A/N: Okay... I'm finally done! I have been busy with school and all that so... but here's the last chapter! enjoy!

Disclaimer: The LegendofZelda is not mine... (cries) but...Arith is! yay..!

Chapter eight

The sun was shining through the window, making Zelda wake slowly.

"U-uhn… what's going on?" She asked and looked around the room. Suddenly Impa came in. "So… you're finally awake princess." She said and grinned. "Yeah…somehow…"Zelda mumbled. "What happened yesterday?" Zelda went out of her bed to get her dress. "Oh…nothing really, you were just dancing around the castle until you fell unconscious." Impa answered. "W-what! Oh no… nothing else happened right?" Zelda squealed. "No, no. Nothing happened afterwards." Impa went over to Zelda to help her with her dress. "Oh, and by the way. The king wishes to talk to you before he travels." Impa said. "Travels?" Zelda said and blinked. "Don't tell me you forgot…! He told you that he is going to Terminian yesterday." Impa sighed. "O-oh, okay. I'll go to him now." Zelda finished and went out of the room. Zelda was greeted by many servants. "Hmm… Judging by today there must be about a dusin people here to greet me…" She sighed and went trough them all. Zelda reached the throne room and saw her father. "Okay…This must be the third time I have been called here this week or something…" Zelda thought. She went over to a table and sat down as close as she could to her father. "Zelda…" Her father said. She turned around to face him. "Do you know why I summoned you here today?" He continued. "Hmm… something about Terminian I guess." Zelda guessed. "Can't really remember after I got unconscious." She said bluntly and started to cut her food. "Well, it's about Arith though. Since Arith kidnapped you, causing all this trouble, and then killing himself, I have to go to Terminian for a while." Zelda looked up. She had completely forgotten about the whole thing. "And…When It's about that boy Link. I noticed your relationship with him. And since we…err… You can trust him, then you have to know you have my entire support in marriage." The king said and started to drink. Zelda was now filled with joy, and ran over to her father and hugged him. "Thank you!" She said smiling. "Now, now… Go to Link." He smiled. "I'm sure he'll be happy." Zelda went to her bedroom again. "I see you received some good news." A voice said from the window. Zelda slowly turned around to find Link. "So… what's the great news?" Link asked, making his childish appearance. Zelda blushed when he suddenly got closer and closer. "U-uhm… why don't we take a walk or something, outside." She laughed nervously. Link chirped an eyebrow. "You okay?" Link asked and placed a hand on her forehead. "Y-yes" It's just that… that… It's so hot inside! A-and… I'm all warmed up from before." She stuttered and dragged Link out of the room. "W-what?" Was all Link managed to say before he disappeared from the room.

The two of them ended up by the lake again. "It's such a nice weather today! It would have been a shame to stay inside." Zelda grinned and twirled around. Link was getting suspicious. Finally when Zelda sat down Link asked: "So… Is there something you want to tell me princess?" Zelda looked at him and then rested her head on his shoulder. "No… not really. Only that my father trusts you." Link rested his head on top of hers. "Wow… really? I need an approval of your old dad too now?" Link said teasingly. "Huh? He's not that old…" Zelda mumbled unable to find the right words. "So…! You agree with me? Hmm…old man." Link said and grinned devilish at Zelda. Zelda looked at him. "How dare you talk about the king like that!" she said mockingly. "He can't blame me, besides. I can always take you as a hostage." Link said and tried to look evil. Zelda laughed: "Bastard." Link turned around to face her. "What was that?" He blinked acting confused. "Is it right for a princess to be talking like that?" he said and lifted her chin. "You naughty princess." Zelda blushed when Link moved towards her. "N-no… It's just that… I…" Zelda couldn't finish when Link closed her lips with his own. Link caught the princess off guard, and she trembled a bit before she finally relaxed. Zelda's heart was beating really fast. "Of all the guys I've ever met… why Link?" She thought. Link released Zelda and sat beside her again. For Zelda that moment seemed like an eternity. "I-I'm sorry… I got too exited." He apologised. "No! No…It's alright. Don't worry!" Zelda said and smiled at Link. He blushed and rested his head on his hands. Zelda glanced at Link, and it was quite and enjoyable sight, she thought. He had that childish charm but still he was handsome and caring. Zelda's mind went wild. Link noticed that the princess was staring. "Something wrong?" He asked and blinked. "No… nothing's wrong." Zelda finished and bent down. She grabbed his collar and pressed her lips against his again. Link stiffened, but then he figured it out somehow. Zelda's heart started to beat really fast again, when she felt Link trying to deepen the kiss. She let him trough and they continued. The princess let out a small moan, and rested her forehead on his. "Link…?" Link looked up. "Yes?" Zelda grinned. "I love you. I really, really love you! And I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Link smiled: "I love you too, princess. Now let's not ruin the moment with those future plans of yours." He answered. "Jerk." Zelda laughed. Both of them lay down on the grass watching the sky, resting. The clouds were drifting slowly past them. After a long silence Link finally said: "Hey Zelda…!" Zelda faced him. "Mm…? What is it!" She could see Link blushing. "Do you want to marry me?" He asked without looking at her. Neither did she. "Of course Link. I really do." Joyful tears were running down her cheek. Link sat up and hugged Zelda, and said: "I will never let you go. I promise." After watching the sky for some time, both of them fell asleep by the lake.

"Hey princess…! It's time to get up now." A familiar voice said. Zelda's eyes fluttered open. "W-wha… where am I?" She looked around. "Oh, right! I'm by the lake… did I fall asleep?" She asked Link. "Yeah… we both did. Guess I have to take you to the castle now." Zelda joined Link on Epona and they rode towards the castle, ending up in the princess room. "Oh, by the way Zelda, where is your father?" Link turned around to the princess. "Ah… he's back in Terminian and cleaning up the mess after Arith!"

"Then… how is the king going to know…" Zelda picked up a pencil and some paper. "It's called a letter Link!" She grinned. "Don't you think I know?" Link whispered softly, his breath tickling her ear. Zelda smiled and kissed Link on the cheek before she continued: "Okay… what are we going to write to father…" Link sat down on the floor. "Well… nothing big I guess… just a normal letter…" Zelda frowned. "Hmpf… you're no use, guess I have to write myself." Link grinned. "I think you would do better without me. Besides, if I stay to close to you I may be doing something bad, and you won't be able to write." He smiled devilish. Zelda blushed, and tried to think of something desperately. Finally when she had managed to write half of the letter she was interrupted by Link. He was planting soft kisses all over her neck. "I'm sorry princess, but I can't stay away from you anymore." Zelda snickered. "You at least have to wait a little bit longer. I'm not done yet." Link sat down again, inpatient, like a small child. After another while she was finally done. Link almost threw himself over Zelda. "I don't know what I would have done without you princess." He muttered into her neck. Zelda smiled: "You wouldn't have last one minute Link." She mocked him. "Meanie…!" He said. "Stop acting like a child Link." Zelda faced him and smiled warmly. "I'm not acting like a child princess. Are you saying that I am one…?" He whispered, teasing her. "Yes, indeed you are." Zelda said dangerously near Link's face. "Guess I have to punish you then, princess." Link said sarcastic. "And just how are you going to do that my good sir?" She laughed. "By…A…Tickling fight!" He said and started to tickle Zelda madly. Zelda laughed so hard she was almost out of air. She tried to get away from him, but he was too strong and he continued to tickle her. "S-stop Link!" Link laughed, and looked at Zelda, removing some hair from her face. "Y-you can't make me surrender by using the same trick as last time." Link chirped an eyebrow. "Well then… I'll try another method. You ready?" Zelda swallowed hard. "Yeah… I guess…" She waited. "Well…here goes nothing…" He bent down and gave Zelda a deep kiss. Neither one of them wanted to let go. Zelda suddenly remembered; there was this handsome green clothed boy standing by the lake. Zelda was sure…since they met… It must have been fate.

A/N: so then... I'm done now! gotta think of my next story..xD Thanks for reading my story! Rewiews please..! i need them..trust me...! I hope this ending is okay.

Sage of Downtown Hyrule: I'm sorry for not updating in a long time but.. I managed somehow..! Thanks for reading!

A/N: Okay... I want to thank Greki for helping me! And Sage of Downtown Hyrule, poe-possesed and red werewolf for encouraging me! Thank you!