I'm Stuck In a House Full of Girls!

By: Jordan R. Was Here

Disclaimer: I don't Own Pokemon

Other Things: I do own Mansion Survival the TV show

I do own AJ Dron

I do own 6000 Mansion

Summary: Ash wants to go to Orre so he can compete on Mt. Battle, but he can't afford the trip! So he signs himself on to a reality TV Show to win a trip to Orre and he is chosen! All he has to do is survive one month in a mansion in order to win. But what he doesn't know is that all the other people chosen there are just to make him forfeit the contest.

Chapter 1: We Have A Winner!

"You'll never win this," said Misty to Ash has he put in an envelope into the mailbox, "Come on! This is a tight TV show, do you know how many people enter and fail on these kinds of shows? A lot of people! You'll never win this."

Ash has recently ended his Battle Frontier trip and returned home. He learned about Mt. Battle and became interested instantly. But after learning the whole trip cost for one person 10,000P, he couldn't afford it.

Then he heard about a contest where he can enter to win a chance to be on a brand, new reality show where he has to stay a whole month stuck inside a mansion with many other people. If he survives all the problems that will form, he wins a trip to Orre for free!

"I'll win this for sure!" said Ash looking at Misty after mailing the contest form, "Why did I even bother telling you this stuff if you won't support me on this?"

"Because I'm your friend or whatever?" said Misty, "That's probably why you did in the first place."

One month has pasted since the form has been sent out. Ash has been waiting all that time.

"Mail call!" shouted Ash's mom to Ash, "The mail just arrived. Could you get it?"

"Sure," said Ash bored, "Why not?" He has been pretty bored since he already competed in about every league and only Orre remained, but he couldn't afford the trip.

"Bills, bills," said Ash bored sorting through the mail outside after pulling it out of the mailbox, "Junk mail, it's all just crap. Wait a minute, what this?" He looked at the bright yellow envelope and opened it.

"No way," said Ash eyes widening, "No way! I won! I WON!" He started shouting and yelling in happiness. But he accidentally step on Pikachu's tail causing Pikachu shocking Ash. The shock launched him off his off, through the air, and onto his back.

"I'm in total pain," said Ash mumbling and then shouting out, "BUT I WON! OW!Crap! Now the pain is setting in! OOOOWWWW!"

Author Note: Short, but every chapter that I start with is short, bad grammar, and bad spelling. That's how I always start.

I thought of this idea during my vacation and thought what if. Now, that idea has turned into a new story! I hope you enjoy it!

Next To Come: Chapter 2: The Secret Pay

Date: 4/4/06