This is only a teaser. I will be putting up the other chapters when ever I feel like it so there. It should be soon since I have 2 or so typed up already. This will be having slash in it so if you don't like then leave now. I will not be cutting anything out because that would be unfair to all those that want to read the whole story without any interruptions. I'm nicer then that. SO if you do not enjoy male on male sex, oral and other, then please do us all a favor and leave now. Oh and all the chars that are not mine belong to their respective author. So enjoy little boy's and girls. falls over with a far too happy and cheery smile on face. Oh yeah that hurt.


Pain coursed though Drizzt's body in torents. He and Queniver had been separated for the 6th time that week during a battle. An orc had some how managed to put it's sword though his thigh forcing him to flee at everyone's orders. The wound was nearly mortal. Only a few seconds later everyone else scattered in a somewhat orderly retreat.

"Guen, we need to find a place where I can wrap up my wounds and let you go back home to rest." Drizzt shuttered gently as chill after chill ran down his spine because of blood loss. "Guen…" He clutched at the black figurine hoping to send the cat home before he blacked out, that plan didn't work though. Blackness over took the drow.

Author: Thank you all and have a good night. bows