Chapter 16 – Deadly Fate.

Sarah continued to grasp the wall as Lorenzo approached her.

"Come my dear…don't be frightened. You shall become part of me!"

His eyes glanced over her frightened quivering body. He could see her voluptuous body through her nightgown. Her heaving breasts, her quivering thighs. Lorenzo licked his lips with a laugh.

"Well there is no harm in having some fun first…it's been so long…"

Sarah kicked at him furiously. She did not want his monster anywhere near her. Yet she was too weak for him as he pulled her up. He tore at her nightgown, revealing her pale meaty flesh. His lustful eyes gazed down on her as she began to lick at her skin, biting and kissing her flesh. Sarah shut her eyes tightly, her tears would not stop. She could feel his saliva dribble down her breasts as he sucked on her nipples. Forcefully he pushed her to the floor. He chuckled, forcing her face to the side.

"Look at your father! Look at his dead lifeless body!"

Sarah screamed, staring at the blood trickle from her father's body. Lorenzo pulled up his robe as he climbed on her, forcing himself inside of her roughly. He began fast and rough, not caring if she was in pain. It felt so good. He had not made love to a woman for many years now and he felt so alive. He grasped at Sarah's breasts as he thrusted with all his strength. He let out a large pleasurable moan as he came inside of her. Sarah had given up her struggle. She knew she was done for. Fiona would not make it in time.

Lorenzo smiled, giving Sarah a passionate kiss.

"Now…Sarah. I shall have your azoth!"

He began to make large spluttering coughing noises. Sarah gazed up. Her eyes widened in horror as his face lowered over hers once again. A strong sensation came over her. She could feel herself growing weaker and weaker. He was sucking out her life. Her last words filtered her mind as she became drowsy.

"Riccardo…I love you…"

Riccardo was outside; he was still looking for Debilitas. They had not seen him in months and he had no idea where he was. There was only once place left for him to check. It was the furnace. He thought to himself, maybe he had run off even though he knew Debilitas would not stand a chance on his own. To his surprise, he seen Debilitas' bisque doll lying near the furnace. He slowly approached it. He noticed in the shadows something large lying on the ground. As he approached it, he was horrified to see it was Debilitas. He was dead. Riccardo kneeled down with a sigh.

"What happened to you? You big oaf…"

As much as Riccardo was not fond of Debilitas, he was still his creation and sad for his loss. He gave another sigh and placed the doll by Debilitas. As he kneeled up he could hear hurried footsteps.

"Riccardo! Are you there?"

It was Fiona's voice. He wondered why on earth she was looking for him. He showed himself as she paused, running to him with concern on her face.

"Fiona…what on earth is the matter?"

Fiona caught her breath, Hewie rushed up beside them.

"Sarah…She's in danger! Someone's in there with her…a man! She was screaming and-"

Before she could say anymore, Riccardo ran off. Fiona followed as fast as she could but she was too tired. She stood there catching her breath as Riccardo ran off in the distance.

Riccardo ran up the stairs and past the rooms, running as fast as he could. He was full of panic and worry. Nothing he had felt before. Running to the door, he noticed it was locked. He fiercely kicked at the door with all his strength.

"Sarah! Are you alright? Speak to me!"

His patience was lost as he took the gun from his robe and shot at the door. He quickly flung it open and ran in.

He was too late.

Sarah lay there lifeless on the floor. Her nightgown lay torn on the floor beside her and so did Alonzo. Lorenzo was nowhere to be seen.

Riccardo ran over to her, kneeling down. Panic in his voice grew as he lifted her up in his arms, shaking her furiously.

"Sarah! Wake up! Please! No! Please…You can't be dead!"

Riccardo began to scream furiously, tears ran down his face. For the first time he realised how much Sarah had meant to him. She was gone. Riccardo held her close to him firmly, his tears still falling. He did not wish to let go wishing to keep her warm. Yet he could feel her grow colder the longer he held her. He did not know who could have done this but the more he thought about it, the more he realised. Debilitas' death and now Sarah's.

Riccardo looked behind him noticing the dead Alonzo. He remembered his face from Sarah's photo.

"You deserved to die…You trusted Lorenzo. You let him take Sarah away from me!"

His anger began to boil up inside him again.

"Lorenzo! I will fucking Kill you!"