Disclaimer: However much I might wish I did, unfortunately I do not own any of these characters… They all belong to JKR.

Any title suggestions are welcome

Lexie this one is just for you - a Marauders fic! Hope you enjoy it xXx

Chapter 1- Dance or Dare

"I'm bored," James declared as they walked out of the Great Hall after breakfast on Sunday.

"You're always bored, Prongs beaca-" Sirius was distracted by a large group of girls walking past them, one of them swinging her long, red hair over her shoulder and pointedly ignoring the Marauders. James had noticed her.

"Hey, why don't we take a trip down to the lake, it's a bit hot in here?"

"You read my mind, Padfoot." They followed the girls down to the lake and sat down under the shade of a large oak tree.

"So, Padfoot. Who're you taking to the dance then? The girl from this week, last week or the week before?"

"Well I was thinking about ask-"

They were suddenly distracted by a small house elf that ran past them with a large parcelled box in her hands. She stopped when she reached a greasy-haired, lanky teenager with an overly large nose talking to the group of girls.

"Excellent, Snivellus." Sirius hissed. He and James got up and walked over with Peter trailing along behind. Remus stopped reading to watch the scene. .

"Excuse me, sir, but this arrived for you just after the morning post, sir. The boy stood up and looked at the Marauders then muttered his thanks before taking the package.

"So, Severus. What was it you were going to ask me?" Snape faltered and looked at the girl and then looked back at James and Sirius.

"I… errr… ahem…"

"What's in the box, Snape?" James demanded. Snape opened the box and Sirius pounced on it, snatching up the contents. When he shook the lacy dress-robes out, a note fell out. James swooped down and picked up the note before reading it out loud. He raised his voice and made sure everyone was watching him, while Sirius inspected the robes holding them by the tips of his fingers as though they might infect him.

"My darling Son," James read, "Good luck with the girls, any of them would be honoured to have you. I have sent you these, bringing you the best of luck. Love you lots, Mummy x"

The boys roared with laughter and Snape blushed into the roots of his hair.

"I hope you weren't thinking of asking Evans to the dance, were you?" James managed to choke out. Snape grabbed the robes and ran off in the direction of the castle. Sirius applauded (Peter joined in) and James smirked and bowed to the girls adding, "In you honour". Lily stood up and glared at him, blushing slightly.

"Oh get lost Potter! What do you want?"

"I-", he pointed at himself, "want you-" he pointed at Lily, "to go to the summer dance with me." Before she could reply, he had grabbed her hands, placed on his shoulder and held the other in his before waltzing around Peter and Sirius, who was pretending to play a violin. She pushed James away and hissed,

"I don' t want to go out with you Potter! And as long as you remain the arrogant prick that you are and keep picking on people weaker than you for no good reason at all then it will always be a no! Besides, I'm already going with someone who didn't ask me at the last minute!" She stormed past him and found another spot around the lake. The group of girls went to join her, giggling at James as they past him.

James was relieved she didn't go after Snape but hurt all the same. He put on a smirk and strutted past the girls, back to the tree where Remus was sitting. Remus put his hand on James shoulder and muttered, "Don't give up." Trying to change the subject he added, "Full moon tonight."

"No dance for you then." Sirius sniggered.

Groups of girls came walking by their tree very slowly, looking hopefully at James and Sirius. Since the episode, it had clearly got around that on the day of the dance two of the Marauders were still dateless.

"Well, Prongs, you can't have Lily, so who else are you going to ask. They're all out there, mate, just waiting for you."

"If I can't go with Lily I don't think I'm going to go. I don't fancy watching some git prance around with her all night." James grimaced.

"So Moony can't go, Wormtail hasn't got anyone to go with and you won't go. Well then, there's no point in me going is there?"

"So it's just going to be us sitting around in the common room all night?" Pete asked. Sirius raised his eyebrow.

Remus noticed, "What have you got in mind? Care to share?"

"I was thinking -"

"Why? What's wrong?" James raised his hand to Sirius's forehead. Sirius swatted it away and continued,

"Thinking that everyone will be at the dance, teachers included. Maybe we could try keeping Moony company."

"I'm up for it. Anyone else?" James looked at Peter who looked aprehensive.

"Go on - I dare you. But if you're too coward-"

"Ok, I'm in!"

They turned to look at Remus.

"Tonight it is then. Thanks you lot. It'll be nice to have some company."

My first attempt at a Marauders fic - what do you think? Good? Bad? Ugly?

Now press the little purple button - go on you know you want to! xXx