Author's note: I'd first like to mention that the two of them have yet to get a chance to meet like this in the manga. I forgot that he actually was taken to a completely different location after the whole arm cutting off incident. I would also like to tuch on the subject of the name. I realize that some translate it as Ran Fan and others as Lan Fan. Since I am NOT Japanese and therefore can neither speak the language nor read the actual manga I have no way of figuring out the way to spell her name in english unless I go to the author and ask. Since the prospect of me flying over to Japan any time soon is highly unlikely, I am forced to take faith in the translations I have read and there for am not wrong for what ever choice I make. That's what's called creative liscence. Thank you, and enjoy the drabble.

"What are you thinking?" he enquired, toying with the fact that she was no longer interested in continuing this conversation.

"I'm not."

"Yes you are," he shrugged nonchalantly. "It's impossible to not be thinking of anything and therefore, you must be thinking of something."

"I am not thinking about anything of interest."

"That is highly subjective."

"Young master…"

"Fine, fine. It's okay. It breaks my heart to think that you cannot express your thoughts to me, but as the future emperor, I must realize that there will be times when things do not go my way. No, no, don't worry about it. Oh, but what a horrible prince I must be to not even be able to listen to what my subjects have to say! I'm so ashamed!"

Young master…"

"It's fine. I'll drop the subject."

"Thank you." They sat for a few moments in silence.

Ling propped his elbow on the bedside table, resting his head on his fist, "But I really do think you would look stunning in pink."

"Young master," she repeated, this time with a hint of annoyance.

"Enough said, I'll be quiet." He turned his chair away from her and mumbled, "Well, you would."

With a slight twitch of the eye brows, Lan Fan decided that the best way to avoid a continuance of the conversation was to simply leave the room all together.

"Sit back down," he commanded. "If I am ever to see you wear a pink dress you must first recover."

"I didn't lose my legs."

"And I concurred; however, I also thought your common sense was intact. Apparently, I was mistaken."

"I'm sorry."

"For what? Losing your arm? I hardly think that calls for an apology."

"That's not-"

"Shut up. You're beginning to sound depressed." Ling turned back around to stare at Lan Fan quizzically. He tapped her forehead lightly, "Perhaps you really did lose you brain too."

She sighed, defeated, "Perhaps."

"There, there. That's better," he gleamed, patting her head. "And maybe tomorrow I'll go buy that dress."