DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters or the book! (Cries)

Edward's and Bella's POV

CH. 1


Today is Alice and Jasper's anniversary. Carslie is going to through them a party. Of course I was invited and Alice took me shopping as always. I think it was so sweet. She was so nervous. I couldn't help but laugh. How many has she had any way? She kept asking me what she should get for him. Like I know what Vampires like. Edward loves music. I know that to be true. Alice and Jasper are the cutest couple I have ever met. (Other then me and Edward of course.)

"Alice, Alice, I am sure whatever you buy he will love."

"Do you really think so? I mean I love him so much I just want to make this special…"

"Oh Alice that is the sweetest thing I have ever heard. Jasper is very lucky!"

"Edward is very lucky to have you as well."

"Thanks… but this is your day. Not mine."

"Hey, do you know were Jasper is?"

I showed Alice by zipping my lips. She pouted and I laughed.

"Too bad you can't read minds like Edward!"

Alice picked out a nice romantic card it read:

Ever since I met you, you have been my only one. I have loved you since I met you. When times get tough I hope you can lean on me and know to never give up. Even in our hard times we will always have our good times. I always want you in my life no matter how long life is. I want to fall asleep knowing I am safe in your arms. The way you smile, the way you laugh, reminded me of the day I met you. You were the one everyone loved, the one every one could trust. I hope you love my laugh, my smile, and everything as I do you. I want you to be with me forever. I love thee so with all my heart!

Happy anniversary!

Have you heard of anything so cute in your life? It makes me think of Edward. Did he think of me the way I thought of him? I loved and trusted with all my heart. He had saved my life countless times. He is my life, my love, my… everything. This makes me think. Will Edward and I ever have an anniversary? Would he even change me? I wanted to with him forever no like the vows so till death do we part. Not that me and Edward are thinking of getting married. Oh that would be heaven wouldn't it? I already know who would be my bride's maids Alice, Jessica, and even Rosalie. I know she dislikes me but I don't care she is still family to me. Like Alice, Jasper, Carslie, Esme, and Emmett! Even if I do die and Edward never changes me. I will always love them, just like my mother and Charlie.

"It's so cute! You should get it Alice!"

"Is it to… mushy?"

"Who cares? Do you love Jasper?"

"With all my heart!"

"Then I know he will adore it!"

"Thanks Bella!"

Finally the moment I have been waiting for.

"No it's payback!"

"Bella, what are you talking about?"

"Time to play dress up."

I laughed so hard. This was going to be fun. I threw her at least seven dressed to try on. Every one looked fabulous. Such a hard choice.

"Alice what is Jaspers favorite color?"


I told here to wear the green dress that I picked out and I would let her borrow my black hills that Edward bought for me at our lasts mall outing. Seriously I cannot take that man anywhere without him having to buy me something! Thinking about him made me sad. I missed him so much and I just saw him this morning. He is doing a good thing though with Jasper.

"Ok let's do your hair."

"How about I do yours. It is not so fun to be the doll you know. I want to be the hair dresser."

"Not so fun is it?" I giggled

"I see your point!"

"Alice we are almost done! I promise."

I turned her around so she could look at herself in the mirror.

"Wow, I look… pretty. But, will Jasper like it?"

"You worry too much!"

I looked out the window and saw Edward drive up in his Volvo with Jasper in shot gun. Jeez Edward won't let anyone drive his car. Not even me. I think I felt my heart stop as I head him coming up the stairs, Jasper following.

"Bella who is coming up the stairs is it Jasper?"

"Yes. But he cannot see you yet. Wait here!"


I jumped right out the door and slammed it shut. I saw Edward smiling at me. Trying hard not to laugh. I was completely out of breath. Jasper started to but Edward nudged him in the stomach.

"Hey Honey! What are doing here back…. So SOON?"

"We were done, Bella. Who is in there? Is it Alice?"

I could see Jasper anxious to see her but he would have to wait.

I walked over to Edward rubbed his arm. When he smiled I said,

"Edward I love you so much. I hate being apart from you. But if you go in there I will have to umm… kill ya."

Jasper look amused,

"What about me? How will you kill us?"

"Firstly if you go in there jasper it will be your last anniversary. And I don't know how to kill you two. But, if there is a way… I will find it!"

"Oh, Bella she is only my sister!" Edward replied

"HEY!" I heard Alice yell behind the door

"Fine I will be nice and leave! I will go see if Carslie needs help since my girlfriend doesn't need me."

I smiled and walked over him. He smiled again. Dazzling me as always.

"You're doing it again. Anyways, I do need you just not right now… I will see you at dinner. And who knows maybe I will dance with you tonight."

He kissed me shortly. Then he and Jasper took off down stairs. 'Finally', I though good thing Edward couldn't hear me.

I walked back into Alice's room and she was putting on make-up. She looked so gorgeous.

"I can't wait to see Jasper's face. I never dress up! I love him so much!"

"I bet you do. Did you hear everything we said outside? I can totally tell he is anxious. He didn't even glance at Edward and me, only the door."

"Oh stop it!" She was excited.

"It's true .He is as excited as you."

"You are a true friend Bella and even maybe soon to be my sister."

This made me sad. I know that Edward would never marry me as long as I was human. I had to be a vampire. It might look weird to see some eighty year old holding hands with someone young enough to be her grandson. I don't even want to think about it.

"I doubt it. I will not happen unless he changes me."

"Bella you know I had a vision. Edward loves you too much to let you go. He will relize how stupid he is for waiting so long soon enough. Now let's get you dressed. You can't wear pants and a purple tee now can you?"

"I guess you're right."

I got my black dress out of my bag that I had brought over. I borrowed Alice's cute white hills since she was borrowing my shoes. I pinned my hair up and had a piece hang down and curled with my curling iron. Alice applied my make-up. She even put eye liner on me. Which by the way I never wore, because I couldn't apply make-up at all! I had to say I looked good as well. Alice though was glowing. I had never scene her like this before. Then I heard Carslie yell up the stairs,

"Sorry girls! Time to come down now."

Alice was nervous, she was shaking. I just told her to 'relax' and take a deep breath.

I was the first to come down since Alice needed to be last for attention since this was her day. As the people down stairs heard my foot steps they came to the stairs. Now I was getting nervous. I saw Edward's smile and I saw his beautiful gold eyes. He was awestruck by my appearance. I barley dressed up let alone wearing high hills. He glanced up and down and smiled at me. When I was down he took me by the arm and said,

"Hey, pretty lady! Could I be your escort? If you don't already have one… that is…"

"Actually I do. He is tall dark and handsome. Oh and did I mention he is a vampire?"

"No you didn't. Sounds like me though."

"Because it is!"

I kissed him passionately until I heard Alice coming down stairs. She looked like a movie star. Jasper didn't move. He just stared. You could have tipped him over and he wouldn't notice?

"Edward what is he thinking?"
"How lucky he is to have her in his life."


Edward just massaged my hand. When she finally got down she walked over to Jasper and twirled around.

"How do I look?"

"Amazing… it's my favorite color…Happy anniversary!"

In my mind I said awe again. It was just so cute! Seeing them together.

We sat down at thee table and poured champagne.

"I thought…"

Alice came over to me and said,

"Just because we drink blood doesn't mean we can't eat or drink."

Soon as she said this Jasper tapped his glass and stood.

"I would like to propose a toast to the love of my life. Alice you have always been there for me and I love you so much. You are my life and knowing you are in my life makes my life have a meaning… I told myself I wouldn't cry… Alice sometimes I think why did you choose me and not someone else. Why did you kiss me and not someone else? You are my one and only… I know this sounds cheesy, but I just want to know that you have made me the happiest man on planet. I can't wait to spend another year of my life with you. But before I am done I have something for you. When we were married I never gave you this but I know you deserve it… I love you… will you wear this wedding ring?"

Alice stood shocked. She held out her hand and everyone clapped. Then she had one major make out session right then and there. It didn't matter if people were watching because they loved each other. Edward bent down and kissed my forehead. I smiled knowing maybe one day Edward might give this speech. That gave me hope. This was a wonderful day too remember.