It seemed like the brooding blonde, Lucas Scott, was staring at the vertical blinking line that was on Microsoft Works on his computer for what seemed like forever. His hands weren't even resting on the keyboard anymore because, if you think about it, what's the use when there's nothing being transmitted from your head to the computer screen?

The story was supposed to be an heroic tale for the ages: himself being protrayed as a Byronic hero, hopelessly in love with one Brooke Davis, at the same time dealing with the menace that was his father, Dan Scott. It was almost perfect, really; he and Brooke had something special. But he screwed it all up, and now the ending was all wrong. He wanted a happy ending, but in a story based on real life, all he could do was stare at the trail of words coming to a stop on his screen.

Guess what, I'm done
Writing your book
The ending got twisted around
But for all the hell that it took
The electrical wires
Were hung on the walls in the room that I rent now

La La Lie
Chapter Two - Woeful Writer
"Haley," Nathan said, acknowledging his wife on the phone.

"Nate, I love you," Haley managed to say.

"Haley, look," Nathan started as he was about to explain to her yet again how he'd gotten over her, and retell the story of how much she'd hurt him when she left with Chris.

"No, Nathan, listen to me first," Haley said. After waiting a couple seconds to see if Nathan would let her speak, she continued. "I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna sign the papers."

"Oh," Nathan said surprised. "Well..."

"I'll bring them by sometime this week... And, well, that's all I had to say. I'll talk to you later."

"Yeah, I'll talk to you later," Nathan echoed. And with that, the two hung up on each other. Nathan stayed speechless for a while, until he realized that Brooke was still sitting down next to him, looking at him intently, searching for answers.

"Well?" She finally asked, unable to contain her impatient curiosity.

"She's going to sign the papers."

"Well, you did it," Lucas said, hugging his best friend with one arm as she sat herself next to him on his bed. She smiled lightly.

"Yeah, well, it was easier than I thought it would be. The telling him part, I mean," Haley replied, her voice showing her fatigue. "The actual signing, however..." She sighed.

"I understand."

Haley looked up at Lucas, unexpectedly. She stared at him for a little while, which confused Lucas. After a while, Haley looked away and started talking again.

"Luke, I wrote him a song... Or at least, I tried to," Haley said. "It was just so hard, though. Deep down I knew it wasn't going to do anything, and I guess I just jynxed myself or something."

This time it was Lucas' turn to just look at Haley for a few moments. "Come, I have to show you something."

Lucas took Haley's hand and stood her up from his bed. He pulled her over to his computer, where he pulled up an extra chair so she could sit down. He booted up his computer and when it finally loaded, he opened a file. He motioned for Haley to look at it and when she read the first few lines, she gasped. Documented detail for detail was life at Tree Hill, revolving around the two and their group of friends.

"Luke... wow."

"I've read too many books with unsatisfying endings. I needed to write something that would be real and end with something that would satisfy me. I guess at the time I thought life was perfect, so I figured writing down everything would be the best way to remember it all. Now I wonder if it's all worth it."

"Lucas Scott, you're amazing," she replied, awestruck. He had obviously written a lot, because the scrollbar on the side was so small.

"Thanks," he said shyly, right before he jumped up out of his chair. He pulled out his phone before Haley could ask what was wrong, an he held it up to his ear and happily saying, "Hey, Peyton. What's up?" Haley just continued reading Lucas' story when suddenly she heard his tone immediately change into a worried one. "Peyton? What's wrong?"


Haley and Lucas had driven to Peyton's house to see what had happened to her; Haley drove. When they reached her house, they just walked right in because Peyton usually left the front door open. They're immediate destination was her room, and once they reached it - Alas! - there she was, sitting on her bed, crying. They rushed over and sat on either side of her. They let Peyton cry for a little while until she was ready to talk.

"Jake called," she said.

"Wow, when was this?" Lucas asked. Jake had gone MIA, hiding himself and his daughter from the authorities. It was a surprise to hear from him after all this time... especially when Peyton was finally getting over him.

"Just now," Peyton sniffed. "I didn't answer because... I just couldn't. I didnt' believe it either, but on my phone, it says '1 missed call' and it says 'Jake'." Peyton tried to smile, but it didn't go well with her red, puffy eyes. "He left a voicemail, but I haven't listened to it yet."

"We'll listen to it with you, if you want," Haley suggested. Peyton smiled again and shook her head.

"No, I'm not ready yet. I don't even know if I will. I'm scared of what he has to say, you know? Scared that he's coming back, and scared of what I'll do if he does." Her expression changed back to a forlorn one. "I thought I'd moved on; I was so sure, then this happens."

"Yeah, we all know how that is," Lucas said, and Haley nodded in agreement.

"Thanks for being here, you guys," Peyton whispered.

"No problem, Peyton," Lucas said, hugging his friend and rocking her back and forth to sooth her. Haley rubbed her shoulder comfortingly, as well. In her hands, Peyton held onto her phone, like a child.


"Hey, Peyton. It's me, Jake..."

A/N: 'Kay, so first and foremost, thanks to Mony19, TypoKween and kellocfan1 for the supportive reviews. You are all awesome :) Well, if I thought the last chapter was short, then I think this is shorter. I couldn't really think of anything for Lucas to do, but he just seemed like the writer type, y'know? Since he reads so much, I mean. Anyways, this chapter wasn't even really about him. Anyways... I guess I'll try to make the next chapter better. Maybe it'll be the next verse from "La La Lie" or maybe a filler x) I'm still deciding. Just let me know! Please review, and thanks for reading!