Disclaimer; Feh, I wish I owned it...

Chapter 1; Rahana

The light around them dispersed. As the white manjuu brought them to the new world, something struck Syaorans heart. The magic disappeared, leaving them in a pile of ruins.

The area was completely desecrated, smashed into millions of pieces, big and small. To his left was what was once a temple, and the remains of homes and houses littered the sands. Sand... It was all around them. The dunes glowed golden as the sun began to set on the horizon.

Syaorans eyes widened. A desert... a city in ruins... Could this be...?

He felt a tug on his arm, and turned to see the Princess, eyes wide with worry. "Syaoran-kun... Where are we?"

"Fye-san looks hot!" Mokona chirped in, sitting on the mages blonde head.

Fye had been wearing his normal clothes, like the rest of the group had, and that included his big furry coat. His posture was similar to that of a wilting flower and his pale cheeks were now flushed from the heat of the desert. Syaoran and Sakura found the temperature rather nice, since the air was cooling off, and Kurogane wasn't showing any change in attitude, not that anyone would even expect him to.

"Then take your damned coat off." 'Big Puppy' spat, in his forever bad mood.

"You there!"

"Hm?" He turned to see the end of a spear pointed towards him, and his hand immediately flew to his sword hilt.

"Wait, Kurogane-san!" Syaoran quickly stepped in between the two.

The one who was holding the spear was a girl about one year older that Syaoran. Her black hair was cut short and messy, falling over her right (blue) eye. Her skin was tanned from the sun, and she wore a sleeveless navy tunic and brown pants that ended above her ankles. A dark cloak of lighter material hung at her shoulders, and a pair of makeshift sandals were worn on her feet. She didnt look to friendly, what with glaring at the five. "Who are you?"

"Pardon our intrusion, my name is Syaoran. My companions are Sakura, Fye-san, and Kurogane-san." The boy said calmly, despite the fact there was a spear inches from his face. "Were traveling novelists who search for odd happenings in various countries to put in our book."

"Dont forget Mokona!" The little bun cheered.

The girl lowered her spear. "Oh...My apologies, I thought you were soldiers. But now that I think about it, you dont really look like them. Im Toshimi." Her glare formed into a more appealing smile.

Sakura frowned. "Soldiers?" However, she went unheard.

"Could you please tell us where we are?" Syaoran asked, his usually polite self.

Toshimi rose an ink black brow over her visible eye. "...You're in Rahana Desert. But I suppose you guys aren't from anywhere around here, huh?" She eyed Fye with a suspicious glance.

The mage smiled sheepishly. He would have been able to fill a lake with how much he was sweating. "Eh heh..."

"Take youre damned coat off, baka!" Kurogane growled, frustrated with Fyes ignorance.

Toshimi showed the group to her home among a small cluster of houses that had not been torn down. The architecture was simply beautiful, well, if it wasnt cracked and worn. Each building seemed as if it was created with immense time and care. Above each door was the statue of a guardian to protect the house protruding from the stone. Above Toshimi's was the head of a tiger, its right ear chipped off.

The sky was beginning to illuminate the world with the orange light of dusk. Luckily, Toshimi was able to get clothes for the travelers. Fye was especially grateful. He was given a white tunic lined with blue, sleeves cut off at the elbows, and black pants, cut above the ankle. He was also given sandals similar to Toshimi's and navy blue arm bands.

Kurogane wore a sleeveless black tunic, with black pants, black arm bands and black boots. Mokona and Fye liked to tease him about how depressing his wardrobe was.

Sakura chose a pale rose dress ending at the ankles, no sleeves, and a lavender sash around her waist. She was also given white sandals. Syaoran was given brown slacks and a short sleeved dark green tunic lined with jade with worn black boots.

They gathered at the table in Toshimi's home. She sat at the head of the table, with Syaroan and Sakura to her left, and Fye and Kurogane to her right. The window behind her was the only source of light.

"Have there been any strange occurrences in this land? Even a legend will do." Syaoran asked, as he had many times before.

Toshimi nodded. "Rahana isnt exactly packed with legends, but something strange did happen two years ago. The Western lord, Izuho, was always a quiet man who really didn't involve himself with the other lords in the land. I guess he really didn't like them, considering he attacked us soon after his general, Taisuke, obtained some sort of power that has made him invincible. Most of the country has been taken over. Our resistance forces are getting smaller and smaller. Taisuke keeps killing everyone who disobeys Izuho... He fights almost like a God. None of our weapons can hurt him... Many people have been killed..."

"The feather!"

Toshimi looked with raised eyebrow at Syaoran at his sudden outburst.

The brunette boy bowed his head quickly. "I apologize for my interuption, but what you have told us sounds like a force we are familiar with. We've actually been looking for it. We might be able to help you."

The white manjuu hopped up and down, waving his little paws. "I definitely sensed the faint presence of the feather due west when we arrived!"

"Then why didnt you tell us?" growled the ever impatient Kurogane.

Fye smiled his usual smile. "Calm down, Kurotan. At least we know now than not knowing at all. However his calm nature and words were not enough to cool Kurogane's hot head. In fact, he actually provoked his anger.

"My name isn't Kurotan!"

Syaoran watched Toshimi as she tapped her finger on her thumb, seeming to be thinking. A slight, warm breeze passed through the window. She sighed and looked up to the five. "If you're after Taisuke's power, then the rest of the resistance will be happy to help you. You can stay with me for the time being if you want."

A smile broke out across Syaorans face. "Thank you, we are ever grateful."

"Feh." The ninja frowned, pouting in a manly way. "I dont see why we cant just storm this Taisuke guy's place and take the feather."

"Ah ah ah! Kurorin, you have to be careful with situations like this!" Fye poked the mans head. "You cant rush your bighead into these things."


"Sakura-hime?" Syaoran had noticed the princess had become very quiet ever since arriving. Not that she was a talkative person, but she hadn't said anything after Toshimi found them. "Are you alright?"

Sakura jumped a little and looked to him, a little startled. She had been thinking as she stared at the table in front of her, listening to the others talk. The guilt beginning to build up in her mind. "Oh, I'm fine." There was no need to further worry Syaoran. He had enough on his mind, and didn't need to hear something so trivial.

Toshimi took them to the guest bedroom. There wasn't really all that much, just a few beds, a night table with a candle stick, and a window inthe stone room. The window faced east, casting shadows across the walls.

"I hope this is alright." The raven haired girl didn't seem at all proud with her household. "It's all I have."

"It will be fine, thank you." Syaoran smiled at her. They had worse places to sleep, an a bed, despite the condition, looked mighty welcoming next to the cold floor. "We are very thankful towards your generosity."

"Its nothing, really."

Sakura tapped Syaoran on the shoulder, drawing his gaze. A brown brow arced, seeing a pink streak across her face. "What is it, Sakura?"

"Um..." She looked down hesitantly, then pointed to the beds. "There are only two..."

He turned to look. "Oh..."

(You may be interested to know that I will/may make this into a doujinshi (did I spell it right?). Anyway, please review.)