This is my first Prison Break fic, if I got anything wrong according to first half of this season, please let me know, I didn't get a chance to see it because it was on at 9 and thats when I go to bed so I couldn't really watch it. Well, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Fox River, Sucre, Michael or Bellick, only the lady guard.


This dude is messed up. I understand he's trying to save his brother, but come on. Who wants to be thrown in prison? Especially Fox River. I suppose there's a method to his madness, but damned if I know what it is. Who am I talking about? Michael 'Fish' Scofield. My cellmate and as much my friend as a person can find in this dump. He's asleep for once, resting, taking a break from trying to break out. I know, I know, that sounds wrong, but hey, thats life. My name? Fernando Sucre. When I first met Michael, I thought he was insane, it took a while, but I guess I'm starting to like him. He's smart, unlike most of the braintrusts in here. Present company and relatives excluded of course. I'm lying awake tonight, which is a change of pace. He's usually the one keeping me awake with his stupid plans and waiting to let him back in the cell so we aren't discovered. Life can be hell around Michael Scofield.

"Will you go to sleep, you're keeping me up." I heard Michael rumble quietly. I roll over and stick my head over the side of the bed and give him my most charming grin.

"What a world, what a world!" I use my best Wicked Witch of the East Wizard of Oz impression. Being a smart guy, Michael gets the reference and smiles back.

"God, I hated that movie. Why did you watch it anyway?" Michael demanded, being in a better humor. I smile to myself as we talk quietly. Yeah, he can be a pain in the ass and a royal idiot sometimes, but he's okay and better than some of the people I've hung around with before. We talk until a passing guard comes and lightly taps the bars with her knuckle.

"Hey, back to sleep, what do you think this is? The Holiday Inn?" she asked and waved her hand. Michael, in a rare moment of stupidity, makes a smart crack.

"If this is the Holiday Inn, I wanna complain about the beds, they suck." Michael said with a grin. The lady guard smirked and shook her head.

"I'll take it under advisement, back to sleep, gentleman. The wake up call is in three hours." she said and moved on. Michael chuckled and shook his head.

"She won't last long." he said and rolled onto his side again.

"Who knows? She may take Bellick's job. At least she'd be better looking." I smirk and we both chuckle. "'Night, Scofield." I muttered and laid back down, I just barely hear Michael's mumbled reply.

"'Night, Sucre." he said groggily and drifted off. A few minutes later, gentle snoring is coming from the bottom bunk.

Yeah, Fox River is hell. But sometimes, having Michael Scofield around makes it easier.


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