Dear Readers,

Here's another dumb commercial rip-off. It's a follow-up to my "I Have Good News!" (in Series of Unfortunate Events category) I hope you all laugh. If you don't, then I guess I'd better work on my comedy.

Best regards from a bookworm,

Miss Pookamonga

PS: I own nothing that's already been copyrighted.

PPS: Good luck to anyone who's writing a research paper (like me). I hope you all get A+'s.

More Good News!


Harry, Ron, Hermione, Professor McGonagall, Ginny

Harry: Professor, my broomstick broke!

Professor M: WHAT?

Ron: That bloo—bumbling Draco Malfoy zapped it with his wand!

Hermione: I don't know why you all are so worried. I can easily fix that thing.

Ginny: You don't understand, Hermione, Draco put an Everlasting Separate spell on it. It can never be repaired!

Hermione: Everlasting Separate spell? What on earth is that? (starting to become frantic) I should know that spell! I know EVERY spell!

Ron: (Ignoring Hermione completely) So, Professor, can you fix it?

Harry: Yes, can you?

Professor M: Hmm…let me think. Ah, yes!

Ginny: What?

Harry and Ron: Can you fix it?

Professor M: Well, children, I have good news!

All except Hermione (who is screaming in frustration in the background): You can fix it!

Professor M: No. I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico!

Hermione: (pausing from her nervous breakdown and looking confused) But, Professor…you don't drive!

(Professor M puts on a befuddled smile)

Okay, really dumb. And I have no idea if there's Geico in the UK. But I hope it was funny.