Hey guys, sorry about the wait! And hey guys, now, Gringotts has this thing were you can right checks ok?

Chapter 16

When they all got to Hogsmead they looked around for a clothing shop.

"Ummmm, so where's a dress shop?" Hermione asked.

"God who knows" Ginny said. They walked into the Three Broomsticks and Ginny went up to Rosmerta the bar maid (I dunno how you spell her name: P) and asked her if she knew a clothing shop.

"As a matter of fact I do!" Rosmerta exclaimed "They've been open for years! They're called, now just let me think, ah! Ryan's Robes, I believe!" she said, Ginny thanked her and they left the store. They walked up to the end of the street and turned left, as were Rosmerta's instructions and came to a shop with 'Ryan's Robes' across the top. Ginny marched forward and strolled into the shop. It was darkly lit, and as the others followed in, a man came tottering forward.

"Welcome! Such a while since I have had customers, I was beginning to wonder hen some might appear!" he said cheerfully, Ginny smiled at him, and Hermione followed.

"We're looking for some dresses, for a ball that we're having at school" Hermione said

"Splendid! Wonderful!" The man said "Please follow me" and he went trundling down the aisles, the group of teenagers followed. He showed them a whole wall of dresses, and hung around eagerly as if waiting for something.

"We'll be right thanks" Harry said when he noticed this. The mans smile faltered for a fraction, and he nodded and left.

"Hmmm" Ginny said "I think it'd be a good idea if you boys went off somewhere while we chose our dresses, and then it'll be a surprise on the night!"

"Uh ok" Harry said looking at Ron and Draco uncertainly

"And plus, you guys need to get to know each other better" Hermione added. The boys hesitated, but then nodded and reluctantly left the shop.

"Great! Now we can get down to business!" Ginny said and strolled over to the dresses, separating them as she looked through them. "Some of these are really gorgeous!" she said Hermione went over next to her and peered at the dresses. Until she spotted a black one, which she immediately took off the rack.

"What do you think of this one?" she asked Ginny,

"Ohh, very nice! Go try it on!" Ginny replied Hermione went into the changing room and put the dress on.

"So? Herms? Come out!" Hermione opened the door over the changing room.

"Nice" Ginny said

"Just nice?" Hermione asked

"Hmm, let me try and find you something" Ginny replied, Hermione nodded and went back into the change rooms.

Once Hermione was dressed again she went out.

"Found one for you yet?" Hermione asked

"Yeah! I have!" she said, she showed Hermione the pale green dress that she had found, it was beautiful.

"Wow Ginny! That's gonna look beautiful on you!" Hermione exclaimed and pushed her into the dressing room "Try it on NOW!"

While Hermione was waiting for Ginny to come out for the dressing room she kept on searching the stand for something. Suddenly Ginny emerged from the dressing room. Hermione turned around.

"Oh my gosh Ginny you look absolutely stunning!" gasped Hermione "You have to get that one! There is no way you can't!" She said, Ginny smiled

"You reckon?"


"Haha, okay!" she said happily and went back into the room to change, and Hermione returned to the stand.

"Okay so let's find you something!" Ginny said reappearing and putting her dress carefully on the chair. After a few minutes, of searching Ginny reached up and pulled one off the rack.

"Try this one on!" She said excitedly,

"Uh I dunno Ginny, it looks, kind of revealing" Hermione said hesitantly, Ginny pushed the dress into Hermione's arms

"Just try it on will you!" Ginny said, Hermione sighed and went into the changing room once more. Ginny waited a few minutes before getting impatient,

"Hermione! You must be done now!" Ginny said

"Uhh, I dunno Ginny, it's …well" Hermione said in a funny voice. Ginny sighed

"Just get out here! And then we'll make opinions!" She said. Reluctantly Hermione opened the door of the dressing room and stepped out.

The dress was a pale blue, it was satin, and it clung to Hermione's body beautifully. It was strapless and it fell to the floor gracefully, and it fell down at the back, to leave her shoulders to her lower back bare. It suited Hermione's small frame perfectly. Ginny gasped

"Oh my gosh, Hermione" Was all she could say, Hermione looked down frowning,

"Do you think it's…a bit too-"

"No, whatever you were going to say, no. You look so beautiful" Ginny said in awe of her friend. "You have to get it" she said

"But-" Hermione tried to protest

"You're getting it!" Ginny said grinning "Draco is going to trip over himself at the sight of you" she said, Hermione smiled and went back into the dressing room to take it off. When she came back out Ginny was waiting at the counter along with the boys.

"Hey" Draco said and wrapped his arm around Hermione's waist "Did you find a dress?" he asked

"Well, yeah, but-" Hermione started

"Yes she did" Ginny said and took the dress quickly from Hermione's arms before Draco saw it. She placed it on the counter.

"That will be eighty galleons for that one" the man said, Hermione gasped

"Draco, that's way too much, really" She said

"It's fine, don't worry about it! I'm sure it's worth it" He said and he pulled out a small green book, he wrote the appropriate amount and ripped it out and gave it to the man.

"Thank you very much sir" The man said, he put it into a paper bag and handed it to Hermione. Draco and Hermione went outside while Harry paid for Ginny's. Hermione turned around and kissed Draco softly.

"Thanks" she said, Draco smiled

"It's nothing" he said, kissing her back and wrapping his arms around her,

"So what did you boys get up to?" Hermione asked

"We went to The Three Broomsticks, and talked for a while, it was fine" Draco said "A little bit awkward at first, but then we started to talk about Quidditch"

"Nice" Hermione grinned, at that moment the others appeared from the shop and Hermione and Draco broke apart.

"We should probably get back up to the castle" Harry said, grinning at Hermione and Draco, and they all murmured in agreement, and they started trudging back towards the castle.

OK! Still not finished! There's the ball to go yet! MORE REVIEWS!