He looked into her eyes and she looked into his.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer.

Cornelia leaned in and deeply kissed the boy.

She felt his hand caress her face as they held the kiss.

Neither wanted this to end.

"Cornelia, I..."

Before the boy could finish, Cornelia was suddenly woken.

She looked around to find the source, her sister sat bouncing on the spot on her bed.

"Lillian! I was having a nice dream!" Cornelia screamed at her sister.

"I know." Lillian started pushing out her lips and made kissing sounds.

"I wasn't..." Cornelia was interrupted before she could finish.

"Talking in your sleep!" Lillian giggled and nodded her head like a bobblehead.

Ignoring her sister, Cornelia looked at her alarm clock.

"Thanks Lillian, our talk has made me late for school." She pushed her sister out of the room and shut the door behind her.

Cornelia sat on the ground and stared out the window at the now rising sun.

She had another one of the dreams again, she was constantly having them now.

She always has had them, even when Elyon was with her. Now though, they were coming all the time, even in her daydreams.

They were driving her mad, she didn't even know if this boy was real or not.

She glanced at the drawing that was on her desktop. Elyon had drawn an exact copy of her dream-boy from Cornelia's description.

She stopped thinking about the boy and rushed to get ready for school.