How to Get Back to where we started:

Background Information:

Belle loves Shawn.

Shawn loves Belle.

Mimi thinks she loves Shawn but when Rex returns to town her old feelings for him resurface.

Rex loves Mimi.

Phillip loves Belle, but is falling for new girl Madison.

Cassie loves Kevin.

Kevin loves Cassie.

Madison loves Phillip.

The problem with all this:

Belle is married to Phillip.

Shawn is married to Mimi.

Rex is dating Madison.

Kevin is dating Cassie.

Rex decided to move back to Salem because he felt that his family needed him(because Chelsea hit Zack with her car & he is in critical condition his niece hit his cousin with a car.) He was also offered the job of Head Heart Surgeon at Salem Memorial Hospital. So when he moved back he brought his girlfriend Madison with him. They moved into a loft right above Mimi & Shawn. (He still loves Mimi but started dating when Cassie told him the only way to get over her was to move on.) Cassie met Kevin Lambert when she moved to New York with Rex. They began dating and when Rex and Madison decided to move back to Salem, they went with them & live in a loft directly above Belle & Phillip. Claire is Shawn's daughter but the only people that know the truth are Kate, Bonnie and Victor. (I don't want Mimi to know because I don't want to write it where everyone is either forgiving of her or hates her.) Mimi and Shawn adopted a son just two months after marrying. They named him Patrick Beauregard Brady. He was a newborn when they adopted him. This story takes place just a year after the wedding. Rex, Cassie, Madison & Kevin moved back to Salem just four months after Shawn & Mimi's nuptials. All of the group are friends.

This is the story of how the group gets what they want.