Playing with Fire

Chapter 3- God of Flames


Disclaimer- I don't own FMA or any of its characters.

Rated M for language and sexual content


Note- If you've been reading my chapter titles, you'd realize that they all have something in common. Fire. I'm not sure why I chose to do that but now that I think about it, it helps me write my titles. Oh and if you didn't know, this doesn't take place at the end of the shows. I don't know really where I would place it. Anyway, please enjoy!


Roy felt unusual as he stood bowing at the highly esteemed person before him; much rather him being the one honored upon entering a room. His face was respectably calm as he straightened back up and stood erect on the spot until being asked to speak. He learned early on that, if you spoke too soon, the punishment would be severe for disobeying. He shuddered slightly at the memories but showed none on his face. It was taught; stern, his eyes reflected nothing other than respect for the harsh hands of his master. Curiously, he always referred to the superior's hands. It made sense in a way for that was the only thing to be seen by the large figure. With him being always cloaked with a dark brown and tan sheet-like material, he was sure that even master's closest followers had not once seen his face. But, none the less, they respected him as if he were god of all earth; ruling powerfully with his tyrannical ways and cruel teachings. He eyed the shadowed bodies that lingered around master wishing to have the power they had. They were his pets. They were his worshipers. They cheered silently at everything he did, good or bad. As long as he got his way in the end and let them have the feel of fresh blood on their hands, they adored him. And why not? He did form them to who they are today with his own two hands after all. Another reason Roy symbolically matched hands with the man.

A booming yet calming voice flew through the air, directed at the alchemist, "Roy Mustang." He paused and looked about as if he couldn't see him then cut the silence again, "You have called me here for what reason? What could ever be so important that you need directly converse with me?" The beady eyes that surrounded the man flashed impatiently and angrily at him. Roy assumed that they knew what he felt so they expressed it while he couldn't; giving him a warning on how this was planning to end. Roy kept silent for a moment then spoke, hoarsely, "Master, it seems as though examination #372 has finally accepted my offer to come with me and dine. I believe that from there I may watch carefully over it and eventually lead it to come into my home with me where I will proceed to carry out your bidding. I will surely do this without fail this time, sir."

The violet eyes simmered with a mixture of pleasure and some indescribable hatred.

The master must be very pleased with my apparent skill. Maybe, if I do what I'm supposed to this time, he will reward me with the honor of being his lackey.

Roy felt a possessed giddiness crawl up his spine but remembered well of the rule never to do anything without being commanded first. The man shifted on his feet, obviously in deep thought of what his ears had just perceived. The many faces fell into the light and shone their bright, glinting teeth.

"Very good, Roy Mustang. I am indeed very pleased with you, but, as you know, you are merely human and cannot withstand the training that is in store of becoming 'my lackey' as you so bluntly put it. These creatures that crowd around me are homunculi; Millions of them. They are the fault of performing the greatest Taboo and taking a jab at human alchemy. My children of sorts." He stopped, bowling his hands forward to the creatures and introducing them. The faces looked thoughtful then he spoke again, "Although, I will tell you that if you do what I wish, you will certainly be rewarded finely."

It hardly surprised Roy that his mind had been read as if he'd said it. His master was perfect in everyway, so why not give him unnatural, inhuman powers of reading minds and such? But, what did strike him odd was that, not only were those things real live homunculi, the same Ed had spoken about countless times in his reports, but they were also the flesh results of body alchemy. Before him were countless souls that had died, then transmuted and recreated to hate the one who killed, or healed them. He felt an odd flutter of his heart then. He'd have to die before becoming his true desire, and he would do it even if it meant never being able to live the life of the military again.


My, my. This certainly was a doozy. In my opinion, it sounds a little weird and confusing to follow but as you can tell, the plot is slowly unrolling. I hope nothing is too predictable…

Sorry if you don't exactly like the style of this chapter. Ugh. I don't mean to sound sadistic or bloodthirsty or anything. I'm just trying to set up the 'masters' ruling and the homunculi's thoughts on him. I think Roy's going to be a little out of character for a while. He's just a bit crazy if you didn't already notice. Oh and, sorry it's so short. I wrote it pretty late and I was really tired. Don't worry; I'll fix up the next one so it's longer. I'll have a whole weekend to write more chapters! Please review and tell me what you think!