Ron Weasley and the seven Professors

Chapter 6 The Poison

Back in the castle, Draco had thought he had finally gotten rid of his gangly nephew and was rejoicing.

"Oh mirror, mirror on the wall, who now is the most handsome of them all?" Draco recited in front of his mirror.

"Beyond the seventh fall, in the cottage of the seven dwarfs, Ron Weasley is now the most handsome of them all!" The mirror said.

Draco's face twisted into rage.

"You stupid mirror, you're losing your touch. Ron is dead and I am free of his freckles forever!"

"Oh no, your majesty. Ron still lives, hiding away…." The mirror said surprised and a little mockingly.

"I've been tricked. That stupid huntsmen, how dare he! Ron could never be as handsome as I!" Draco screamed, throwing a candle across the stone floor, before the flame flickered out, throwing the castle room into darkness.

Suddenly a bolt of lightning lit up the room and huge bolts of rain came running from the sky.

Thunder roared and a lightning flash revealed a smile on Draco's perfect lips.

"I shall find, dear Ron, in a wonderful disguise. No one will ever suspect me. I shall poison my nephew and forever be the most handsome of all."

Through the terrible storm, the king concocted a magical potion, and then transformed himself into an ugly old salesman.

Draco's once beautiful face was now riddled with wrinkles and frown lines.

He had a large pointed chin and a mole on the side of his nose.

Draco looked into the mirror.

"My face, my beautiful face." Draco collapsed on the ground before looking up "I shall change back when the time is right. Now…a special death for my tall nephew."

He stood up and walked to his cupboard.

For the second time that night, Draco began to concoct a potion.

It was a poison, to kill your greatest enemy.

When Draco had finished he dipped an apple into he poison.

"Once this touched your lips Ron, you will die and I shall forever be the most handsome of them all!"

Draco turned away to put the apple in the basket by the table, but something caught his eye.

"The victim can only be revived by loves first kiss," Draco read in the potion book, he had gotten the directions for the poison from.

"No worry of that! The dwarfs will think Ron's dead and will bury him before his true love is anywhere near…"

Draco cackled evilly and deposited the apple into the basket.