Black Knight : The Chronicles of Potter

Disclaimer: You know as well as I do that I don't own this. So, I'm noting going to waste valuable time reaffirming the well-known fact.

AN: Welcome to the next thrilling installment of Black Knight. It's been awhile since we've had a nice chat so let me get down to business.

Chapter Two: The Arrangement

I always wondered what it would be like to die. Throughout my life I've come pretty close to doing just that, but somehow I always manage to find a way back.. Some say that I have the Devil's Luck, others just say I am none other than.

So who'd have thought that I'd be brought down by that shit eating Toombs and that fairy Johns. At least, they won't be forgetting me anytime soon. Toombs every time he looks in a mirror, and Johns well, let's just say that I'll never again miss my mark.

God, I fucking hate Mercs...

Albus sat behind his desk, contemplating his next move, a grave look upon his face. It had taken nearly all of his resources to find the boy, he'd even gone as far as hiring mercenaries the likes of William J. Johns and Nathaniel Toombs. A look of regret crossed his features as he pondered what had caused the short lapse of judgment when he commandeered those two for this job.

This was meant to be a quiet operation. Simply, find and retrieve Mister Potter and bring him to Hogwarts. He'd never expected them to barge into the school during the Sorting with armed weapons and a shackled teenager. Hopefully, Minerva would be able to handle the damage control.

He paused his musings as Minerva and Poppy burst into his office door. Both, were pale and seemed to be out of breath. Minerva was the first to speak.

"Headmaster, Albus he's gone. Potter's vanished from the Hospital Wing."

Albus straightened immediately. "When did you lose track of him?" he asked turning his attention to the distressed Matron. An indignant look graced her flushed face as Poppy gave him a harsh stare as if daring him to comment again on her abilities as a Healer.

"I did not lose track of him." she stressed still slightly irritated by the whole debacle. "I was going to perform the routine medical scans on him when I turned my back, and when I turned back to the bed he was gone."

Poppy's voice rose as she continued clearly stressed.

"I don't understand he was unconscious, nearly the entire time. How come he just vanish. He's just a boy can..." she broke off trying in vain not to let her emotions control her actions.

Albus nodded solemnly, "I completely understand Poppy. We will locate young Mister Potter and return him to you. Do not worry if you would please return to the Hospital Wing. Perhaps, he has returned to he previous station, and is awaiting your renown skills as a Healer."

Poppy nodded and left to return to the Hospital Wing. Minerva turned back to the Headmaster.

"Albus, I've alerted Argus and the other professors to be on the lookout for the boy. If they find him they will bring him here."

The Headmaster nodded and gave the woman a genuine smile. "Minerva, my dear what ever would I do without you. Many a time I have wondered. Let us hope that, that particular day will never come."

Minerva shot the Headmaster a look and turned to leave. "Yes, let that day never come. I shall continue the search, Goodnight Albus." With that she began to walked toward the door, only to pause at its frame.

Albus looked up from his desk one last time. "Is something wrong my dear?" Minerva shook her head softly. "No, just wondering what do you think he's like? Potter I mean."

"Do you think he'll be like Lily or James, and what was the point of those two brutes manhandling the boy like that. That in itself is appalling but the way he reacted it was so primitive like a blood thirsty Muggle. Are you sure this is the right thing, bringing the boy here?"

Albus sighed, he knew this was coming.

"It seems that Misters Johns and Toombs had prior encounters with young Harry, and as a result harbor some ill-will toward the lad probably, nothing more than a slight quarrel left unfinished. And it disappoints me to hear you, speak that way about Muggles. You of all people should know how such thoughts no matter how carelessly thrown can cause large problems."

"Besides the boy is harmless, after all he is just a child. Perhaps, when he becomes one of your Gryffindors, you'll be able to polish out his rough exterior."

Minerva turned and gave him a calculating stare. " You do know that I do have some say in who is admitted into this school, Albus. As Deputy Headmistress, it is my duty to ensure that the students of this school are safe. And I will do every in my power to ensure that they are."

Albus sat silently observing the woman. At that moment he was reminded of why the students often referred to her as the strictest professor to grace Hogwarts. A spry grin reached his lips.

"Minerva, you have my solemn vow that these children are safe. And no harm shall come to them, as long as I remain Headmaster of this fine establishment."

The Transfigurations Professor gave the Headmaster's comment a once over before nodding in agreement. "I'll see that you keep that vow Albus. I do not care even if his is a Potter or the Bloody Boy-Who-Lived, if he intentionally harms any of these students I will have him removed, immediately."

With those words spoken, Minerva turned and exited the Headmaster's office the door closing behind her. The moment Albus was sure that she was out of ear shoot, he turned towards the darkened corners to the left of the door and smiled serenely. "I do believe the coast is clear my boy. You may come forth and sit. I do believe that there are some things we need to discuss."

"Is that so..."

Slowly a tall figure stepped out of the shadows into the light. Dreadlocked hair pulled back into a ponytail, the figure tilted his head slightly and the light reflected softly off the opaque lenses of his black welder's goggles.

The man crossed his muscled arms across his chest and raised an eyebrow towards the old man, sitting behind the desk.

"Trust me, old man you and me we got a lot to discuss. So let's get started..."

Albus gave the man a truly genuine smile. "Yes, Mr. Potter I do believe we do. First let us begin with the reasons you left your childhood home?"

The man leaned forward and frowned deeply his baritone voice cold and hard as he gave his reply.

"Somethings are meant to be left dead and buried."

He leaned back and resumed his former position against the wall. "What I want to know is who the fuck are you,why the fuck am I here, what the fuck do you want, how the fuck did you find me."

He paused for a moment then nodded.

"Oh yeah and why the fuck should I not ghost you right fucking now, for sending those two rat sons-of-bitches after me."

Before Albus could register his movements the man was now in his face nearly nose to nose. He had to admit staring into the reflected lenses of the goggles made the action all the more aggressive. The man's lips curled into a snarl. His hands clenching the edge of the desk in anger.

Albus sighed softly and tried to think of where to begin, finally coming to a decision he motions for the man to sit while he collected his thoughts. Albus rested his elbows upon the hardwood desk and steeped his fingers.

Peering over them toward the young man waiting to see if he would comply. He nearly let a relieved breath when the man noticeably relaxed and returned to his former post against the wall, clearly refusing to sit so near to Albus.

"It seems that we will have to do a little catching up before I explained my reasons for bringing you here, against your will I might add. Let us begin nearly eighteen years ago, when I went to interview a young woman by the name of Sibyll Trelawney for the position of Divination Professor here at Hogwarts."

Albus paused to see if the man was absorbing the information, seeing his nod he continued to speak.

" I t was during the final stages of the interview that something incredible happened something that would jump start a series of unfortunate events that would cement your life in history as Harry Potter "The Boy-Who-Lived".

If i knew then what I knew now I probaly would have the the old man to go fuck himself. All it took were those three fucking little words that destroyed any chance of me getting away clean. When he gave me the choice between leaving and finding out who I really was I hesitated. That's all it took and he had me hook, line, and fucking sinker.

Destiny he said, in your blood as a Potter, fuck, The name's Riddick plain and simple always has been and always will be, nothing's goona change that.

There's always a choice, huh? That's a bunch of bull. There's never a choice, just what's expected.

Ain't life a bitch...

End Chapter

AN: So here's the real full chapter. I kinda split it in half when I realized that I was going on and on about how Dumbledore and Riddick talked about stuff. So in order to make it work for me I took almost the entire conversation and just X'd it out. Then I added a little stuff here and there. Next chapter will be Riddick's sorting and initial introduction as a student. Any guesses where he'll end up...until then later...TAKoUT