Hi! I really have NO idea where my inspiration for this one came from. It just... came... Lol. This isn't really any pairing (yes, different for me!) It's just a little angsty Hermione's POV one-shot.

Disclaimer: Not mine.

NOTICE: This, I have decided, is going to be dedicated to... -drum roll- Yes, it is another story for SiriuslyFunny, aka Kiki! I dunno why I keep dedicating these to you... probably cuz you're like one of my best friends... Lol.


I knew that all hope was gone when he screamed.

Harry screaming is not something you see often. He learned long ago how to endure pain. So when you saw him screaming in fear... that was something that was truly unexpected. I hate that that's my last image of him. Eyes widened in fear, the green light reflecting off of them. The look of him, knowing that he was about to die.

I knew that all hope was gone when his body hit the ground.

It was something that I never wanted to see. Harry Potter, the boy who was always filled with such drive and energy, dead. Unmoving. Unsmiling. He would always do anything to save Ron and me. And the fact that we were in danger, and he didn't get back up to come to our rescue... It was something that I never saw coming.

I knew that all hope was gone when Voldemort laughed.

A high-pitched, eerie laugh. It made my skin crawl in disgust. It wasn't like Harry's laugh, so full of life and passion. Voldemort's laugh was full of animosity. He had won. And he knew it. Harry was dead. He was 'alive'. He was going to rule us. Torture us. Kill us. And there was nothing in the world that Harry could do about it.

I knew that all hope was gone when I gave in without a fight.

They came to get us. Most people ran from them, as an act of cowardice. They were killed. Some people fought them, as an act of remembrance for Harry. They were killed. I went with them, as an act of betrayal. I was spared.

I knew that all hope was gone when I didn't cry.

I was there when Harry died. I watched him fall. I knew him before then, and we were best friends. I cried when Harry and Ron made up in fourth year. I cried when Ron said that nobody wanted to be my friend. I cried so many times. But here I am, after I just watched my best friend die. And my eyes are dry. Yes, I knew that all hope was gone when I didn't cry for Harry.


Wow, that was weird... Oh well! R&R, and remember, flames are for arsonists!