Title: Mad World

Summary: Something happens to Sara and Grissom takes it the hardest.

Pairings: No romance just G/S angst and Sara/Greg friendship.

A/N: Short story that came to me-actually I have no clue why it did but I just ran with it. The song is by Gary Jules. The idea actually came based off someone I knows life. So please be nice. Also, I don't think Sara would ever do what she does in my story but, like I said I had to run with it. R/R- thank you in advance.

'Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow
And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had'

Sara hadn't been happy for a long time. She had a few friends but they were at work. There was no one that wanted to hang out with her. She was different. Then again she didn't think that was so bad, because if everyone was pretty, thin and smart it would be a boring world, right? She had come to the conclusion that she was wrong.

She had a falling out with her best friend whom she shared everything with. Sara was the one that was the true friend. No matter what time it was she told her ex best friend that she could call when she needed her. Friendship was supposed to go both ways yet Sara felt like shit all the time.

She had enough. She couldn't take it anymore and nobody really seemed to care.

Sara took the razor blade make a small cut on her wrist towards her body.

'This isn't going to do anything, it'll bleed for a couple of minutes and I'll still be alive'.

This time Sara cut her other wrist making a larger incision and decided to go back to the first wrist and cut again.

Sara sighed. She wasn't going to die with a couple of simple cuts.

She went to her kitchen in search of a knife, a sharp knife.

She grabbed a knife and looked at her wrists which had stopped bleeding.

Taking the knife she took it to her wrists slicing them over and over again. She had started crying. She was thinking about what Grissom would say when they discovered her body.

'He'll probably be happy that he's rid of me'.

Sara had finally passed out and was in and out of consciousness. She heard a faint knock at her door but ignored it. Music played in the background.

"Sara, its Grissom open up".

"Go away"! She said trying to yell but it came out in a whisper.

Grissom knew something was wrong. He felt it deep down.

"If you don't open up I'm kicking the door down and I do mean that".

Sara was completely out, she never heard what he said, and even if she had she probably wouldn't have responded.

Grissom walked in and saw blood. He put some shoe covers on and walked towards the stereo turning the music down.

He walked towards the bathroom seeing more blood.

"Sara, please answer me". Grissom pleaded.

Grissom suddenly got a very sick feeling in his stomach as he turned the corner. Looking down he saw Sara lying in a pool of blood with a razor blade and knife beside her.

"Sara, honey can you hear me"? Grissom asked as he knelt down picking up her head so it rested in his lap.