Author's Notes:

Warning! This story is rated M and contains adult themes.

2006 April. Warning spoilers: this story has been re-edited to fit The Half-Blood Prince. So read book six first.

This chapter was beta'd by Nakhash Makashefah.

Disclaimer. J.K. Rowling owns Harry Potter and Co. I own nothing.

The Improper Use of Potions

Chapter 01 Holiday.

It was the beginning of the Christmas holidays in Hermione's sixth year at Hogwarts. She had decided to remain at school so that her parents could take a romantic New Year's cruise together. She also stayed to get a jump on some studying for the new school term and to begin work on a plan that she and Luna had come up with to help Harry with his problem.

Both she and Ron had noticed how depressed Harry had been since the start of the school year. After the death of his godfather, he had become very distant and reclusive, spending more and more time studying the Half Blood Prince's potions text book. It was obvious that he was pushing his friends away to try to protect them from the Dark Lord. The problem was, this self-sacrifice of his was making him, and the rest of them, miserable. Hermione knew the danger that Harry was facing and that there was a real possibility he might not survive another encounter with Voldemort. She figured that if Harry only had a short time left, than he should be able to enjoy it fully.

Ever since Ginny started a fling with Dean Thomas last summer, it was obvious that she had been secretly trying to make Harry jealous. It occurred to Hermione that a girlfriend might be just the thing Harry needed. It would have to be someone that he could trust as well as love, and Ginny was the perfect choice.

Unfortunately, Hermione knew nothing about matchmaking, but she did know magic. Luna was the one that came up with the idea of using a Love Potion. Love Potions are considered a form of magical mind control and are therefore illegal. Hermione had to search the Restricted Section of the library for weeks until she found something that she could use. There were old attraction potions for animals, used to ensure that livestock would breed even in times of drought and famine. She was confident that she could modify the potion to fit their needs. Hermione only planned to use a couple of drops, so she would have to increase the potions potency to twenty times its original effectiveness.

For the last two weeks before the break, she and Luna had been gathering everything she would need to make the potion. Hermione knew that Luna had an ulterior motive for helping her. They were both going to the Burrow for Christmas Eve to spend the rest of the holidays with the Weasleys and Harry. The plan was to slip Harry the potion just before midnight, New Year's Eve, and make sure he and Ginny were alone together for a midnight kiss. She suspected Luna planned to use some of the potion on Ron as well. This was just fine with Hermione. Ron hadn't shown any interest in Luna yet, but he had shown some interest in her. Hermione had no wish to be in a romantic relationship with anyone while she was still in school, especially not with her best friend.

Tonks had told her that Professor Snape always left the school during the holidays to work with the Order, so he shouldn't be the dungeon during the holidays. On the first day of the break, she waited for Slughorn the new Potions Master to leave. She would need seven undisturbed hours in the Potions classroom to complete her task. It was almost noon before she spotted Slughorn from her dorm window, leaving by the main gate. She quickly gathered up all her ingredients and Potions books and headed for the dungeons. As soon as she made sure that there was no one around to disturb her, she set to work on her potion.

Hermione used a large twenty-liter cauldron. She would have to boil down the ingredients to a reduction in order to concentrate the potion's strength. About three hours into the process, the heat and the steam from the cauldron began making the classroom very uncomfortable. To get some relief, she removed her school robes, jumper and tie. She had to keep pulling on her blouse to prevent it from sticking to her skin.

After six hours, the potion was nearly complete; all she had to do was add a pinch of Powdered Bloodworms to it. The Bloodworms would cause the potion to evaporate more quickly, concentrating it to the desired potency.

As soon as she thought the potion had reached its final stage, she picked up the jar of Powdered Bloodworms and took out a pinch to add to the cauldron.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE MISS GRANGER!" a voice yelled from behind her.

She was so startled by the voice that she dropped the entire jar of Bloodworms into the potion. She watched as the jar disappeared below the surface and sank to the bottom. As violet-colored fumes rose from the cauldron her shoulders slumped with the realization the potion had been ruined.

"Well, Miss Granger, I'm waiting for an explanation," the voice said.

She turned to see Professor Snape standing a couple of feet behind her. She silently cursed herself for not putting a locking charm on the door. Quickly thinking up what she hoped would be a believable lie she said, "Professor, I was just experimenting with a new potion I thought I might use next year for my Potions N.E.W.T's. It's never too early to start, you know."

"I see," he said, with a sneer on his face. He then swept past her to the other side of her worktable. He placed both of his hands on the table, bending forward to stare her straight in the eyes, and said through clenched teeth, "Miss Granger, I'm sure you're aware that it's against school rules for a student to attempt a potion without a teacher present."

Hermione bit her bottom lip nervously as she tried to think of something that would get her out of this mess. Finally she said, "Sorry Professor, I really didn't want to disturb any of the staff while they were on holiday. I had heard that you would be gone for the break and didn't think you would mind."

Snape continued to stare at her with his cold, dark eyes and said menacingly, "Miss Granger, you of all people should know why we have this rule in effect. You spent a week in the infirmary after attempting a similar bit of folly your second year, did you not?"

"Yes, Professor," she answered weakly.

He took his attention away from her and looked down at the remaining ingredients on the table. With out looking up he asked her, "Just what sort of potion were you attempting Miss Granger?"

"It's a form of Pepper-up Potion I thought I'd try. I was hoping to make it last a little longer," she answered.

She knew the ingredient to that potion were very close to what she had on the table. As she finished her answer she glanced up to meet Snape's look of obvious disbelief, his right eyebrow raised high.

With an air of knowing superiority to his voice, he said, "Miss Granger, I have been around immature hormonal teenagers long enough to spot a Love Potion when I see one."

Hermione couldn't speak; she just stared at her Professor as cold fear clutched at her heart. The Potions Master looked frighteningly dangerous to her as he stood amid the swirling, purple fumes of her failed potion.

"Miss Granger, Love Potions are highly illegal. Just attempting to make one is grounds for a student's expulsion," he said darkly.

The thought of being expelled made Hermione start to tremble. She knew that Snape wouldn't pass up any opportunity to get her or one of her friends kicked out of Hogwarts.

"Unfortunately, Miss Granger, I have yet to get the Headmaster to agree to expel any student for this crime to date. I doubt that he or Professor McGonagall will make a exception for you." Hermione let out a small sigh of relief at hearing she wouldn't be expelled. "But, Miss Granger, since you decided to use my dungeon for your little criminal enterprise, it is well within my authority to punish you as I see fit. Seventy-five points from Gryffindor and one week's detention with Mr. Filch as soon as the new term starts."

Hermione felt terrible. She hadn't lost this many house points since her first year and a week's detention in the middle of winter with Filch was not going to be any picnic. But she also knew it could have been a lot worse.

Leaning in from across the table, Snape looked her straight in the eyes again. He then said in a low menacing voice, "Miss Granger, I will also be sending a note to Madam Pince in the Library letting her know that you are to be banned from the Restricted Section for the next two school terms."

Hermione stood there in shock; this was almost as bad as being expelled. There was no way she could properly prepare for her N.E.W.T's without the books in the Restricted Section. The greasy bastard knew just how to hurt her.

Hermione was just about to protest the Professor's ban when she noticed that he was no longer looking her in the eye. Instead he was staring quite intensely at her chest. When she looked down she noticed her white blouse was stuck to her. Six hours in the hot, humid room had made it nearly see-through. Both B-cups of her bra were clearly visible. 'This perverted Troll is staring at my breasts,' she thought to herself. She looked back up at him. Just as she was about to confront him with his behavior, she noticed that he was doing something that she had never seen him do in the six years she has known him. Professor Snape was sweating, not just a little but a lot.

Concerned that there might be something wrong with him, she said, "Professor, are you feeling ok?"

The sound of her voice seemed to snap him out of his trance. He shook his head, as if to remove the cobwebs from his brain. He looked her in the eyes and then looked down at the cauldron between them. "Miss Granger, just what did you drop in this potion when I entered the room?" he asked.

"A jar of Powdered Bloodworm, Professor," she answered.

"A whole jar?"

"Yes sir."

Snape looked around at the violet-colored steam that continued to fill the room. "The Bloodworm is vaporizing the potion. I'll have to get rid of this before everyone in the castle is poisoned," he said. He took his wand out of his robe and pointed it at the cauldron. His wand hand started to shake.

To Hermione, it appeared as if he was having trouble remembering the banishing spell; a spell he'd used every day in his class for years. She noticed the sweat was still pouring from his brow. She stared at his long, crooked nose and then looked down at his long, graceful hands. 'I wonder if the rest of him is so well proportioned.' She was stunned at the thought that had just run through her head. 'I can't believe I just had a sexual thought about Professor Snape.' She suddenly realized in horror that the potion fumes must be affecting them.

Snape's shaking was starting to get worse. He dropped his wand on the floor and tightly gripped the sides of the table with both his hands. "Are you all right, Professor?" she asked.

"Miss Granger, please leave this room immediately." His eyes were tightly close and now his legs were starting to tremble.

"Professor, maybe you should come with me. I think you need to see Madam Pomfrey."

"Just do as you are told, Miss Granger," he ground out between clenched teeth, his voice beginning to crack.

"Yes, Professor," she said as she headed for the door. As she reached the steps and placed her hand on the door handle, she noticed that the potion fumes had gathered above her in the doorway. "Professor, if I open the door, the fumes will escape into the rest of the school."


Hermione didn't know if he was threatening her or just concerned about the effect the fumes would have on her. Snape's legs finally gave out on him; he sank to the floor on his knees. Hermione didn't know if it was the potion fumes or something else, but she couldn't bring herself to leave, not with the Professor still in this condition. She released the door handle and made her way back through the violet fumes until she stood next to him.

She reached down and grabbed him by the right arm. With all her strength she lifted him to his feet. His face was contorted as if in pain; his eyes were still tightly shut. Hermione placed a hand on his right cheek and said, "Don't worry Sir, I won't leave."

Snape's eyes flew open at the sound of her voice. They were no longer the cold, unfeeling eyes she had become use to; they were the eyes of a hungry predator that had spotted its prey. Suddenly afraid, Hermione quickly withdrew her hand from his face. Snape stood up, towering in front of her; his shakes seemed to have left him. When she looked up into his eyes, she could tell that the hunger there was only growing stronger. 'Run you stupid girl before he kills you,' the voice in her head told her, but her body refused to listen. Part of her was terrified, only wanting to flee. But the part of her that was in control only wanted to see what he would do next.

Suddenly, Snape reached out and grabbed her under her armpits with both his hands. He lifted her straight into the air as if she weighed nothing. He then spun around and dropped her on a nearby empty worktable. The wind was knocked out of her when she landed on her back. In a flash he was hovering over her. He placed both of his hands on her breasts, slowly kneading them with his powerful hands. He then closed his fists grabbing hold of her blouse. With a single powerful pull, he tore open her blouse sending buttons flying in every direction. Hermione sucked in a quick breath as the warm air in the room rushed over her exposed chest. She desperately wanted to tell him to stop, but couldn't get any words to form in her mouth.

(Edited for content)

Snape took hold of the cups of her bra with both his hands; he pulled them down below her breasts exposing her naked chest. He quickly lowered his mouth to her left beast. Hermione couldn't believe the sensations that were running through her body as he started to tease her with his tongue.

She had never felt more confused; her right hand was on his shoulder trying to push him away, while her left hand was buried in his hair holding him to her breast. Snape switched from her left breast to her right. She let out a low moan as he started to pleasure her right side. His mouth seemed charged, sending electricity through her, filling her body with sexual energy.

After a couple a minutes, Snape lifted his head from her chest looking her in the eyes again. Hermione looked back at him, disappointed that he had stopped. He slid down her body and off the table. He then placed his arms under her knees and lifted her legs skyward. With one hand he pushed her pleated skirt up over her abdomen and buttocks exposing her belly and blue and white striped knickers. He grabbed the waistband with his right hand and with one mighty pull ripped her knickers from her.

Snape didn't waste any time, he ran his power hands over her chest, down her stomach and even further until he had explored all of her with his sensitive fingers. Hermione's body jerked in response as she began to moan uncontrollably at his touch. The sensation was so powerful it caused her to arch her back off the table so that only the back of her head and her buttock were supporting her as she writhed in pleasure. Hermione didn't know why, but she desperately needed his touch. She needed him to touch her in a way no one ever has before.

She could feel the force of her passion building within her and knew that she couldn't control it much longer. It wasn't long before the pleasure overtook her. A throbbing wave of energy burst through her body as she let out a howl of ecstasy. She lay perfectly still upon the tabletop, trying to catch her breath. There was almost no strength left in her body.

Snape rose up in front of her. He reached out and took hold of her hips with his hands and slid her off the table. He then spun her around and pressed her chest flat on the tabletop. Her naked bum was completely exposed to him.

As Hermione lay there trying to catch her breath, she could hear him tearing at his clothes. Within seconds she heard his trousers hit the floor. She could not believe that she was about to lose her virginity here in the Potions classroom to the most hated Professor in Hogwarts. She was only seventeen and he had to be nearly forty. Even so, there was no place or situation she would rather be in than the one she was in right now.

Snape leaned forward, pressing his bare chest against her back. He brought his head down next to hers as if he was going to whisper something in her ear, but he said nothing. Instead, he opened his mouth and took her sensitive earlobe in his teeth. He bit down on her ear, as he began to make love to her. This was her first time, so there was pain, but it was completely overshadowed by her carnal lust for pleasure.

Snape placed his left hand under her chin and lifted her head from the table. He then placed his right hand on her breast. They were in perfect rhythm with each other. Snape then placed both of his hands on her shoulders. She griped the far side of the table, digging her nails into the wood.

Hermione could feel the tension building in her body once again; it was even greater than before. Suddenly she felt a burst of energy fill her insides as Snape let out a scream of his own. Tremors rocked through her body once again and she quickly joined her Professor in his release.

With all the energy quickly leaking out of her, Hermione was unable to hold on to the table. As the strength left her legs she fell back into Snape, sending them both sliding to the floor. Lying there, she could feel his hot breath on the back of her neck. She was still desperately trying to catch her own breath. With every last bit of energy drained from their bodies, unconsciousness quickly overtook them both.


(End of edit)

When Hermione finally woke, it was to discover she was in the school infirmary. It was now morning. She looked up to find herself staring into the eyes of a very worried-looking Dumbledore and a very angry-looking Remus Lupin.


Next chapter coming soon.

If you've read this story on another site, you know the scene between Snape and Hermione has been tame down a lot. It was necessary to make this story fit ratings guidelines. If you want the read the uncut version of this story and you're at least eighteen, please go to my author's page and click on the ashwinder.sycophanthex Link.

Please review. Let me know what you think.