Chapter 4

A/N: I guess I'm going to try to continue this even though no one reviews.

"Married"? Grissom asked perplexed.

"Well, Greg asked me to marry him and I said yes".

Grissom sighed, "Are you sure that's what you want"?


"I mean is this because of the baby or is it because you and Greg actually love each other"?

"Grissom, I love Greg I love Greg Sanders more than anything-even his over priced Hawaiian coffee".

Grissom laughed, "Well, ok but make sure this is something you want. People have babies all the time and they're not married".

"Grissom, if you don't want to be supportive of my wanting to marry Greg then GET OUT"! Sara said almost yelling pointing to the door.

"No! That's not what I meant by that. I want you to be happy and if you and Greg want to get married that's wonderful its not for me to decide I just want you to make sure its what you REALLY want and that you're not just doing it for the baby".

"I'm tired Grissom, can we talk later"?

"Of course, I'll see you tomorrow".

Sara turned away from Grissom not watching him leave.

Grissom had upset Sara and he knew that but he also caused Sara to think about something. Was this something she really wanted or was it because of the baby.