I don't own Fruits Basket characters.
"Meet me at the secret base later today."
Yuki's request earlier had startled her. She had no idea what he wanted or what he had planned. It took her a full hour to decide what to wear. A casual skirt and a simple t-shirt would have been fine if he just wanted her to help with some gardening but it didn't seem like that's what he wanted. Tohru settled for a knee length semi formal skirt with a short sleeved top.
"What could Yuki want?" Tohru asked herself as she headed towards the secret base.
The sun was starting to set casting a soft pinkish glow. It was a beautiful day. When she reached the base she noticed all the work Yuki did. There were candles lit all around a round wood table with two chairs. The table was set with a ton of yummy looking food. It looked so pretty but Yuki was nowhere in sight. Tohru sat down in one of the chairs waiting for him to arrive. She swung her legs back and forth trying to occupy her time.
"Honda-san you're here early," Yuki exclaimed in surprise.
She hadn't heard him approach her, jumping slightly from surprise. Tohru turned around and saw a blushing Yuki holding some flowers.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll come back later," replied Tohru who started to get up a little flustered.
She felt a light touch on her shoulder.
"No that's not what I meant. Please stay," Yuki pleaded sweetly.
Tohru blushed and nodded nervously as she sat down again.
"These are for you," Yuki added handing Tohru the flowers.
Tohru blushed even more as she took the flowers from Yuki thanking him with a smile. He stood there awkwardly for a second before moving to the seat across from her and picking up the teapot.
"Are you hungry?" asked Yuki pouring tea into Tohru's glass.
She half-heard his question. More so staring at the table in front of her.
"Did you make all of this?" asked a shocked Tohru looking at the food.
"Of course not! If I did then it wouldn't be edible! I had Kagura and Kisa help me when you were at work," answered Yuki.
Flash Back
"Kagura will you help me prepare a dinner?"
"Why Yun-chan?
"It's a surprise dinner for Miss Honda,"
"Ooh how exciting! I'll help you as much as I can. When is it?"
"Okay! I'll get Kisa to come help me. See you then Yuki-kun!"
Back to the story
"You didn't have to go to all that trouble!" Tohru exclaimed.
"I didn't! Kagura and Kisa did all the cooking. I barely did a thing. You don't have to worry Honda-san. I wanted to do this... Now let's eat," Yuki suggested with a faint grin.
Yuki watched her pick up her chopsticks and take a large bite from her dish.
"Wow Kagura's cooking is amazing!" gasped Tohru as she took a bite of the food.
"It's not as good as yours," Yuki said gazing at Tohru.
Tohru blushed, "My cooking is not that great, Yuki-kun."
"Of course it is Honda-san!"
Tohru has a blush painted across her cheeks the entire meal as they conversed about different topics.
It didn't take them too long to finish their meal. Apparently, Yuki had everything prepared and ready for this night. He laid out a blanket on the grass, straightening it out neatly. Yuki offered his hand to Tohru to help her down; she shyly placed her small hand into his and sat down beside him. They watched the stars as they ate some homemade rice balls.
"It's really pretty tonight," Tohru whispered softly to Yuki as if not to disrupt the peaceful night.
"It really is the perfect night," Yuki murmured back.
"Hey look it's a meteor!" shouted Tohru pointing up at the sky.
"How lovely. Did you know that if two lovers see a meteor together their lives will be intertwined forever?" Yuki said softly. (I got the part in italics from Meteor Garden I did not make that up!)
Tohru blushed again but she hid it fearing that Yuki would find out about her secret crush on him. Yuki started to blush a deep red as he looked directly into Tohru's large brown eyes. He drew his face closer to hers; she could feel his warm breath against her face. She felt her eyes slowly shut as the distance between their faces disappeared. His lips gently met hers in a soft kiss. He pulled back immediately realizing what he just did. By now both of their faces were a vivid red.
"Did he just kiss me or was I dreaming???" Tohru wondered bewildered at what just happened.
"Honda-san I… I… lo… I love you," Yuki stuttered.
"What! What did you say?" Tohru choked not believing what she just heard.
His face was turned towards the ground. She stared at him, not trusting her own ears. He looked up at her. Her reaction wasn't entirely bad. Yuki took a deep breath and continued more calmly, "I love you; I loved you since you first showed up at Shigure's house."
"Really?" whispered Tohru with a shocked expression.
"Really, I really love you. It's okay if you don't love me but I thought you should know," Yuki said quietly.
"I love you too, Yuki… But please call me Tohru!" reassured Tohru joyfully.
"Okay… Hon- Tohru," Yuki corrected himself nervously.
Tohru smiled warmly looking into his eyes. Her heart fluttered around. He fidgeted pulling something out of his pocket. She cocked her head to the side slightly confused.
"Oh! Before I forget this is for you Tohru," said a happy Yuki handing Tohru a small velvet box.
"Oh no I don't need a gift! You already gave me a wonderful dinner! You don't need to waste money on me!" exclaimed Tohru.
"I won't take it back! It's for you. A gift so you will never forget my love for you," replied Yuki looking directly into her eyes.
She waved her arms around frantically feeling guilty. He put the box into her hand and closed her fingers around the box. Gingerly he pressed her hands down back onto her lap. Tohru gazed at him intently.
"I don't need anything to know that you love me. I already know that," whispered an embarrassed Tohru.
"Okay fine. I got it so that everyone would know that I love you and so no other boy will ever go near you again," answered Yuki in a teasing tone.
Tohru blushed again, "Yuki!"
"Just open it. I got a matching one for me if that makes you happy," said Yuki pulling out another box of a similar size.
"Okay," Tohru said softly as she carefully opened the box.
She flipped open the lid and gawked at the contents. Her eyes blinked a couple of times just staring at the stunning necklace inside. Yuki examined her face quietly praying that she would like it. It took Tohru a moment to snap out of her trance like moment.
"Oh my!" gasped Tohru, "It's beautiful…"
Yuki beamed and took out the gold necklace. He draped it around Tohru's neck clasping it for her. Tohru looked down at the beautiful, shining gold. There lay hanging was a solid gold half of a heart with a diamond resting in the middle. Yuki took out his matching necklace and put it on himself. He held his necklace up against hers making the heart whole.
"Now our hearts will only be complete when we are together," Yuki whispered into Tohru's ear.
Tohru looked up at Yuki and smiled, "I love you my prince."
"And I love you," Yuki said brushing his lips against Tohru's.
They packed up their picnic after finishing the rice balls and headed back to Shigure's house hand in hand, both beaming brightly. Enwrapped in each other neither of them noticed Shigure who was standing by the door with a smirk.
"My, my, what do we have here? A pair of love birds? Now Yuki don't do anything perverted to Tohru!" Shigure called to Yuki as they walked in the door.
Yuki cringed. Shigure had totally just ruined the mood of the moment the two of them were in. He whacked the dog across the head leaving Shigure whimpering in pain. Tohru glanced up at Shigure worriedly. Yuki glared at him angrily.
"I'm not you," Yuki muttered.
"Oww! Tohru Yuki hit me! I don't see what you like about him!" whined Shigure clutching his stomach.
"Umm…" Tohru started as Yuki punched Shigure again.
"Say that again and you won't get away with just a punch!" threatened Yuki.
"Well… Bye now Tohru! I really must get back to work!" said Shigure as he rushed back to his office.
His door slammed shut and silence lingered in the night air. Yuki shook his head at Shigure's child like personality, wondering if he'd ever grow up. Tohru bit her lip, full of concern. She wasn't sure how hard Yuki had hit Shigure and was worried about his safety.
"Yuki… You shouldn't be so violent!" scolded Tohru with a smile.
"I'm sorry. I wouldn't have to be if he could get some common sense. Will you ever forgive me?" Yuki asked.
"Ok!" giggled Tohru.