Chapter 14: Homeward Journey

It was a warm, sunny day in Rohan, and not four hours had passed since the regal party of Elves, Men and Hobbits had lost sight of Edoras over the horizon. The gloom of the departure had long since disappeared, and the riders were entertained with songs of the Shire, care of Merry and Pippin.

Galadriel's eyes had rarely left Mithra since leaving the city. The new King of Rohan had simply been permitted to kiss the hand of his departing lover, but the Lady of the Wood suspected the couple had bid their real goodbyes behind closed doors, as hinted the eyes of Theodred as he watched Mithra leave.

Mithra herself had not spoken a word since "Farewell," to Theodred, but simply stared into the distance with a look of great sorrow upon her fair visage.

Galadriel only diverted her attention from her as she was approached by Arwen, another whose eyes had been trained on the same sorrowful subject.

"Why did she do it?" the newly married Queen of Gondor asked quietly. "Why did she leave him?"

Galadriel shook her head solemnly. "I do not know." She paused and glanced at Mithra. "She came to me for advice, but I could give none. Perhaps she should have gone to you."

"I could have given her no advice, only tales of my own happiness with Elessar."

"But would that have been bad for her?"

They exchanged glances.

"I would never have expected her to choose as she did," Arwen continued. "She seemed very much in love with Theodred."

"She was, and now it seems she still is."

The Elves exchanged glances again, before both turning their eyes back to Mithra.

Suddenly, she stopped her horse and let out a cry of frustration. Many around her stopped to stare in amazement, but she rode to Galadriel, her chest rising and falling quickly and her eyes wet with tears.

"I knew this would be hard," she said, "But I did not think it would be quite so painful."

She looked back in the direction they had just come, her face openly displaying her longing and grief.

"It is not too late," Galadriel began slowly, "To change your mind."

The younger Elf thought to herself for a moment, before turning back to her superior with a sigh.

"You were right," she told her softly. "The answer was always in my heart, but I did not reveal it."

Arwen's face was a picture of amazement, but Galadriel smiled mysteriously. "There is nothing for you in Lorien," she said. "Your future is in Rohan, and I know you will be happy there."

Now a glorious smile spread across Mithra's face. "Thank you," she said, her voice a mixture of joy and relief that was wonderful to hear. Still on horseback, she embraced Galadriel, and her superior smiled fondly as they parted.

"I wish you every blessing for the future."

"And I bid you a fond farewell."

And, flashing them one last magnificent smile, Mithra shouted to her horse and galloped back from whence they had come, her long hair streaming out in the wind behind her.

"You will make a wonderful queen," Galadriel said.

Then, as she watched Mithra ride away, the Lady of Lorien began to chant softly:

'As Beren looked into her eyes

Within the shadows of her hair,

The trembling starlight of the skies

He saw there mirrored shimmering.

TinĂºviel the elven-fair,

Immortal maiden elven-wise,

About him cast her shadowy hair

And arms like silver glimmering.'


A/N: So here we are, finished at last. I'm sad to have Risen over and done with -- I've been working on this story for ages. I hope you liked the happy ending! I do, as I couldn't bear for my two heroes to be separated.

My next fic will be a King Kong one, up soon, I hope, so, if you're a fan of the film please take the time to glance through that!

Thanks for sticking with me to the end, all of your reviews have been greatly appreciated, and I look forward to any final ones you'll be generous enough to leave me!

Lots of love,

the green lama