Black Knight : The Chronicles of Potter

Summary: Shortly after his sixth birthday, young Harry Potter escapes the abusive Dursley household, never to be seen again. Nine years later a vicious killer with the handle Riddick rises to take his place. Problem is...Riddick doesn't want anything to do with the destiny forced upon him.

a/n: Okay crappy summary yes but come on it's really hard to come up with an eye-catching summary. Anyway I hope you like warning swearing violence and maybe a little gore.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Richard B. Riddick, If I did Harry would be a lot more off-the-handle and COR would have been unrated and really violent and truly worthy of being called the sequel to Pitch Black.

Prologue : Escape

A guard leaned back in his chair slightly as he continued to keep his eyes on the video monitor. He'd been sitting there for nearly seven hours on end. He opened his mouth in a loud yawn. "Damn, I've got to get another fuckin' job. Boss has got me watching a fuckin' blank screen." The door to the guard tower surveillance room opened behind him. The guard didn't turn around; he knew it was his partner. "Hey, Doug. How's the beat tonight." Doug shrugged off his overcoat.

"Same as always, Will. The crazies and the psychos are schitzing out and the cons and murderers are fuckin' each other's asses." Doug sat down next to his partner and offered him a Styrofoam cup of coffee. Will took the steaming cup of coffee and smiled. "Doug man, you know me better than my wife." Doug raised an eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean?" Will gave him a look; then raised his eyebrow at him. "You know exactly how I like my coffee black as night and hot as hell. Not to mention you got the flavor right on the mark. It tastes like shit."

Doug started laughing and soon Will joined in. "Aw hell, Doug if I didn't know any better I'd say you were trying to seduce me." Doug shrugged. "Hey you never know." he turned to look at the surveillance monitors. "So has he done anything?" Will shook his head no not yet. But sometimes I can see him staring at me in the darkness." Will gave an involuntary shudder. "Gives me the fuckin' willies, man. All you can see are his eyes. And let me tell you man those aren't normal eyes."

Doug looked over at Will. "Willie man what the hell are you going on about?" Will continue to watch the screen. "His eyes glow in the dark. Kinda like a cat's. Y'know how when a cats or a deer is caught in the headlights of a car they glow. Well his eyes do that all the time. I'm just glad that he doesn't look at the camera all the time." Doug spun Will's chair around so that he and Will were face to face. "Run that last one back by me one more time. Are you saying that he know where one of the cameras are?" Will shook his head. "No that's not what I'm saying..."

Doug cut him off. "Whew, for a second there you almost had me. I know for a fact that he couldn't ha-" Will held up his hand to silence Doug. "Let me finish. What I was trying to say before you interrupted me was that he doesn't know where one of the cameras are-" Doug laughed. "Of course he doesn't know where the-"

"He knows where all of the cameras are. That's why we haven't seen him on the monitors. He knows where each an every camera down there is." Doug paled immediately. "You mean he could be anywhere. And we've got no way in hell to monitor his movements." Will swallowed and nodded solemnly. "In a nutshell." Doug looked at the monitor one more time. "Do you think that he has gotten out? I mean he could be anywhere."

Doug gripped his Beretta in his holster. "I'm going to check out his cell alright, Willie?" Will nodded. "Alright man, radio if you need backup." Doug smiled grimly and headed out the door and down the hall toward the maximum security wing dedicated to their guest of honor. "Holy shit. Please let me come back in one piece. He may be a kid, but the little shit's whacked."

Doug made his way past the pysch ward. He had to dispense a little justice toward some of the more violent 'loonies' on his way toward the max solitary. Once there he shined a light into the cell door food slot. He sighed in relief when he saw the huddled body in the corner. He turned and waved toward the hall camera. "Hey Willie he's still here." Doug laughed began he trek back the way he came. He whistled a happy tune as he skipped back to the surveillance room.

When he opened the door, he spotted Will still in his chair staring at the screen. "Hey Will he's still there. No worries right." Will didn't respond. Doug stepped into the dark room. "Willie, hey Will did you hear me. The brat's still in his cell, probably twiddling his fingers and sucking his thumbs in the fuckin' corner." He reached Will's chair a placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Will man are you in there?" Doug slapped Will's face a couple of times then reeled back in shock.

The moment his hands came into contact with Will's face he felt a sticky substance on his hands. "What the fuck?" Doug raised his hands to his face and he choked back a cry. In the pale blue light that erupted from the monitor screen his hands glowed slightly with the blood of his best friend. Doug turned Will's chair toward his and he fell to his knees, tears flowing freely now. The whole of Will's torso was covered in blood. His throat had been slashed from ear to ear.

Doug began to seethe with rage. He had gotten Will this job. A cushy paycheck to take home to his family. Will had a wife, kids, and a fucking life. Ever since they were kids Doug had always looked out fir Will. Always protected him and now he'd let Will down. No he hadn't not yet. He'd hunt down that little shit and he'd do to him what he'd down to Will.

"Where are you?" He shouted. "Where are you? You son-of-a-bitch! Come up so I can kill you." He rose to his feet and rushed to the door. He threw it open and yelled. "Come and get me you little shit! Come and get some!" In his rage Doug never notice the figure shrouded in shadows drop to the ground from the ceiling. Actually he never even noticed the knife blade that slashed his throat from behind. All he noticed as he fell to the ground drowning in his blood were those eyes... those cold heartless eyes and the emotionless face a the teenaged boy they belonged to...

With his last gurgling breath he managed to choke out the name. "Riddick."

End Chapter

Well what do you guys think? I'm on a roll now aren't I? I know that I promised that Hadou/AC/ and Legacy and Continuity would be up this week as well as All of the New Stories. But hey two of four ain't bad. Love the reviews keep them coming and I love getting feed back about my fics. I'll never figure out why I ever stopped writing in the first place. Anyway I building a new yahoo group it will be my new homepage check it out. It'll have all the old stories plus new ones. Anyway I'm going to work late into the night to finish AC chap 2 and Hadou chap 2 Primal Fury chapter 5 is on hold until I finish the first chapter of Betrayal the Prequel of sorts to PF chapter 2. So everyone will find out what happens to Harry and what everyone's up to while he's away. Note: Ron will be a major asshole. Also Harry is not the only human to be converted (read betrayal to find out what I mean) so in Primal Fury there will be enemies to face that are worst than Voldie heh heh heh. Also NEw Fics INclude PR: SGS or Sargess and some others. T.T.F.N. Matsu out...Deuces...