Kiyo-Freedom-Chapter 1

Me: 5th Fanfic! Alright!

M.Meeca: Yeesh! How many are ya gonna start on?

Me: Just 5 right now.

M.Meeca: Alright. On with the story!

Me: Oh and by the way your not in this story.

M.Meeca: WHAT!

It was a quiet day and they haven't gottan into fight yet and dieing of bordom! Chiro, Sparx, and Nova were playing videogames with Nova winning everyone of them, Otto was asleep on the edge of his chair, Antauri was meditating, and Gibson was reading then Antauri went out of his meditation and said

"Monkey Team I sence something in Shuggazoom!"

"Alright! Monkeys Moblize!" Chiro yelled

----In Shuggazoom----

The monkey team got there and there was a huge group already! And then the team heard a voice:

"FREEDOM!" someone yelled

Sparx was wide eyed and moaned "Oh no."

"What you know who voice belongs to?" Noav asked

"That could be possible"

Then the team went though the crowd and their jaws dropped except Sparx he just slapped his head right there in front of them was a Dark Purple monkey with black eyes and she had a necklace with a yellow lightningand shekept yelling 'FREEDOM'

Then Sparx walked over to her (her back was facing him) and said firmly "Ki-yo-shi!" she turned around and yelled

"SPARKY ONIICHAN!" then she hugged him tight


"Oh sorry Oniichan!" she said letting him go the yelled "FREEDOM!" then Sparx grabbed her tail and dragged her tord the robot with the team following confused.

----In the robot----

"Let me go! Hey I have my right you know! I want my lawer! What kind of brother are you!" Kiyoshi yelled and Sparx still had a hold of her tail

"An Annoyed One!" he yelled back

"Wait wait wait! Did she just say 'Brother'?" Chiro asked

"Yeah this is Kiyoshi she's my little annoying Sister"

"Thank you, Thank you very much!" she said

"Why do you have that necklace?" Gibson asked while pionting at her necklace

Kiyoshi giggled and said "Sparx gave me this necklace when we were little."


"It was the only way to keep your big mouth shut" Sparx said

"What are you trying to say! That I talk alot!" Kiyoshi yelled

"Yeah because your a 'Miss Talk-en-Machine'!

"Oh that hurt Sparky!"

"Don't call me that, Kiyo!"

Kiyoshi then sticks her touge out at Sparx and he does the same then Nova whispered to the others "I can see how their related" and the others nodded in agreement

End of Chapter 1!

Me: Hope yall liked it! ((Looks at M.Meeca and blinks twice)) M.Meeca why are ya glaring at me that way?

M.Meeca: Eyebeam ((Shoots lasers from eyes))

Me: ((holds up a yellow and black sheild and rolls eyes)) She's angry because I didn't put her in the fanfic and she almost always shoots her lasers at me or S.K Bonehead, but mostly me.

M.Meeca: ((Keeps shooting eyebeams))

Me: ((Still holds sheild up and sighs)) Well Please Review!