Disclaimer: So… I don't own Harry Potter. If I did… I would not be sitting here in my dorm room in Indiana at my roommate's boyfriend's computer… I'm sure I would have one of my own…

Innocence Gone

Chapter 1

It was a foggy night and there she was walking alone in the city. Not a smart thing to do, but she just had to get some air. It had been a chaotic night with her family reunion and trying to hide what she was. After all, her parents were all for it, but what would happen if all her aunts and cousins found out? She didn't even want to think about it. She turned down an alley that didn't seem to scary and she got halfway down the alley when out of the shadows stepped a man about 18 in age with multiple piercings and tattoos.

Hermione backed away and started walking back to the entrance when another man stepped out of the shadows. Fright filled Hermione as she realized she was trapped and had left her wand back at the hotel.

"Hi there little girl. What are you doing out this late?" The first man asked.

"I am going back to my hotel. My mother will be looking for me," Hermione stated while trying to find an exit.

"Well it looks like you might be a little late," The other young man replied and grabbed her arms and held her with her back to him. Hermione started screaming until the first man covered her mouth with his hand. He then tore her pink blouse and tied it around her head as a gag.

Tears were streaming down her face and all she could think about was her stupid family and how they wouldn't approve of her being a witch. One of the young men held her and fondled her now exposed skin as the other man was lowering his pants. Her eyes widened as she finally understood what was really happening. She struggled but the young man slapped her and threw her on the ground where the other man climbed on top of her.

She was frozen in fear and couldn't do anything as he tore her skirt up and entered her body. Tears from a combination of pain and a feeling of hopelessness slithered down her face, mixing with some blood from cuts on her face.

2 hours later

Hermione stumbled down the alley trying to cover up as much as possible with her tattered and bloody clothes. She tripped and fell on her hands and knees in the street. Cars swerved around her honking non-stop. A woman got out of her car and walked over to her.

"Honey are you ok?"

Hermione slowly looked up at the woman. The woman looked down into her tear-streaked face. "Come on honey, I'll give you a ride." She helped Hermione stand up and get into her car. "Where can I bring you?"

"The Juniper Hotel. No wait." Hermione thought, I can't let my parents see me like this. Ron lives around here. Mrs. Weasley will take care of me. "Um can you bring me to the house outside of Ottery St. Catchpole ?"

"Yeah, my name is Bella. You lie back and I'll get you there, you poor thing."

Bella rang the doorbell on the Weasley's Burrow. To her eyes the Burrow looked like a normal house. Mrs. Weasley opened the door. "May I help you?"

"Hi. I'm Bella. I'm sorry for waking you up so late. I have a girl in my car that wanted to be dropped off here. I think something happened to her."

Mrs. Weasley walked over to the car. "Hermione? What happened?"

Hermione woke up with a start and started crying.

"Oh shush. Honey. It will be all right, I'll take care of you. Thank you again for bringing her here Bella.

"No problem. Just see that she gets some help."

"I will. Arthur, would you help Hermione in please?" He had followed Molly when she came out the door. He took Hermione's arm and helped her inside to the couch.

Molly ran upstairs for a pair of pajamas from Ginny's room. "Here Hermione, go in the bathroom and clean up. I will put some blankets on the couch and we will let you sleep. We can talk in the morning."

Hermione walked into the bathroom and took off her clothes. She had marks all over her body and blood on her skirt. She sank to the floor. "What am I going to do?" She cried for a few minutes but felt so dirty that she got up and turned the water on hot and scrubbed her skin with a washcloth. But no matter what she did, she couldn't feel clean.

The end… of this chappy. Please review so I know if people like it and if I should put up the next chapter!