Sin: Hello everybody, I have gotten the urge to write a Naruto story…..So I shall write one. I have no definite pairing for this story, so I will just leave that to the reviews, I just need the answer before 5 chapters are done, whoever you guys choose, I have so that it will integrate seamlessly into the story…. Review and enjoy.

A Broken Past

A five year old Naruto Uzumaki was currently sitting at the top of the tree. Why you ask? Well at the bottom of this tree was a 150 pound dog from hell barking at him." You'll have to come down sooner or later demon." His next door neighbor said. The dog barked in agreement. Naruto just looked at his neighbor and smiled." Naw, I fell much better up here." Naruto said. This was a regular routine for Naruto in the morning, His neighbor called it fun, but Naruto called it training…. Horrible nightmare bringing training. Like always his neighbor got bored and walked away and this is how Naruto begun his day.

Naruto just smiled as he walked do the dusty roads of Kohana, The hateful stares would not affect him today, Because today was a happy day, He was getting his monthly check from the Hokage and tomorrow he would buy ninja wear for his first day at the academy. He walked into the Hokages office after a 'little' tussle with the guards." Old man, I'm here." Naruto said as he entered the room." Ah Naruto, I guess you are here for your money." The Hokage exclaimed and he tossed the money bag to Naruto." Now don't spend it all in one day." The Hokage joked to himself." Ummm, Yea… Got to go." Naruto said as he happily ran out the Hokages office.

"Alright time to get my clothes." Naruto said aloud while walking towards his first stop."Aww, but I have to buy food first." Naruto sighed sadly as he turned around so he could go to the grocery store. He felt a cool rush of air as he walked into the store. The glares and whispers began as soon as he walked in. Of course he ignored them all and began picking up some food." Hmmm shrimp ramen sounds goo-.." Air left Naruto as he bumped into somebody." Sorry mister." Naruto said as he looked at the floor." Watch were your going demon." And the man pushed him down as Naruto tried to get back up. This time Naruto stayed on the ground till the man walked away." Alright, let's continue."

Naruto had walked up till the cashier as he began to ring his items up. The cashier stopped as he looked at the milk." Where did you get this milk." The man asked Naruto. " I got it from the fridge in the back." Naruto said quietly. The man glared for a quick second before it changed back into a smile." Oh nonono, you don't want this bad stuff, I'll get you the good stuff, hold on a second." The man went into the back room and came back out with a crate of milk." This stuff here is good." Naruto grabbed one of the containers and shook it, He sighed when he heard the chunks swish around but he smiled and said " Wow thanks, I'll drink every drop." After making Naruto pay double for the 'special' milk he made his way to the ninja shop across town.

" Yeaaaa I'm here!" Naruto said happily as he went around looking at the different items on display." Umm excuse me, but are you Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto turned to see a man in his late 40's looking down at him." Yea, why?" Naruto questioned." Ahh, The Hokage told me you were coming, I have a very good outfit for you, please come this way." The man said and walked toward a rack of clothes. He grabbed a black jacket with a matching pair of shorts to go with it." Wow that looks so cool." Naruto said in awe." The man also pulled out a dark gray shirt to put under the jacket."Umm, The Hokage told me to also get Kunaiii's." Naruto said remembering the word." Oh that is no problem." The man said as he filled the holsters on the side of the pants with Kunai's and brought it to the register." I'm going to look so cool with this on, people are going to have to respect me once I become a ninja." Naruto said and the Man gave him a sad smile as he rung up the clothes. He as always felt sorry for the kid and was happy to give him a discount for the clothes." Thank you." Naruto said happily and left the store.

After stopping to eat some ramen he made his way home." Wow it took me all day to do this." Naruto thought as he walked down his street." Hey demon boy." Naruto tried to ignore them but a rock was thrown at his head, He tripped and fell as all his food and clothes spilled onto the dirt." Aww, is the little demon hurt." Naruto said as he looked up and gasped." Y-Your're that man from the market place." Naruto said with a scared voice." Maybe this will treat you some respect." The man grunted as he kicked Naruto in the stomach. Naruto balled up into the fetal position and took the blows." Lousy demon, you should just die." The beating continued until Naruto could no longer block and just sat there and cried. The man finished off by spitting on Naruto." Stupid demon." The man took Naruto items and threw them in the nearby river. Thunder clashed above him and it began to rain."Mmm… How familiar, rain after the beating." Naruto closed his eyes and began to sob."W-why me?" Naruto voiced this question to himself."Why me?"

Naruto locked the door to his house and slid down the door and began to cry some." I lost my ninja clothes and all my food." Naruto told himself, he took out the rest of his money in his pocket and began to count it"1….2…Grrr I hate math!" He threw his money across his room and began to trash his house." Why…do…these…things…happen…" He collapsed on the ground out of breath quietly crying."Grrrr is the only thing you do is cry Kit!" Naruto head snapped up as he heard the voice, the first thing he did was check under the bed." H-Hello, is there a monster in there." Naruto said halfscared todeath.""No you idiot, I'm in your head." The strong voice said."Well… how did you get in there." Naruto asked." Shut up and listen… I've been listening to your complaining for long enough." Hey I'm not a complainer." Naruto said to the voice in his head." Listen, do you want to know why the people in the village hate you are not." The voice said." W-what… you can tell me why they hate me?" Naruto asked.(You guys know what happens next…..)" So your inside me." Naruto asked poking his stomach." Hey stop that brat, Now that you know that you're a vessel it's time to improve your self, no more self hating, You're better than those people, remember it." The Kyubii exclaimed. "How are you going to help me?" Naruto asked."…Work….Work….Work." The Kyubii said and he began to laugh." Aww man… This will be fun right?" Naruto asked." Get some sleep kit, It's going to be a long day tomorrow." The Kyubii said and Naruto drifted off to sleep.

Sin: Well that is the first chapter… Review and I'll update often, and don't forget to vote for a couple, either Sakura,Ino,Hinata,or OC. Like I said, it matters not. See ya.