Well, this isn't a chapter this is a prequel to a chapter. I know that I haven't updated for a year but hopefully with my new purchase of a computer I will be able to continue, or at least finish Delinquency.

I have been able to access my email and all the feedback I was receiving about it I thought it was wrong of me not to at least finish it seeing as there are a lot of people waiting for it.

A big ask of some people, seeing as its already 10 chapters long but I do suggest that people read the first part of the story before reading the new chapter, (which hopefully I should have out in the next week or so) it's just been so long I want you all to have a feel for the characters again.

You may see the story going in a different direction, I've gotten a little bit older and a little bit wiser and I want to make it realistic.

How can Rinoa trust Squall? After all he did to her he still turned out to be exactly what she didnt need.

I want to delve into Quistis and Seifer's relationship a little bit more. E.G. How the hell does she put up with such an asshole, I know that behind closed doors he must be different but surely it hurts her when he's horrible to her in public, not that she cant hold her own.

I can actually see good things in the future of Irvine and Selphie, they seem to fit.

Zell's character is too much fun to write, I love him, he's awesome.

Anyway, I look forward to hearing from you all and I promise I wont let you down. Don't blame me, blame my lack of inspiration, it seems when life is good I cant write, go figure.