? I wonder how many more members there are?'

"Well hello there Raven!" Greeted the stranger.

Ravens heart stopped. 'How does he know I'm here!'

The trespasser casually walked over to her bed and sat down.

"Nothing really new today just another routine day in the city."

He scratched the back of his head. "Well actually I accidentally shot Beasty in the butt. Hehe! I'm still getting used to this latest upgrade."

Raven looked at his arms to notice they were not flesh but of some metallic element.

'Could this possibly be Cyborg. What happened to him, how could this happen to him?'

"Yeah Nightwing scolded me for a little then he order me to train for a while. Don't worried I'm not getting sweat on your sheets, I took a shower a half an hour ago."

Raven watched on, completely confused.

'So he doesn't know I'm here, yet he's talking to me. Hmm, wonder when Cyborg went mad.' Raven puzzeled from the corner of the room.

"Terra got tired of nursing Beasty's burnt booty and came to help me train. She shot up earth and moved it around and I would aim and shoot them down." Cyborg said this last part with his arm in the air as if he was still training. But then Raven watched as he lowered his arm and his smile dwindled to a sad face."It was just like old times back when I was Cyborg and you were still here. Remember when we used to train together early in the morning, sometimes hour before the rest of the team were awake. I really liked that." He confessed with a sad smile on his face.

'Me too.' Raven agreed listening intently.

"Even though you've been gone for some time now, you remain the only one in my heart. I miss you even more everyday. Why did you have to go?" Cyborg asked not knowing the person with the answer was only a few feet away.

Raven heart was pounding loudly in her chest,

'I never knew Cyborg held such feeling for me.'

As Raven thought on this, something clicked in the depths of her mysterious mind.

'I'm not suppose to be hearing this, but then again this is my room.' Raven's emotions argued in her mind as she listened on.

"I never got to hold you like I would of liked or held your hand during a peaceful walk through the park." Cyborg said oblivious to the person he was talking about.

'This isn't right.' Raven thought finally coming to a conclusion in her mind. Raven closed her eyes and summoned her powers to teleport to where the boy wonder or should she say Nightwing resides. Before she teleported she heard a few more words but they weren't of love but rather of anger.

"It was really messed up how you just left without a……"


SiscoKid: This was originally going to just be a oneshot but well I just kept writing more and more. I already have up to chapter 5 done in my notebook but the hard part for me is actually typing it. Oh and I have a different name for Cyborg but I don't think its very cool so could you guys like give me some names. I may used them or just keep the one I already have.