Now you know why I warned Elyon lovers. This story is almost over, I'm going to make a big twist. It could be bad or good.


Cornelia woke and felt the sun shining on her nightgown.

She was about to pull herself out of bed when she felt two giant arms wrap more around her waist.

She turned her face a little to see her Caleb sleeping soundly beside her.

"Cornelia? It's 11:30, get up!" Cornelia grunted when she heard her mother's statement.

"And I thought you were sleeping over at Will's." As soon as she heard this, she wished her she hadn't.

Cornelia had gone through the only portal she knew about, the one behind the dumpster.

From there she brought Caleb to her house…..and I guess they ended up sleeping together.

She blushed as she thought about this.

Another thought came to mind, her parents didn't know Caleb was here.

She shrieked when she saw her door open and her father stepped in.

Her father turned to her and raised his eyebrows when he saw her with Caleb.

"It was only a matter of time." He said with a head shake.

"Matter of time?" Cornelia's mother asked as she came in behind her father.

Cornelia shrieked again as she saw her mother stare at the man in a bed with her daughter.

"So……….who is he?" Her father asked with a smirk.

Cornelia was calmer thanks to her dad's question, except her mother was now staring in shock and It was getting on her nerves.

"He's my …..boyfriend." Cornelia smiled at her parents to make it sound more believable.

"Hey." Caleb said in a low voice.

"Young man, do you know what could happen when you sleep with someone?" Cornelia mother asked, trying to get Caleb to look like a jerk.

Caleb went straight into talking about how a child was born in and out of the mother's belly.

Cornelia blushed so red she thought she might faint any second.

Though her mother was speechless which made Cornelia smirk in her head.

"He's a smart one. How long have you been dating?" Her father asked a more specific question.

"Dating?" Caleb looked at Cornelia and when she nodded at him, he continued on.

"It's been about 8 months." Caleb said as he tapped his chin as he pretended to ponder the question.

Cornelia recalled 8 months ago, thats the first time Caleb and her kissed.

"Thats a long time, why haven't we heard anything about this?" Her father asked with a more serious look.

"I didn't want you guys to get worried and this is our first big step." Cornelia added some points and looked at Caleb for some more help.

"We wanted to surprise you when we make your super special family meal tonight." Caleb said with a smile that would make anyone believe him.

Her mother finally snapped out of her day dream and gave a weak smile.

"Special dinner?" She asked with her smile growing.

"Ya. Cornelia wanted to surprise you with a special meal. She wanted us to meet each other on good standards." Caleb said to her mother.

"You cook!" Her mother looked so enthused.

"We didn't really meet on good standards." Mr. Hale said as he extended his hand over Cornelia and towards Caleb.

Caleb sat up and shook her father's hand, who smiled so much she thought he might blow.

"Strong grip." Her father winked at her as he shook Caleb's hand one more time.

"I'm Caleb by the way." He said as he gave a Cornelia a look that probably was a hint that they needed to end this conversation soon.

"Well, Caleb you can come over anytime you want." Mrs. Hale smiled as she still looked at Caleb's upper body.

Caleb had slept only with his baggy rebel pants on, therefore his upper body muscles were very visible.

"Don't get any ideas mom." Cornelia laughed when her mom turned away immediately.

Then Caleb and her father joined in the laughing until her mother dragged her husband out of the room.

"Their nice." He said and stood up to stretch.

"Your the only boyfriend they actually warmed up to." Cornelia smiled as she admired her boyfriend infront of her.

"Well they better like me because I'm going to be around for awhile." He smirked before planting a kiss on her lips and then heading out into the hallway to find the shower.


Cornelia smiled as she recapped everything that just happened.

She just thought her parents were going to freak out, ground her and make sure Caleb's life was a living hell.

Caleb though, always seemed to make good first impressions. He knew how to talk to people.

Maybe he's the one. Maybe I truly do love Caleb.


Caleb stared the little girl right in the eyes.

It was like one of those times you walk into a room and then someone's starring at you so you start a staring contest.

He got right in her face to try to force her to blink, unfortunately the little girl knew this was coming and she narrowed her eyes.

Caleb was almost frightened by this, she was defiantly related to Cornelia.

He almost blinked when he realised that Cornelia was probably wondering where he was.

The kid screamed at the top of her lungs causing Caleb to focus more on her.


Cornelia heard her sister scream and jumped straight out of bed.

"Lillian!" Cornelia called but froze in spot when she saw her sister and boyfriend face to face sending grunting sounds at each other.

"Caleb!" He waved at her to acknowledge that he heard her.

"Lillian!" She screamed again but, this time the girl started waving her hands in the air and yelling at her.

She was too loud that no one could understand what she was saying.

"I don't know what you just said but……I WIN!" Caleb did a little victory pose which earned a giggle from Mrs. Hale.

Cornelia eyed her mother who just shrugged her shoulders.

"I called your school and told them you and Caleb were going to be late." Her mother said as she sipped her coffee again.

Caleb? He doesn't go to our school.

"Thanks, Mrs. Hale." Caleb said as he ran into the nearby bathroom.

Or does he?


Cornelia let herself fall against her locker as she felt Caleb's arms wrap around her waist.

They had just made it in time for Lunch, which meant they got the break before starting their next classes.

"You never told me you went to my school." She told him as he continued kissing lightly up her neck.

"I never showed up here, so I never bothered." He said between kisses.

She lifted his chin by placing her finger under his chin and then let their lips touch through gentle kisses.


Taranee stared with the rest of her friends.

Cornelia was in the hallways by her locker kissing some guys.

Taranee let the recent events run through her head.

After days of convincing their parents to let them have a sleepover on a weekday they were actually able to. Then they wake up to find Cornelia gone.

She never informed her for the whole day where she had gone. She was even late!

She is now kissing some new guy before even introducing him to them.

She looked around at the other girls to only find out that Irma was leading the groups towards Cornelia.

Irma coughed purposely a few times to get the two's attention.

They stopped immediately but, the boy still had his back to them.

"Hi guys!" Cornelia said with and oversized smile.

"Who's he?" Irma said as she shot her thumb up and jerked it in the boy's position.

"My boyfriend." She said as if it was obvious.

Irma immediately put her hands on her hips and gave a little 'huff'.

"Where were you?" Will asked in her leader voice.

"I needed to help someone." She said with an angry expression but, it softened when she looked at her boyfriend.

"You should of woke us." Will said emphasizing that anything one of them had to do was something they all had to deal with.

"Introdice us!" Hay Lin let out, obvious that she wanted to be in on every love story or relationship.

"You already know each other." Cornelia said and raised her eyebrows a them.

Taranee examined the boy again, she had never seen this guy in Heatherfield before.

He turned and sent them all a small smile and a wave.

"Caleb!" They all said at the same time.

"He's staying here for awhile." Cornelia said with a dreamy smile, not noticing her friends' shocked faces.

"I'll be back at your restaurant again, in the basement room." Caleb said as he looked at Hay Lin.

"Thank goodness! Dad keeps complaining to me how much better you were." Hay Lin sighed in relief.

Caleb staying? So now Cornelia gets her man when she tattled on Nigel and I.

Taranee turned away from the group and headed for her next class and saw the rest of the group do the same.


Taranee ran home after seeing Nigel hanging out with Caleb.

She wanted to see Nigel alone but, he was enjoying himself with his new friend.

Taranee was sure this was some way for Cornelia to embarrass her more.

Caleb was now Nigel's bud and he wouldn't stand up for her when Cornelia embarrassed her more.

She let small tears fall down her already tear stained face.

Elyon had told her about this.


"Cornelia always likes it when she gets everyone on her side."

Taranee looked at the girl in confusion.

Cornelia would never do something like that.

Then she glanced over at the Earth Guardian who was flirting with the rebel leader after the meeting.

Rebel leader?

Being with the rebel leader would get her above more people, more power.

"She really likes it when she gets all the boys on her side." Elyon finished off.

End of Flashback

Taranee collapsed on her bed and let the tears finally just fall at their own pace.

If Cornelia wanted to play this kinda game then, Taranee would too.


The doorbell rang and Taranee ignored it, her mother could get up from her work table and get it.

She heard her mother run down the stairs and open the door.

"What are you…….." Before her mother could finish she heard someone start singing.

So their singing wasn't that good but, when someone shows up at your door and sings you know it must be special.

She snuck down the stairs quietly.

It could be her dad trying to impress her over worked mother.

But when she reached the bottom of the steps she realised the person at the door was for her.

Nigel stood there with balloons tied around his wrist trying to reach the sky, chocolates stacked up in his arms and bouquets were under his arm pits.

He smiled as he continued his song, Taranee had never heard of it before but she still loved it.

Nigel handed a bouquet to her mother and then walked inside to give Taranee the other.

He smiled and she almost felt like she was going to collapse.

Nigel turned to Taranee's mother, who was sniffing the bouquet.

"I just can't stay away from your daughter. Will you allow me to date Taranee?" Nigel blushed a little but, got over it quickly.

"After this kind gesture, you can marry her." Taranee's mother laughed out.

"Mom!" Taranee said and blushed a crimson colour.

"Kidding. Yes, Nigel. You can date my daughter."

Nigel turned back to Taranee, who dived at him and embraced him.

She smiled as she let her face rest on his shoulder.

Cornelia. Your the best.


I decided I needed to do a Nigel and Taranee part. Cornelia and Caleb are now dating and……there's only one more chapter to go! I know, I'll miss you too. It will be a good one though…..this next chapter will be Cornelia's revenge!